Ruan Tian squatted quietly in the corner of the set, holding a cold and shriveled steamed bread in her hand, biting it a little hard.

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Her brain is still in a muddle.

She was eating while she was confused.

Ruan Tian, who is not even good at the 18th line in the entertainment circle, finally received the role of a female No.4. Unexpectedly, one day after the shooting, with a "bang", she was hit in the head by the headlight on the shooting site. During the half day of coma, she had a dream, which was not very pleasant.

After waking up, Ruan Tian realized that she was living in a book! It's the double in this book!

Before she was 17 years old, Ruan Tian felt that she was the unlucky one. She had a very bad life. She had never been to school, had never read a book, had not enough food and clothing, and lived by picking up rags.

Until her seventeenth birthday, a well-dressed couple appeared in front of her and said it was her parents.

Looking very young, the woman wiped her tears and said that she was careless, so she lost her when she was three years old and let her be abducted by a human trafficker.

After a burst of tears, they asked her if she would like to go home with her?

Ruan Tian looked at her parents, and agreed to go back without much thought.

After Ruan Tian returned to the imperial capital and stayed with Zhou's family, Zhou's mother arranged for her to go to school. She worked hard in her studies, but it was also possible that she was not very clever by nature and had to die before she was admitted to an art college.

At the same time, Ruan Tian knew that she had a sister who was two years older than her. She was more beautiful than Tianxian, but she was weak and sick. She had been seeking medical treatment for several years.

Ruan Tian knew that all the young men in the rich family didn't like her very much. She thought that she was a local bumpkin from the countryside. Every time she looked at her, her eyes were filled with a kind of obvious disdain.

They are reluctant to play with her in any activity, and occasionally there is a twinkle of sympathy in their eyes when they look at her.

Fortunately, Ruan Tian never cares what other people think of her. As far as she is concerned, she has food and beautiful clothes to wear. She is happy every day.

Before, in their disdainful and sympathetic eyes, Ruan Tian would still complain that they were all idiots!

Now think of those eyes, Ruan Tian only feel that he is the only big fool.

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Being smashed in the head, Ruan Tian, who had a dream of foretelling, finally knew why they all looked at her sympathetically.

She was originally living in a book called "the president's wife", a very sweet and cool president's article.

The female owner is her sister, Zhou Xiaoqiao, a frail, understanding, talented and talented fan.

Men love her, two men love her, three men love her, four men love her as long as it is a man!

During the years of Zhou Xiaoqiao's treatment, these men can't forget her.

She is the softest existence in a man's heart, the irreplaceable white moonlight.

And she Ruan Tian, a standard female partner and complete cannon fodder, was even found by her parents to help her donate blood to Zhou Xiaoqiao.


In the middle of the plot, Ruan Tian goes to bed with the man in an accidental drugging incident. Because she looks a bit like Zhou Xiaoqiao, she is married by the man as a substitute. She falls in love with the man day after day.

Unfortunately, their marriage had no real name. They lived together for two years. The man was not very close to Ruan Tian, and few people knew that they were married.

Finally, after Zhou Xiaoqiao recovered from illness, the man threw a divorce agreement in front of Ruan Tian.

After that, Ruan Tian found that all the dandies who grew up in the yard, who used to despise and despise themselves, took care of Zhou Xiaoqiao.

For her parents, who are not very close to her, there is only Zhou Xiaoqiao in her eyes and heart.

And her husband, oh, is ex husband, in the face of Zhou Xiaoqiao also from the iceberg into a warm man.

In this sweet and cool article, the female owner Zhou Xiaoqiao has not been wronged from beginning to end. Her golden finger breaks through the sky, and all the people who offend her have no good end. She has Su Shuang's life of slapping each female and male in the face.

Therefore, Ruan Tian, as a female partner, is abnormal in the double standard of the public and the request of the male master. She is vicious and stupid, and keeps tripping the male and female masters.

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She is the catalyst of love between men and women, and the stepping stone of their career.

At last, she was beaten to death by a truck after being driven out of her home and reduced to the street, and her blood splashed on the spot.

Ruan Tian angrily eats the last mouthful of steamed bread into her stomach. She is a little disconsolate, because after one night stand, she has married the man Shen Hui.

Two years.


Everything's fucked up with "the president's wife.".

It's a damn amazing coincidence.

Ruan Tian didn't even have Shen Hui's phone. Only occasionally can she see that delicate and indifferent face in the news of financial channel.But when she thought that Shen Hui only regarded her as Zhou Xiaoqiao's substitute, she wanted to breathe fragrance.

However, perhaps growing up by picking up garbage, Ruan Tian is very easy to be satisfied and open-minded.

