Bei Yin Cangmo turned his gaze around his face, stopped on Zhuang Jinling's face, and looked at each of his facial features carefully, as if to find another figure from the other person's body. 

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    Zhuang Jinling was also looking at Bei Yin Cangmo. When he was in the Great Forest, what he most wanted to do every day was to beat up the male lead, but after changing the word just now, not only could he not beat the male lead, but he had to get close to the male protagonist to get more opportunities to change the words. 


    He had to say that the system was really cunning. It gave people a taste of sweetness at first, so as to arouse the enthusiasm of the other party and took the initiative to do the task.


    Zhuang Jinling waited for half a minute and did not wait until Bei Yin Cangmo asked him who he was, thinking that the other party should had guessed his identity. After all, except for his weight loss, his facial features and voice have not changed.


    Yaya, seeing that the two fathers were silent, she looked at Zhuang Jinling and Bei Yin Cangmo. 


    At this moment, a red off-road vehicle stopped beside them, the window lowered, revealing a beautiful face, she smiled and greeted: "Amo, I haven't seen you for a few days, do you have time to have lunch with me?"


    Zhuang Jinling looked at the beauty in the car. Judging from her heroic appearance and the description in the novel, the woman in the car should be Li Sang, the eldest lady of Hecheng Li’s family, who was responsible for managing the underground trading floor. Very capable strong woman. At first, it was just a mutually beneficial partner with Bei Yin Cangmo, and then gradually attracted by Bei Yin Cangmo and pursued him. In the near future, he would become one of the male protagonist's future bed partners. 


    Humph, the dog man was really beautiful. 


    Bei Yin Cangmo looked away from Zhuang Jinling's face, took out the cigarette case, and asked Li Sang, "Where to eat?" 


    "My office." The underground trading floor that Li Sang was responsible for was nearby, so it was convenient to bring goods from the outside. Those who came back went to her trading floor to trade. 


    "Okay." Bei Yin Cangmo held the cigarette to his mouth and stretched out his hand to open the door, only to hear a child yelling: "Dad."


    He paused slightly and turned his head to look at it.


    Li Sang saw a little girl who looked similar to Bei Yin Cangmo, and was startled. Bei Yin Cangmo actually had a child? when did it happen? Why didn't she receive the slightest news? 


    She looked at Zhuang Jinling. Was it the child born to this woman? 


    This woman looks really good, she was a strong opponent, but... 


    Li Sang looked at Zhuang Jinling's worn-out coat, his eyes flashed with disdain, she was not qualified to be her opponent at all, Bei Yin Cangmo would definitely not like someone who couldn't help him. 


    Yaya yelled again : "Dad."


    Zhuang Jinling: "..." Who said he was called dad scum? 


    Yaya, grievance said to her father: "Dad, don't go with the bad woman, okay ?"


     Zhuang Jinling: "..." 


    Li Sang: "..." The dead child actually said she was a bad woman. 


    Bei Yin Cangmo leaned on the roof of the car with one hand and curled his lips: "Girl, I am not your father." 


    "You are, you are my father."


     Yeah, he looked up at Zhuang Jinling: "Dad, you tell him quickly that he was my father." 


    Li Sang was taken aback, Dad? Is this man who looks like a woman a man? 


    Bei Yin Cangmo looked at Zhuang Jinling. 


    Zhuang Jinling knew that Yaya still didn’t give up on taking Bei Yin Cangmo as a father. He rubbed her little head and said softly, “Bei Yin Cangmo, you don’t recognize me as a partner. It will be too brutal if the daughter doesn't even recognize it." 


    "Partner?" Li Sang was a little dazed. It took a while before she remembered that four years ago, Bei Yin Cangmo did have a male wife who was forced to marry by the family, but wasn't the male wife dead? Why did it appear again?


    Bei Yin Cangmo squinted his eyes. Sure enough, the other party was Zhuang Jinling. He didn't die. Since he didn't die, where did he go in the past four years? There was also how Zhuang Jinling has changed so much. It could be said that he could no longer find the shadow of the past.


    "Dad." Yaya happily ran over and hugged Bei Yin Cangmo's calf, raised his head, and smiled brightly at him. 


