On the evening of the same day, the program team of "astrolabe" announced the recording guests of the next issue. Ruan Tian's name was sandwiched between a lot of big brands and traffic, which seemed insignificant. Not long after, she was accurately satirized by Xu Jing's girlfriend.

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"Ruan Tian, it's Ruan Tian, right?"

"What can she do with this kind of show? I've heard for a long time that although she's a bum, she has a bigger shelf than the movie queen. I'm sure other guests will take care of her. It's really speechless. "

"What do the crew think? Silent + 1. "

"All the traffic fans in the variable star meter, please pay attention to that your brother will be sucking blood on the hype ghost horse. Love you a few seconds in advance."

"Originally I was very angry, but I was very happy when I thought that Ruan Tian would cry for her father and mother because of the abnormal design of the program team after she was on the show."

"Cool, plus one."

Ruan Tian, a variety show, hasn't been recorded yet, so many people can't wait to see her jokes. Xu Jing's girlfriend fan is ready to hack her.

Ruan Tian went on the microblog trumpet and watched a circle of comments. She seems to be used to being scolded.

Jiang Li also did not understand her, "don't look, don't look."

Ruan Tian quit the microblog without changing her face, holding her chin in a relaxed tone, "Alas, these are the words they scold. I'm tired of reading them."

Jiang Li

She rolled a white eye, don't understand of ask: "you and Xu Jing how so don't deal with?"

"It's a long story," Ruan said

"Then make a long story short."

"Oh, because he's a fool."


As a half baked agent, Jiang Lili still knows that it's better not to offend people in the entertainment industry. Originally, he wanted to persuade Ruan Tian to make peace with Xu Jing, but it seems that he has no hope.

She said helplessly: "the company doesn't care about you, plus the reputation, your It's really hard for us to get the part After turning such a big corner, she then asked: "isn't your husband the big boss of Huanshi entertainment?"!!! Two years, you didn't get any good!!! I'm so disappointed in you

Ruan Tian nibbled at the bread, but he didn't care if there were crumbs on his mouth. "He didn't like me, do you know that on the first day?"

She wiped the corners of her mouth with a paper towel and calmly dropped a sentence, "and I divorced him."

A few seconds later.

Jiang Li widened his eyes, and the voice in his throat was deafening, "what did you say?"

Ruan Tian silently moved back a few steps, "I was ruthlessly pushed by him." She pretended to sigh, "I've become an abandoned woman."

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Jiang Lili was too shocked. She looked at Ruan Tian with a little pity in her eyes. "I remember you liked Shen Hui, and you did a lot of stupid things for that."

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that Ruan Tian didn't want to get divorced. Therefore, she looked at her with more sympathy. She even felt that Ruan Tian was pretending to be strong in the light of life and death.

Ruan Tianao voice, "whose youth is not stupid, you say?"

Two people hide in the corner to force Hu Kan. The deputy director over there starts to look for someone. Seeing Ruan Tian, he is not polite at all. He yells at her, "hurry up, the next scene is your play."

The people in the cast are also the elite in the entertainment circle. They are used to worshipping high and low and red top white. Seeing that Ruan Tian has no background, is not red, and has no assistant, she looks very shabby, so they don't take her seriously.

This is Ruan Tian's last play in "marry the princess of the world". Since the arrogant and paranoid princess can't get her beloved man, she just kills him so that he won't belong to anyone.

Ruan Tian changes into an ancient wedding dress. Her makeup is gorgeous, and her smile and frown are endless. She holds a prop knife in her hand. The thought of killing Xu Jing's son of the world makes her happy.

The director in front of the monitor made a gesture.

"Scene 13, one shot at a time, start!"

The beautiful woman walks slowly to the man's side. Her eyes are fixed on the man's face. There is crazy and extreme love and hate in her eyes.

The wind blows up her black hair, and her broad sleeves move with the wind.

She put the tip of the knife against the man's heart, and slowly began to laugh. She leaned close to his ear and whispered, "isn't it good to kill you?"