She drank water and thought to take care of him first.

"Ruan Tian, the next scene is your play. Hurry up and make up! No matter where you are, what are you doing The deputy director glared at her in a bad tone.

She returned to her senses, answered the voice, and then went to the shabby dressing room temporarily covered with iron sheet. She sat down quietly, waiting for the makeup artist to make up for her.

In the past half a month, hengguo, the film and television base, has had two rare heavy snows. It's cold and humid in winter, and the thin ancient clothes don't keep warm. Ruan Tianleng shivers. After a while, the makeup artist comes late.

Ruan Tian's performance this time is an ancient costume drama, called "to marry a princess". She plays a paranoid princess in it. There are not many parts in the play, and it's not easy for people to set it up.

But these are not problems! Ruan Tian only cares about her salary of more than 100000 yuan.

Rumors about Shen Hui's discord with her have long been spread around the entertainment circle. Originally, she had no resources. When she was pushed aside by the dandy young masters of their newspaper group, she was even more pitiful in the entertainment circle. She didn't even have an assistant.

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After painting make-up, Ruan Tian takes off her coat and goes out of the dressing room, and the set suddenly becomes lively.

"Mr. Xu is here. Mr. Xu is working hard. It's cold. Would you like to sit down and drink some hot water first?"

"Mr. Xu, can we take the next one in half an hour? If you feel cold, you can let the stand in

Ruan Tian stops and looks at Xu Jing, who is standing in the middle of the world. Her eyes are opposite. She is used to the deep contempt in Xu Jing's eyes and his cold attitude.

The only big man in the whole cast of "marry the princess of the world" is Xu Jing, the No.1 man who is also an investor.

Ruan Tian stands in a daze at the corner of the wall. She remembers that when she first came to the capital, Xu Jing and others didn't wait to see her.

Young and ignorant, quite naive, Xu Jing even hit her with a small stone and said to her, "you don't want to take the place of Xiao Qiao, and you don't want to bully her. She is our sister."

At that time, Ruan Tian thought he was ill.

Now she still thinks that Xu Jing has a brain problem.

"All departments are ready to shoot today's last scene in five minutes." The director said on the intercom.

After shooting, Xu Jing ng several times, Ruan Tian's face was pressed in the cold water of the lake, she struggled to raise her head and was pressed back.

A drowning scene, repeated several times.

Ruan Tian thought about the film reward, and stiffly resisted the impulse of rolling her eyes.

During the break, she remembered that in her dream of being a Keng father, they were very popular during the broadcast of the play. Xu Jing became very popular with her affectionate and overbearing personality, and her popularity soared. Other actors were more or less exposed to it. Only she was scolded from the first episode to the last episode, and was asked your mother died.

Ruan Tian thought optimistically that although he was scolded miserably, he was also enthusiastic!

However, Ruan Tian did not get nothing in "marry a concubine for a son of the world". Relying on her superb villain acting skills and beautiful appearance, she also gained a few beauties.

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If she can't get along in the entertainment industry in the future, she will go back to the small county to set up a stall to sell snacks, and she can't let herself starve to death.

During her wandering time, Xu Jing quickly adjusted her state, glanced at her, and then said to the director, "let's do it again for the last time."

Xu Jing was really surprised today. She didn't expect that Ruan Tian, a white lotus bitch, could stand the water play again and again. When she was just pulled out of the water, her face was whiter than paper.

The last time is over.

Ruan Tian was relieved. She had already understood the truth that money is hard to earn and excrement is hard to eat.

Xu Jing suddenly walks towards her in the crowd.

Ruan Tian rolled her eyes silently and said before Xu Jing opened her mouth, "I know. Don't try to hurt Xiao Qiao. Don't try to compete with Xiao Qiao. You can't compare with her, and you don't deserve to be compared with her."

Ruan Tian would have recited what Xu Jing wanted to say.

The man is so blocked by her, the mood is not smooth, high cold hum voice, see she has self-knowledge of the share, turn to leave.

After taking off her make-up, Ruan Tian put on her clothes. She sat in the lounge and brushed her mobile phone for a while. She opened her circle of friends and found that she had been swiped by a message.

Her sister Zhou Xiaoqiao, who had a successful operation, has moved back from the sanatorium to a villa on the outskirts of Beijing.

Without waiting for Ruan Tian to quit wechat, her mobile phone screen suddenly lit up, and a string of familiar numbers swayed in front of her eyes.

Although she didn't make a note, she recognized it as Shen's phone number.

Intuition tells her that Shen's phone call is to negotiate a divorce.

Ruan Tian is not very sad.

She only cares about how much money she can get after divorce!!!

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