In fact, Ruan Tian likes Shen Hui very much.

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Even when she and he were forced to have a one night stand, there was a little bit of joy in her heart.

After she got married, she also wanted to be a model couple with Shen Hui. She also had a silly fantasy about the beautiful love with Shen Hui.

Reality has given her one after another Er Ba Zi, let her wake up again and again.

Shen Hui is the eldest son of the Shen family. From childhood, he was the most beautiful and amazing one in the crowd. He never forgot his cold and delicate face.

After graduating from college, compared with many other dandies who don't know how to make progress, they have excellent reviews and are most popular with their elders.

At the beginning of her marriage, Ruan Tian tried to pretend to be intellectual and elegant in front of him, but later There are too many rollovers and I'm too lazy to install this in front of him.

Shen Xun has always been indifferent to her. Her eyes are the same as those of other people, just like those of "even if you are my wife, you don't have much to do with me" and "whether you are dead or alive has nothing to do with me".

Ruan Tian didn't care at that time. She was thick skinned! After repeated defeats and repeated defeats, he knew that he didn't like himself, so he had to work hard to get close to him.

Later, one time, Ruan Tian accidentally broke into his study and saw a group photo taken by him and Zhou Xiaoqiao in high school. He took it in his hand and looked at it several times. He exclaimed that "Zhou Xiaoqiao is really beautiful and his heart was full of pain.

Youth without pain literature is not worthy to be called youth!

Ruan Tian felt that she was also a real mother. When she was affected, her hand was loose and her glass frame fell to the ground.

She crouched down and was about to pick up the picture when Shen Hui kicked open the door of her study.

The man's face was livid, his eyes seemed to be covered with ice, staring at her coldly.

Ruan Tian was startled by Shen Hui. In panic, her finger accidentally touched the glass, and the spilled blood was splashed on Zhou Xiaoqiao's face.

Ruan Tian endured the pain, slowly stood up and said with a smile, "although you may not believe it, I really didn't mean it."

What a standard white lotus line.

Shen Hui's eyes became colder. He reached out to push her away, carefully picked up the photo, and said coldly, "who allowed you to come in?"

"Do you have a tutor? Don't you know that you can't enter other people's study at will? "

Ruan Tian was pushed to sit on the ground by him. There were many pieces of broken glass in the area supported by the palm of her hand. Even without looking at it, she knew that she was full of blood now.

Shen Hui didn't care whether she was hurt or not. He only cared about the memory of Zhou Xiaoqiao and his spies.

Ruan Tian only had three words in her mind at that time: fuck.

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She stood up in pain, put her palm behind her back, lowered her head and said to him, "I'm sorry."

Life is not easy. I'm sorry.

After that day, Ruan Tian moved out of the Shen family's house and vowed to commit suicide when she went back to the Shen family.

Just as she was trying to make a big show in the entertainment industry, she was cheated out of her 60000 yuan savings.

Ruan Tian forgets the poisonous oath she once made when she is so poor that she can't afford to eat. She plans to ask Shen Hui to borrow some money in case of emergency.

At this time, she remembered that she didn't even have Shen Hui's phone number.


Ruan Tian is sitting in the living room of Shen house.

It was the first time she saw her husband in name after two years.

Looking at Shen Hui's face, the three words that she didn't say two years ago still flashed in her mind: fuck.

Wearing a black shirt, Shen Xun leaned lazily against the back of his chair, folded his long legs, and knocked his thin white fingers on the table twice.

Under the glass French window, the sunlight poured all over the man's head.

He has a fair complexion, delicate facial features and is not as handsome as a real person.

Shen Hui pushed the divorce agreement in front of her, "look, if there is no problem, I will sign it." After a pause, he said, "if you have any questions, you can go to my lawyer."

Ruan Tian looked at his face and thought that Shen Hui would kill her for her own sake in the future.

She was very calm, and she was much calmer than Shen Hui thought.

Round eyes staring at him without blinking, as if thinking seriously about his proposal.

Shen Hui looked at these clear eyes, and the strange emotion that could not be grasped for a short time flashed from his heart.

Ruan Tian took the divorce agreement and stared at it for five minutes.

The words are dense, numerous and complicated, which makes her eyes ache.

Ruan Tian gave up looking at the past one by one, turned directly to the last page, saw the moment when she could get the money, and thought that the marriage was really worth it, and the divorce was even more worth it!

She took a deep breath without thinking, "I don't mind! Sign it

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She's not normal.Shen Hui's eyes changed. His lazy eyes became more and more serious. He raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that she would be so happy. He thought he had to pull.

He chuckled softly. In order to marry him, Ruan Tian spent a lot of time. How could she stop crying when she got divorced? Does she have any other conspiracy?

Ruan Tian's heart was hairy when he looked at her, and her innocent eyes blinked.

"Do you have any problem?" Shen asked

Ruan Tian shook her head, "no!"

As long as the money is in place, everything is easy to say.

Shen gave her seven figure compensation. Seeing the six zeros after the number on the divorce agreement, Ruan Tian feels that she is now a living Bodhisattva and can forgive the whole world.

In this case, Shen Hui no longer said more. He took out his pen carelessly and signed his name on the divorce agreement.

Ruan Tian followed, writing her name in the woman's column.