    Bei Yin Cangmo: "..." 


    In the past few years, he had kept his energy and yang in order to practice the exercises, let alone having sex with women, so it was impossible for him to have children with others. 


    Bei Yin Cangmo lit the cigarerette, took a sip, bowed his head and vomited. 


    "Ahem." Yaya quickly retracted his small hand to cover his nose and mouth: "Smelly." 


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    "I said for the last time, I'm really not your father." Bei Yin Cangmo sneered, opened the car door and sat on it. 


    Yaya quickly turned his head and blinked at Zhuang Jinling twice. This was a sign to make the other party pretended to be sick. 


    Once the two were too boring in the forest, they used a bunch of secret codes to cultivate the tacit understanding between them, and they survived in the big forest because of the high tacit understanding between the two. 


    Zhuang Jinling didn't hesitate to do what she wanted: "Um..."


    He clutched his chest and looked out of breath. Then, as soon as his body became weak, the person collapsed on the ground. He was pale and bloodless, and coupled with his superb acting skills, Li Sang was fooled. 


    She was about to drive away when she saw Zhuang Jinling lying on the ground, looking at Bei Yin Cangmo through the rearview mirror, not knowing what he would do. 


    "Dad——" Yaya hurriedly ran back and shook Zhuang Jinling's body: "Dad, are you okay?" 


    Zhuang Jinling pretended to have difficulty opening his eyes and gasping for breath. 


    Yaya with red eyes turned to Bei Yin Cangmo and shouted: "Dad, Dad, get out of the car and save dad." 


    Bei Yin Cangmo frowned lightly. 


    "Dad can't breathe, you have to give him an artificial inhalation." 


    Bei Yin Cangmo and Li Sang: "..."


    "..." Zhuang Jinling was so scwered that he could not pretend to be frightened by his daughter's words. 


    What does his baby want to do?


    It's so disgusting, why the male protagonist should give him artificial inhalation?


    Uh, wait. 


    Isn't it about mouth to mouth? 


    Doesn't mouth-to-mouth mean that he wants to kiss the male protagonist? 


    Can he get a chance to change the sentence after kissing?


    Fuck, my daughter is so smart. It seems that she has improved a lot after turning on the system functions. 


    Damn, in order to get a chance to change the sentence, he endured it. 


    Bei Yin Cangmo said to Li Sang: "Drive." 


    Li Sang started the car and left without hesitation. From a distance, she heard the cry of the little girl. She asked, "You really don't care?" 


    Bei Yin Cangmo said mercilessly. "It's better to die." 


    Li Sang tentatively asked: "That girl..." 


    Bei Yin Cangmo affirmed: "It's not my daughter." 


    Li Sang relaxed, knowing that his male wife had done something to Bei Yin Cangmo. For everything, he didn't have too much sympathy for Zhuang Jinling, and stepped on the accelerator to speed up and leave. 


    Yaya bowed his head sadly: "Dad doesn't want us anymore." 


    Zhuang Jinling didn't sit up until when he couldn't see the car, rubbed Ya Ya's head and said, "Do you now know how much the male protagonist hates this body, right? It’s impossible for him to care about my life and death. When he sees me in the future, he can’t be as merciful to his subordinates." 


    Yaya hugged his neck, pouting his mouth and exclaimed, "Scum daddy, scum daddy, he was scum daddy..." 


    "Yes, he was scumbag."


     Zhuang Jinling stroked her back and said, "Okay,  don't angry, don't angry, I'll help you get revenge." 


    Yaya sullenly said, "How to get revenge?"


    "There will be a chance." 

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     Zhuang Jinling hugged her and stood up: "We still have a lot of things to do today. We can't spend it here. We must quickly find a place to get money. By the way, you said before that I have a mission to make everyone hate me,  what a good thing will I get? I can't offend people for nothing. " 


    Yaya mood was not high, said:" As long as there is someone hate dad, you can get a hate point, and you can exchange the hate point for something." 


    "What can you exchange for?" 


    Yaya shook her head: "It takes ten hate points to see the exchanged items." 


    "Then wait until you earn ten hate points. Let's change the money now." Zhuang Jinling was not in good health and couldn't carry the child too far, so he could only put the child down and let her walk by herself. 