Her voice leaped with a little joy, and she seemed to hear a trace of sadness.

"Then you will love me,"

"and you belong to me."

At the moment of saying this line, a few drops of warm tears rolled down the woman's red eyes.

Tears wet her beautiful cheek.

All of a sudden, her chest was covered with a tingling sensation, and she smiled, as if not surprised at all.

The man killed her with a knife before she started.


"Congratulations to Ruan Tian, you've killed the green!"

The director poked his head out from behind the monitor, couldn't hide his smile, and boasted in front of the crowd: "Ruan Tian, just played very well."Ruan Tian returned a pleasant smile, "thank you, director."

Xu Jing, who was surrounded by his assistant, didn't look very well and frowned deeply. It was absolutely impossible for him to admit that just now, he was stunned by Ruan Tian, and even almost forgot his lines.

Xu Jing hesitated for a long time. His steps were not very obedient. He went to Ruan tianzai's direction.

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Ruan Tian has taken off her make-up and changed back to her clothes. Her small face is wrapped up in a big scarf, revealing a pair of round eyes.

She holds a cup of milk tea that Jiang Lili bought for her in her hand. As soon as she lifts the curtain, she bumps into Xu Jing head-on. The milk tea in her hand spills on Xu Jing's down jacket, and some of it splashes on his chin.

Xu Jing's tendons burst up in front of his forehead, and he endured it again and again. The young master's temper really couldn't bear the tone, "Ruan Tian, did you mean it on purpose?"

Ruan Tian is too innocent, "no, I don't know."

Xu Jing thinks that he is very ill. Why does he have to come to Ruan Tian to chat? What a fuckin 'bad luck!

Ruan Tian is afraid that he will find himself to settle the accounts, and even more afraid that he will ask her to compensate for his clothes. She runs away quietly when he doesn't pay attention.

When Xu Jing comes back, Ruan Tian has already run away.


after the killing, Ruan Tian sleeps in the small apartment she rents.

The next evening, she received a call from her mother.

Zhou's mother's voice was gentle as a trickle of water. "Tiantian, your sister is back. Would you like to go home and have dinner tonight?"

Ruan Tian struggles to sit up from the bed.

Oh, shit.

She almost forgot that Mary Sue's mistress, her sister, had been well for nearly half a month.

Ruan Tian wants to refuse.

She suddenly remembered the dream after she was also hit in the head. It seemed that this time Zhou's parents asked her to go home to give Zhou Xiaoqiao her share of the Zhou family's enterprise.

"I see."

Ruan Tian felt that although she didn't have the aura of being a woman leader and couldn't be loved by everyone, she didn't want to be a stepping stone for her.

In the evening, she showed up at Zhou's on time.

Unexpectedly, I saw her ex husband in Zhou's living room.

Ruan Tian scratched her hair. If she could, she didn't want to see Shen Hui now.

After all, they are the people who really loved! In order to show respect for love, her heart will also be a second of pain.

She only looked at Shen Hui, and then she took her eyes away from him. She sat on the sofa with no expression on her face, and her mind was full of wishful thinking.

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The woman is really Shen Hui's true love. A man with such a cold temper visited Zhou Xiaoqiao in person when he was ill. His treatment is unusual.

Zhou Xiaoqiao is more pure than the photo. Her face is small and white, and she has a kind of morbid weakness and delicate posture. When people look at her, they will feel pity and have a kind of protection.

Zhou's mother cooked a few light dishes.

Ruan Tian only devotes herself to pickpocketing rice in the whole process. All the troubles in other people's world have nothing to do with her.

Zhou Xiaoqiao didn't seem to have much to eat, so he quickly put down his chopsticks, "sweet sister is delicious."

Ruan Tian, who was suddenly killed by cue_ o)

it's none of your business.

Zhou's mother looked at her lovingly, "Joe, you should eat more. You are really too thin."