After signing, Ruan Tian asked again, "well When can I get a divorce certificate? "

In fact, what she cares most is when her money will arrive.

Shen Hui was not happy to see her heartless and full of expectation.

"This Saturday, Civil Affairs Bureau does not work, another day."

Ruan Tian Oh voice, stood up, "OK, take the certificate that day you inform me."

Apart from filming in the crew, she doesn't have any other announcements. There are not many scenes in this ancient costume drama of female No.4.

From the Shen family, Ruan Tian received a call from her agent Jiang Lili, and the first sentence was: "you're enlightened!"!!! Finally learn how to flip the hype

Ruan Tian's small head is full of great doubts. She is a real paste than. She has been on the road for two years, but she has not been on the hot search for such a good thing.

"What's the matter with me?"

"You're on the hot search." After Jiang Li was silent for a few seconds, "you and Xu Jing were filmed in the crew, and the marketing number said you were in love."

Ruan Tian said subconsciously, "when did I go blind? When is my brain gone? Am I ill? I'm in love with Xu Jing? "

After she hung up, she opened her microblog and was directly connected by thousands of private messages.

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After the mobile phone went smoothly, Ruan Tian found that she had 20000 fans, and her private messages and comments were occupied by abuse and ridicule.

"Where did the 18 line pheasant rub your king's heat? "Blood sucking, kiss."

"Xu Jing didn't even pay attention to her on Weibo. What is she?"

"Fire is metaphysics. A female n-number doesn't just want to be red. Our fans are not vegetarians."

"If you come here uninvited, nmsl is dead."

"Stay away from Xu Jingyuan!"!!! My brother is kind, simple and gentle. He is very kind to everyone. You can't use his kindness. "

Ruan Tian turned over several hundred pieces and was extremely frustrated. None of so many people spoke for her!!!

Hot search finally stopped at No. 15. When the heat went down, fewer people scolded her than before.

Netizens have a lot of magic power, and they have stripped her to the sky.

"Isn't this the young grandmother of the Shen family? Why does the rich lady want to be an actor? But it's also true that the leader of the Shen family doesn't like you, and those who are not pleasant are not pleasant anywhere. "

"2333 her husband doesn't love her at all. She hasn't even taken a group photo after two years of marriage. She's also the boss of Huanshi entertainment. Tut, she can't get any roles! It's said that Huanshi's family had to get married because she was the scheming bitch. "

After reading these comments, Ruan Tian resisted the impulse to be an Internet sprayer.

At seven o'clock that evening, Xu Jing posted a microblog: "the most important thing is that it has nothing to do with her. 】

it's said that Ruan Tian's name and surname are almost the same.

This micro blog successfully made his fans revel.

Ruan Tian is not surprised that Xu Jing will send these. He doesn't like her for a day or two.

Xu Jing also adores Shen Hui very much. When he was young, he regarded him as the eldest and bowed his head to the throne. They all thought that it was her medicine that forced Shen Hui to marry her. Everyone hated her very much

Jiang Li sent a lot of news to comfort her and let her not be sad.

Ruan Tian said with a smile that she didn't care.

However, she was not the one who was scolded for nothing. She had been fighting with Xu Jing for so many years, and she knew how to kill him.

So later, Ruan Tian went online and posted a cheap microblog: "rubbing is earning, and sucking blood makes me happy. 】

sure enough, Xu Jing in front of the mobile phone screen couldn't breathe when he saw it, and he had to vomit several kilos more blood.

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[is Ruan Tian crazy 2333]

[it's really shameless. 】

[do you think this sister is a little cute? It's very beautiful. The costume is really beautiful. ]Ruan Tian also found that her fans are running up like a rocket while her comments are soaring.

She cut the picture to Jiang Lifa and showed off to her from the bottom of her heart, "you see, someone praised me for being honest and beautiful! She's really very discerning. "

Jiang Li

On the set the next day, Xu Jing had a gloomy face and didn't say a word to her. The two men's opposite plays were almost repeated.

Even a week of filming is smooth, several stars after the play on their own back to the nanny car, quiet as a native chicken.

Ruan Tianle's freedom, no longer need to suffer from ng.

Ruan Tian loves acting, otherwise she would not have jumped into the entertainment industry at the beginning. She would have finished the play in less than half a month, but her next play has not been settled.

She was eating with her lunch box and thinking seriously, otherwise she would set up a stall to sell roasted cold noodles instead.

Jiang Li brought her good news at this time.

"There's a variety show looking for you!"

Ruan Tian's eyes are bright, "what?"

"Variometer." Jiang Lili wanted to talk and said, "although this variety show is very hard and tortures artists But it's good for you to brush your face in the first phase. "

Ruan Tian knows about this variety show. At 10:00 on Saturday, the fruit station specially invites some stars with topic to go to remote or poor areas to transform their lives, and also designs many plots to embarrass the stars.

The audience rating of this program is very low, and the audience is extremely harsh, picky and difficult to serve.

Jiang Li hesitated and said, "if you can't, we won't take it."

Although they didn't make any other announcements.

Ruan Tian thinks it's very childish when she thinks of the scene in "the star changing program" where the guests are asked to pick their own vegetables and cook their own meals.

She said firmly, "yes, I'm good!"

After being an orphan for so many years, nothing can really defeat her.

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