    "Dad, where are we going to exchange money?" 


    "Underground trading floor." 


     Zhuang Jinling thought for a while and said: "I remember it was mentioned in the novel that, in order to facilitate transactions for people who bring back goods from outside, the underground trading floor was located in the city, near the entrance. The trading floor now is so famous, just ask someone to know where it is." 


    The underground trading floor was originally an abandoned underground parking lot, but now it had been transformed into a large trading floor. Moreover, the safety facilities were complete, and the bodyguards were also superb, so there were many people who come here to trade. 


    The outside markets in the trading floor there were large and small shops, which were specially rented out for others to do business transactions. They looked similar to the outside shops. In fact, they sold precious and rare items, and the trading methods were different. At the time, in order not to harm the interests of both parties, it was necessary to conduct transactions in front of the administrator of the trading floor to prevent fraud or snatching from happening, but a 2% handling fee was required. 


    Only wealthy and powerful people could enter the inside of the trading floor. The inside items were ten million times more expensive than the outside items. There was also an auction house inside. Those who want to enter the auction house must pay tens of millions of deposits to enter.


    Zhuang Jinling and Yaya entered the trading floor, and their eyes lit up, as if a village girl came into the city and was curious about everything, but the clerk in the shop didn't welcome them because they were really badly dressed, and most of the clothes entire fabric was torn into pieces, exposing the cotton wool inside. 


    The cotton wool was originally white, but it turned black. There were blood stains and dirt on his body, and there was an unpleasant smell on his body. Especially indoors, the taste was more intense. 


    Everyone knew that they have no money, so they were not welcome to enter the store. 


    In fact, they couldn’t blame Zhuang Jinling for not being clean. There were too few places with water in the forest, and the forest was very dangerous. Every bathing was done within two minutes, not to mention the clothes, you could only pick the clothes worn by the dead which were considered good to keep warm, so don't expect how good clothes he could wear. 


    Seeing everyone's disgusting eyes, Zhuang Jinling instantly lost the interest in shopping, and he found a shop where he could exchange money. 


    On the plaque of the shop, there was a big letter written on it, which was only about ten square meters in size. Except for a table and a chair and a sign that says purchase, there was nothing else. People passing by take a look inside and left. 


    The owner of the shop was a big young fat man with a round face, thick hands and a terrifying belly like being pregnant with quadruplets. The owner was playing mobile games leisurely, and he noticed someone coming in. He lazily said: "only rare objects were accepted here, and the items were not rare enough."


   Zhuang Jinling took out a cyan transparent stone and handed it to him, the size of a fist, the shape was like a pebble, and the transparency was like made of glass. You could see from one side to the other side. 


    The boss took a look: "What's this? Glass stone? Damn, don't fool me with this rubbish, I am not a place where you can make fun of people." 


    The clerk in the opposite shop heard him cursing and looked up at them.


    Zhuang Jinling said: "Hold it and take a closer look."


    Seeing Zhuang Jinling’s calm expression, as if he was really interested in doing business, the boss immediately adjusted his attitude and carefully observed the objects. The moment he took over the stone, he immediately felt a burst of energy radiating from it, and his eyes were surprised. "This, this was an energy crystal block?" 


   The crystal block was a spar stripped from the body of the mutant animal and plant. It stored the energy of the mutant animal and plant. It was also because of its existence that it caused the animal and plant to mutate. The crystal block was the favorite of all ancient martial artists. It could increase internal strength and strength by absorbing the energy inside. Of course, not every crystal stone could be applied to you. It depended on the attribute of the martial art you had learned, and you needed the corresponding attribute to absorb the energy of the crystal block, otherwise it would be lost. 


    But the crystal blocks were opaque like stones, the color of the stone was relatively monotonous, but the crystal blocks have various colors. 


    Zhuang Jinling replied: "Yes." 


    "How could the crystal block be transparent?" 


    The boss squinted his eyes: "it's not you who used strange substances to synthesize crystal blocks to deceive people?" 


    "Is it a lie? You will know if you feel it." 


    "Can you feel it?" 


