Ruan Tian had a fever that day, and went to bed early after taking antipyretic medicine. Therefore, she missed the message from Jiang Lili to the effect that the program team of "variable star" will come to her house tomorrow morning.

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This winter in Beijing, the weather is pretty good.

It's sunny and snowy.

In the morning, just after dawn, the director and film crew of the "variable star" found Ruan Tian's small, remote apartment and knocked on her door.

Ruan Tian's head is dizzy. She is disturbed by the doorbell. She gets up in a fit of anger after being disturbed by her sleep. She gets up from bed in a huff and goes to open the door in her pajamas.

She is wearing a high cold face with no expression, looking coldly at the person carrying the equipment.

The director was shocked by the way she kept strangers away for a moment, and then he said, "teacher Ruan Tian, right? We're from the film crew. We're recording the sixth issue of "astrolabe" now. Please pack your bags quickly. Only one suitcase is allowed. We're going to leave soon. "

"We are now live, as a warm-up pilot."

Ruan Tian was in a daze for a while. Although she had a dead mother's face, she was really in a daze.

After a while, she seemed to remember that she had indeed received such a variety show.

"Just a moment."

Ruan Tian went to the bedroom to change her clothes. Then she dragged out the small box under the bed and stuffed it with autumn clothes, autumn trousers and a few thick down jackets. Besides, she didn't bring anything else. Director

sits in the living room, and make complaints about the Tucao's patience.

Ruan Tian is a little star at least, living in such a broken place?! Outside the Fourth Ring Road, one room and one living room. How poor is it?

Isn't she Huanshi's landlady!? It's too shabby.

After the director saw it with his own eyes, he felt more and more that the rumors outside were true.

Ruan Tian and Huanshi's husband and wife are in discord.

To put it bluntly, the Shen family didn't take a fancy to her, even if they married her, they would not give her dignity.

The director completely put down his heart, simply is a no backstage no background, he can in the program hard toss her! Anyway, the audience likes to see stars make a fool of themselves.

He thought happily that Ruan Tian had come out of the bedroom with a box.

The director thought that her action was quite sharp, "teacher Ruan Tian, you have to hand in your mobile phone wallet."

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Ruan Tian gave him his mobile phone wallet very happily.

"The car is downstairs?"


There is no elevator in her old apartment. Ruan Tian lives on the fifth floor. The director makes eyes at other people and suggests that they should not help Ruan Tian carry her luggage. For a while, she can't carry her luggage. She is crying and crying. She is a miserable but wonderful material.

But it seems different from what he imagined.

Ruan Tian next second, single hand suitcase, facial expression is not broken, even turned his head to look at the sweating camera, pointing to his hand camera bag, "need help?"


Camera brother:?

Ruan Tian snatched the camera bag with her free hand. "On the fifth floor of my house, you should be very tired when you come up with such heavy equipment?" She was really embarrassed. "I'll take it for you. You're welcome."

Camera brother: O ((﹏) O.

She was out of breath, carrying things down the fifth floor.

The director was in a daze. Oh, no! This is not how the script should be played!

No one should have watched the live broadcast in the morning, but what Ruan Tian offended was Xu Jing's mentally handicapped girlfriend fan, who squatted in the live broadcast room early and exhausted all kinds of sarcastic words.

[my God, Ruan Tian lives in this kind of place? 】

[Shen Hui was forced to marry her, right? 23333]

[it's bad luck who marries this kind of poisonous woman. Her expressionless face just now, like the whole world owes her, scares my father to death. 】

[I'd like to see what this pheasant is going to do for itself. 】

[the director of the variable star counter is a well-known guest. Every time he collects their mobile wallet, he lets them find a way to get to the final destination. Ruan Tian will die. I even think of Ruan Tian crying and repenting. 】

of course, Ruan Tian couldn't see the live barrage.

When she picked up the suitcase and camera bag with one hand, the barrage seemed to freeze, and then exploded like fireworks.

[damn it. 】

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[am I right? Is it Ruan Tian? Is this Ruan Tian? She's so strong? 】

[is she a monster? I'm really scared. 】

[wuwuwu, my mother saved me. Ruan Tian's strength is so much stronger than Vajra. It's frightening. 】

[she'd better stay away from Jingye for me, I'm so afraid that Jingye will be killed by her!!! 】

[if Jing Ye is injured because of her, I will kill her. 】

[this woman is really terrible. 】

after getting on the bus, the director glanced at the barrage in a mixed mood.Then the live broadcast was turned off.

But he still thinks it's just an accident. From the beginning of the broadcast to today, there are no guests who don't go back from "variable star" without crying.

Four hours by car, Ruan Tian went to sleep all the way.

This time, the program team picked out a remote town in the northwest, poor and miserable, with cold and dry weather.

In the city, the director wakes up Ruan Tian.

"Mr. Ruan, we are now in the city. Our final destination is Xiaobei village. There are more than 30 miles away from here. You have to think of your own way to get there."