Ruan Tian thinks that Zhou Xiaoqiao's smile is purer than the affectation of her high school sweetheart.

As soon as a mouthful of pork came into my mouth, I heard Zhou Xiaoqiao say: "I'm really happy that my sister can accompany my parents and take care of them these years."

Ruan Tian wants to roll her eyes again.

It turns out that silly white sweet girl is so artificial.

She shriveled smile twice, "ha ha."

Ruan Tian watched Zhou's mother add vegetables to Zhou Xiaoqiao's bowl with her own eyes full of concern. She was really a little sour.

She inadvertently glanced at Shen Hui's face. The man was calm, as if he didn't mean to speak. He seemed to come to see his favorite younger sister when he was young.

What did he come to Zhou family for? Did you come here for dinner? Isn't the food in his own house delicious?

"Sweet, mom and dad have something to discuss with you."

Ruan sweet pause, "you say."

Zhou's mother didn't know that she and Shen Hui had signed a divorce agreement, so she didn't regard him as an outsider. She said directly, "your sister is weak and doesn't know what will happen in the future, so your father and I are going to leave all the shares to her."

Ruan Tian lowered her eyebrows and said, "I know."

Zhou's mother was very pleased to see that she was so sensible. "There's one more thing, I may need your help. Your sister has a minor operation. The doctor said that she may have to donate blood. Can you stay in the hospital at that time? In case something happens, I can take care of her."

After hearing this, Ruan Tian had only one idea in her mind,What's her life?

It's too hard.

Damn it.

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It's better to go back and pick up the rags.

Although she knew what Zhou's mother was going to say for a long time, it was hard for her to listen to what she said.

After being found back to the Zhou family,

Zhou's mother never shortens her food and clothing, but she doesn't care for her daughter.

Ruan Tian knows that she is just a tool, and no one really likes her.

So she entered the entertainment industry, she loves acting, also want to harvest people who really like her.

Silent for a long time, Ruan Tian agreed to come down, "also OK."

When she came out of the Zhou family, Ruan Tian felt as if she had been robbed. She was tired and stood alone in the snow for a while. She sneezed, her head was dizzy, and her nose was red.

She seems to have caught a cold.

Shen Hui stood not far away from her, lazily leaning against the door. The flame of the lighter shook, and he lit a cigarette. His delicate face was hidden in the night.

"Why are you here?" Shen Hui has a low voice.

He remembers that since Ruan Tian insisted on entering the entertainment industry, and after what happened to him, the relationship between Zhou's parents and her has cooled down.

Shen Hui's eyes were slightly picked, and his tone was a little contemptuous, "hard to get?"

Ruan Tian is speechless.

"You think I came back because you were there?"

Shen Hui remembered that Ruan Tian liked him very much, otherwise he couldn't do anything about it. He put out the smoke and said, "you don't have to use so many tricks."

Ruan Tian is speechless!

She wrapped up the scarf, cold temper is not very good, "OK, OK." She added: "you just think I'm obsessed with you and I love you so much."

Shen Hui can't tell his heart clearly. He hates what she has done. He hates her naked love for herself, but he is also moved by her fragile and humble appearance.

Ruan Tian is too lazy to pay attention to him. She turns around and goes to the drugstore at the gate of the community. She buys a cold medicine and walks to the station with a plastic bag.

She stopped in front of a car, looked in the mirror with the glass window, and called Jiang Lili: "Shen Hui asked me why I went back to Zhou's house? How can he ask such a retarded question? It's my home. Why can't I go back to see Zhou Xiaoqiao's white lotus pure coffee? "

"Look at him. I'm narcissistic. I don't think I have any more love for him."

"Really, I don't know if this evil pen will depend on the truth I just expressed. After divorce, it will give me millions more every year."

Shen Hui was sitting in the driver's seat with ten fingers on the steering wheel. He tapped his thumb rhythmically and looked at the woman in front of the glass window. Her voice came into his ear through the crack of the window.

Shen Hui picked his eyebrows and was laughed with anger.

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