    "The first-level spar is only worth a little. You can try it." 


    There were nine levels of spar, with the lowest level and the highest level. The martial artist was also divided into nine stages, each of which had to pass an assessment or a test to obtain the number of level. Among the martial arts level, above the nine was the master. The internal strength of the master-level martial artist was unfathomable. Generally, these big figures were either in seclusion or in the family. Sitting in town, rarely participated in external affairs. 


    A warrior needed to find a spar at the same level to absorb energy spar. If the spar was lower than their own level, it would not have much effect, but if they absorbed too high-level energy spar, it was easy to explode and die, so at the end, everyone was not easy to try a spar with a higher level than their own. 


    The boss said: "This is what you told me to try, don't wait for me to try and then regret it." 

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    Zhuang Jinling sneered: "If I regret this, how can I make deals with others in the future?"


    The boss used his internal force to absorb a trace of energy in the spar, and then looked at Zhuang Jinling in disbelief: "Is this really a first-class spar?" 


    Zhuang Jinling pointed to the spar: "Count the spar halo to see if it was a first-class spar. " 


    The easiest way to distinguish the crystal level was to look at the halo spreading out from the edge of the spar. The first-level spar had only one halo, the second-level spar had two halos, and so on. 


    The boss saw a halo spreading out from the edge of the spar, and he was even more surprised: "It was really a first-class spar, but the energy I just absorbed was second-class, and the energy was very pure, without any impurities. " 


    Each spar had more or less impurities. The more impurities, the less energy was stored in it, and the impurities were also easy to affect the absorber. Therefore, in the same level, the fewer impurities the spar the more transparent the spar, the more precious. 


    The boss had never seen or heard of spar without impurities, so the first reaction to seeing spar just now thought it was something made of glass. 


    Zhuangjin Ling asked: "close it?" 


    The boss was also undecided, hesitant and asked: "Are you only have first level spar?" 


    "Yes," Zhuang Jinling spent four years among all big shortage of forest, of course, more than just first-level spar, it was just that he arrived for the first time, and he didn't have the strong strength and backing to back him up, so he couldn't show his wealth casually. 


    "Then do you have a lot?" 


    "Only a few dozen."


       The boss whispered: "Young man, you also know the current market situation. There are first, second, and third grade spars everywhere, and they are not worth a few money, your spar has nothing special except that it has no impurities and absorbs like a second-level spar after absorption. So I need to ask my boss if he thinks it can be collected, I will accept it, how about it?" 


    Zhuang Jinling nodded: "Yes, should I wait here or come back later?" 


    "I'll show it to my boss now. You wait for me here, and I'll be back soon."


    The boss took the spar and left, hurried to the second floor to find the supervisor of the trading floor, and handed the spar to him. 


    Director was the first time he saw such a pure spar, so it took uncertain note, he took people to the manager's office door, he knocked on the door and said: "Manager Li, I have something important to discuss with you." 


    Li Sang who was having dinner with Bei Yin Cangmo was very upset, but when she heard that it was important, she could only let the other person in with anger. 


    The supervisor took the boss into the office and passed the spar to her. 


    Li Sang wondered: "What is this?" 


    The boss quickly said: "This is an energy spar." 


    "Energy spar?" Li Sang took the spar and felt the energy inside: "It's really an energy spar, it's the first time I have seen such a pure energy spar." 


The boss added: "It is not only pure, but the absorption effect is equivalent to second level energy, which is very magical." 


    Li Sang tried it, and it was true. 


    Bei Yin Cangmo also became interested in spar: "I saw such a pure spar for the first time. If the high-grade sparw is so pure, it will cause a sensation in the entire ancient martial arts world." 


    Li Sang quickly asked the boss: "Who give the spar to you? Where is he now?" 


The boss said: "It was brought by a young guy, and he is still in the store." 


    Li Sang said to the supervisor: "You turn on the monitoring and let me see Who is this person." 




The supervisor turned on the monitoring of the boss's shop and saw a very good-looking young man sitting on a chair with a very cute little girl. 


    "It's him." Li Sang subconsciously looked at Bei Yin Cangmo. 


