Two minutes later, this scene happened. 

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    After Bei Yin Sen's subordinate's arm tilted by Bei Yin Cangmo's lighter, he squeezed the trigger, and with a bang, the bullet flew out at a speed invisible to the naked eyes, hitting Bei Yin Cangmo. 


    Zhuang Jinling, who was hiding in the city gate, was excited: "It hits." 

    Yes, it hit . 


    Bei Yin Cangmo frowned and raised his arm to check, only to see a hole in his sleeve and it rubbed against the surface of his arm, causing the skin to emit a tingling sensation. 


    Doubts flashed through his eyes. Just now, he clearly used a lighter to tilt the arm of the person who fired the gun. When he heard the gunshot, he also subconsciously avoided the direction of the bullet. How could the bullet still hit his sleeve? 


    Was it possible that the current bullet could turn like a missile? Or was someone else hiding in the dark and shoot him? 


    "Fuck you, let you shoot, let you shoot." Police Yang hurriedly pushed the shooter to the ground and punched him in the face. The onlookers were frightened when they heard the gunfire and hid in a safe place. 


    Zhuang Jinling, who peeked behind the city gate was happy. Although he didn't seriously hurt the male protagonist, it was fun. Especially when seeing the male protagonist confused, the mood could be described in one word, that was-cool. 


    Moreover, it was very funny. The only pity was that it didn't hurt the male protagonist. Oh, if you couldn't change it once, then change it twice, three times, and one day it would kill the male protagonist. 

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    Yaya, covering her mouth and giggling: "You hit dad scum." 


    "Hmph, I only hit his clothes. He won't be so lucky next time." Zhuang Jinling continued to flip through the book to see if he could change something again.


    There were not many people led by Bei Yin Sen compared with Bei Yin Cangmo, so he continued to fight, only at a loss, he ordered his own people: "Let's go." 


    The man who shot was kicked away by Yang Jing and was beaten on the ground before got up embarrassedly, when he passed by Bei Yin Cangmo, since he would be supported by Bei Yin Sen, he coughed and spit out a bloody sputum on Bei Yin Cangmo's feet.


    Of course, just two seconds ago, Zhuang Jinling, who was hiding behind the door, changed the words on his feet to face as quickly as possible, and the bloody sputum flew onto Bei Yin Cangmo's face. 


    At the moment, the whole scene fell silent. 


    The spitting man: "..." He obviously spit on his feet, why did the sputum fly to his face? 


    Bei Yin Cangmo: "..." The sputum would turn around, which was really weird. 


    Bei Yin Sen's other subordinate said to the spitting subordinates: "Brother, brother, you are good." 

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The spitting subordinate: "..." He didn't want to, really. 


    "Haha—" the laughter of the young children came from inside the city gate. 


    Everyone turned their heads and looked at them. A beautiful girl who looked similar to Bei Yin Cangmo stood inside the city gate and looked at them with a smile. 


    After that Zhuang Jinling quickly hugged the child back to the wall, he smiled and said, "My baby, let's keep a low profile, don't you think so?" 


    Yaya covered his mouth with a cute little hand to prevent herself from laughing too loudly: "Dad, we can't keep a low profile."




    "You have another task, that is to make everyone hate you." 


    Zhuang Jinling: "..." 


    Damn, this was the rhythm to kill him. 

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    Outside the city gate, Police Yang returned to his senses, and rushed to press the spitting man on the ground again: "you grandma is a bear (kind of curse), you dare to spit on my boss's face, you bastard just tired to live" 


    "Boss, help." The spitting man hurriedly asked for help from Bei Yin Sen. 


    Bei Yin Sen winked at the other subordinates and asked them to drag the spitting subordinate back, and sneered at Bei Yin Cangmo: "Bei Yin Cangmo, you won't be arrogant for long, let's go." 


    Bei Yin Cang Mo was originally the young grandson of Bei Yinzhi, the head of Bei Yin's family in the capital city. Because of the loss of his parents when he was born, he grew up with Bei Yinzhi since he was a child.


    Bei Yinzhi loved the little grandson very much, and always sent the best things to the little grandson. Bei Yin Cangmo had a high comprehension and he was quick to learn anything, but his roots were average. No matter how hard he trained, his internal strength, strength, physical stamina, etc. were always inferior, but Bei Yinzhi still loved him very much. Even wanted to pass on the position of the person in power to him, so he attracted the jealousy of his uncles and cousins, secretly not knowing how many stumbling blocks had been caused to Bei Yin Cangmo. And the good times did not last long. In a martial arts match, Bei Yinzhi was severely injured and could no longer manage the family affairs. In addition, Bei Yin Cangmo was still young and he was only fifteen years old and he was not able to take over. As the head of the Patriarch, Bei Yinzhi could only reluctantly transfer the position of the person in charge to others. 


    Since then, Bei Yin Cangmo’s life had undergone earth-shaking changes. The cost of food and clothing was worse than that of the domestic servants. People who only dared to bully him secretly dare to humiliate him on the open face, so Bei Yin Cangmo body  were hurt every day.


    In fact, everyone had another reason for Bei Yin Cangmo, that was, when Bei Yinzhi surrendered the position of power, he had agreed with the elders that when Bei Yin Cangmo was twenty-five years old, he would be able to participate in assessments to get the position in power.


    Everyone was worried that Bei Yinzhi would do everything possible to push Bei Yin Cangmo to the top, so they did everything possible to stop Bei Yin Cangmo, forced him to marry a man, lost his qualifications to participate in the assessment of the power holder, and then threw him for a thousand miles away. The Bei Yin branch of Hecheng, on the surface, said that it was allowed him to exercise, but in fact, they didn’t want him to stay in the main house to be an eyesore. Hecheng Bei Yin branch also received instructions from the main house of Bei Yin, so there was no need for the person in charge of the family took special care of him, and secretly hinted that the person who separated from the family would "take good" care of him. 


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    The branch of Bei Yin had always been slaves and dogs to the main house, which was also the reason why Bei Yinsen looked for Bei Yin Cangmo for trouble. There had long been a grievance and anger in his heart. Now that someone from the main house had send them in front of him to "take care" of him, of course he would not be polite with them.


    Bei Yin Cangmo was not easy to bully, he left the Bei Yin branch on the day he was sent to Hecheng and joined the National Defenders.


    The Guardian soldiers were like the existence of the ancient army. They were responsible for protecting the personal safety of the country and people. They were the armed forces of the country. Because of their existence, the arrogance of the family forces was suppressed, and the families did not dare to intervene too much in the guardian soldiers. Because of this, Bei Yin Cangmo could successfully enter the army and serve as the Guardian of the National Soldier, and now it was all because of Bei Yin Cangmo's own ability to become the captain of the Guardian of the National Soldier. 


    After Bei Yin Sen and the others left, Yang Jing took out a tissue from his pocket and walked to Bei Yin Cangmo, carefully wiped the sputum on his face: "Boss, are you okay?" 


    Bei Yin Cangmo with a dark face, he asked in a cold voice: "Did you see how the sputum was vomited on my face?" 




    Bei Yin Cangmo: "..." 


    Yang Jing took a new tissue again. Handed it to him: "Boss, don't be angry. Next time we see Bei Yin Sen, let the brothers spit out sputum and drown him." 


    "I'll wash my face." Bei Yin Cangmo turned and walked into the city with a tissue.


    Zhuang Jinling, who had been hiding behind the wall, pulled Yaya and quickly walked out to stop him.

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