"I have no money," Ruan said

Director Yi Le, said with a smile: "so let yourself think of a way."

Ruan Tian's eyes at the director are like looking at an idiot. She can finally understand why the guests are not bad, but the audience rating is very low.

Ruan Tian's stomach cried twice. She didn't have breakfast or lunch. She was hungry long ago.

If you look at the director, you will know that she will not be paid.

"Is Mr. Ruan hungry? It's not impossible for us to give you money. We just need to ask Mr. Ruan to give us an IOU, and then we can pay back ten times the meal money. " The program group is all the guests before this pit.

Ruan Tian was silent, and then said, "it's faster to dream about my money."

It's impossible for her to pay for a show.

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The director was shocked by her words.

After getting out of the car, Ruan Tian stood in the same place and thought for a while, then decided to pick up her old line and go to pick up the garbage.

When the director saw her go straight to the trash can, he had only one idea in his mind. He drove people crazy.

How can a good girl be crazy!?

Ruan Tian didn't know where to turn out a pair of pliers. Leaning against the garbage can, she didn't feel smelly. After turning over for a long time, she turned out several plastic bottles from inside. Then she was so cheeky to guard the side of the garbage can. When someone came, she had the cheekiness to ask for the bottles in their hands.

Before long, Ruan Tian got a dozen bottles. She exchanged them for one yuan and bought a big steamed bun to fill her stomach.

Looking at the satisfied girl, the camera elder brother went to the director and scratched his head. "Director, Ruan Tian seems to be different from other guests. What shall we do now?"

It's like the program group that's been shriveled all the way?

Director gas teeth itch, "I don't believe, she can rely on her legs to Xiaobei village!"

After eating the steamed bread, Ruan Tian began to figure out how to get to Xiaobei village.

She used to squat in the corner in a daze. Suddenly, a cry came to her ears from far and near.

It turned out that the guests who recorded with her at the same time also arrived.

Ruan Tian raised her eyes and looked over there. She was still an acquaintance.

Qin An, the youngest of the Qin family, was born in the new Jin Dynasty. His brothers Qin Yu and Shen Hui were born more than ten years ago. The Shen family of the Qin family are also famous families in the capital.

"I'm starving. I don't want to walk to Xiaobei village. I'm here for the show, not to suffer."

Qin An's mouth was dry, and no one gave him money. He was asked to get on the bus.

The director leads Ruan Tian to him, "this is teacher Qin An Qin."

"This is teacher Ruan tianruan. You can form an alliance and think about how to get to the destination."

Qin An felt numb when he saw Ruan Tian's face.

He has a good relationship with his brother. He has more or less heard about Shen Hui and Ruan Tian. He has a strong aversion to Ruan Tian, who is shameless and takes medicine to climb the bed.

His face was taut, he didn't say a word, he didn't give face very much.

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Ruan Tian is too lazy to deal with this big tempered and frightening young master.

She doesn't speak, but Qin An will come to find her unhappy.

"You're doing everything you can to be popular. You're on all these shows." Qin An looked at her and then said, "they are all the same parents. How come sister Xiao Qiao is so kind and simple, unlike you."

"Brother Shen Hui won't like you. You can't compare with sister Qiao. It's no use chasing and beating hard, you know? So don't waste so much effort, isn't it good to be a kind person? "

Ruan Tian rubbed her eyebrows and let out a long breath, "you shut up, it's so noisy."

This is the first time Qin An has been yelled at in his life. The terrible thing is that he is not so angry when he looks at Ruan Tian's pale and indifferent face.

"It's no use yelling at me. You just can't compare with little sister Qiao in brother Shen's heart."

Zhou Xiaoqiao is really marisu in this world. Everyone is defending her and everyone will like her.

More than ten years ago, Ruan Tian often reflected on why she had failed in her life. She was neither confessed nor liked by these second generation ancestors.

Now I understand that it's all because she's not a woman.

Damn, the more you think about it, the more angry you are.

She has to fight for everything she wants. Golden fingers don't float on her head.

When she was silent, Qin An's follow PD suddenly came to them and said with a smile, "brother Qin, you drew lots this morning and got a tractor. If you don't want to walk, we have a tractor for you to drive by."Qin An sneered, "what is a tractor? Are you trying to humiliate me? "

Does he have a tractor face?

"If you don't know how to drive, you have to think of another way."

One side silent Ruan Tian suddenly raised his hand and said: "give me the key."

After a long hesitation, Chen PD gave her the key to the tractor in a daze.

Five minutes later, Ruan Tian started the tractor and drove to the road.

Qin An looked at the dark exhaust, and her natural and unrestrained back, he was stunned for a few minutes.

The director, the camera crew, and so on, didn't even react and looked at her.

After a while, Qin An was angry, "Ruan Tian, I * *!"!!! I'm still in here. You are driving a tractor drawn by me

The author has something to say: Sweet: so you want to be my father?

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