    Bei Yin Cangmo snorted, Zhuang Jinling would really pretend that he was still dying before, and it had only been a while since he had his physical strength to sell spars on the trading floor. 


    Li Sang asked: "Do you know how his spar came from?"


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    Bei Yin Cangmo raised his eyebrows: "I only found out today that he iss not dead, so how can I know where his spar came from."


   Seeing that Bei Yin Cangmo didn't want to mention Zhuang Jinling's appearance, Li Sang asked his boss: " Do you know how many pure crystals he has?" 


    "He said there were only a few dozen." 


    "Does he have more advanced crystals?" 


    " No" 


    "Then did he say where these crystals came from? 


    " No." 


    Li Sang lowered his eyelids: "There are only first-level spars, and there are not many..." 


    If it was someone else, she would ask someone to accept it. Listed as her own supplier, but the other party was Zhuang Jinling, Bei Yin Cangmo’s partner, an existence that hindered her from staying with Bei Yin Cangmo. 


She was dignified Miss Li’s family, and she didn’t want to be someone else’s junior (aka mistress). It was shameful to say to grab a man from a man. So she didn't want Zhuang Jinling to live well, and she didn't want this person to stay in Hecheng. If she had the opportunity, she must let Zhuang Jinling out of Hecheng. If he died, it would be even better. 


When others didn't saw it, Li Sang flashed fiercely under her eyes. She said lightly: "It's just a first-grade spar, no matter how pure it is, how can the absorbed energy be equal to the second-grade energy? The first-grade is the first-grade. Other spars can also replace it, not to mention that the number of the spars is not large, and it's not worth buying." 


    "Yes, I will go back and talk to the person selling the spars." The boss just turned around and heard Li Sang shout again: " Wait a minute." 


The boss turned around hurriedly, "Miss. Li, do you have any orders?" 


    Li Sang looked at Bei Yin Cangmo, and said, "Since we don't accept it, I don't want to see the spars in his hands fall on others, I don’t want to see anyone receive what he has.” 


    This meant that since she didn’t buy them, other people couldn’t buy these spars, and they couldn’t let Zhuang Jinling get money in Hecheng. 


    "Yes." The boss knew, he left the office and returned to the store, returning the spar to Zhuang Jinling: "Little brother, our boss won't accept it, you can go."


    "Oh." Zhuang Jinling seemed to have expected this result earlier, and smiled indifferently: "Then I will sell it elsewhere." 


The boss said, "Little brother, I kindly remind you that I don't accept it here, and others will not accept it. " 


    "How do you know that others will not accept it?" 


The boss hummed, "My boss has already let go, and will not let others accept your spar. You should leave here as soon as possible, otherwise it will be unsightly if you get beaten. 


    " Is your boss Li Sang?" Zhuang Jinling looked at the camera and sneered at it, as if smiling at the person behind the camera. 


    Li Sang, who was watching him, felt tight. It was obvious that the two were so far apart, but the feeling that they were standing face to face and being stared at by Zhuang Jinling made her feel uncomfortable. 


    The boss said fiercely: "Can you ask about these things? If you don't leave, I will ask the bodyguards to blast you out."


   Zhuang Jinling smiled and said, "Your boss will regret it." 


    If it weren't for his urgent need for money, he wouldn't come to the trading floor managed by Li Sang. If he knew that Li Sang was behind the boss, he would never sell the spar to the boss. 


    "My boss never does anything regrettable. Get out, get out, get out, get out of here." The boss pushed them out. 


    The clerk at the opposite shop looked at Zhuang Jinling and them. 


    Zhuang Jinling met the clerk's gaze and smiled and said, "My baby, your stepmother will cut off our wealth in the future, so that we can't mix in Hecheng." 


    Yeah cheeks bulging out : "Bad woman." 


    Zhuang Jinling squeezed her little face. 


    Yaya took out his pencil and gave it to Zhuang Jinling: "Dad has another chance to change the word. Get her!." 


    Zhuang Jinling laughed and said, "That's not good for people who are not relevant." 


    Yaya put the pencil away: "Dad, we don't have money, what should we do?"


    Zhuang Jinling said meaningfully: "He Cheng the Li family is not the only one, Li Sang doesn't want it, someone will want it."

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