An hour later, there was a news on Weibo: "Ruan Tian drove a tractor to the recording site when she was recording" variable star ", which made me laugh to death. I'm afraid the director met a killer. 】

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the comments at the bottom soon got into a fight.

"Can Ruan Tian drive a tractor? What kind of joke are you talking about? "

"Can't the marketing number of the dead mother be free of her premium, and she deserves it? She can't do anything but play tricks. Ruan Tian, who I checked, dropped out of college before she graduated. She's still illiterate! "

"It seems to be true. My home is in Xiaobei village. I saw it." This comment is followed by a blurry picture.

A crowd of melon eaters were a little stunned. A large number of unknown passers-by poured in, and the momentum surpassed some of Ruan Tian's black powder.

"Which sister is this? It's a good laugh to drive a tractor. "

"Good looking, PIU is bright, pure and beautiful. She is a great beauty."

"Eh, she seems to be squatting at the door of the shop opposite my home this afternoon, chewing steamed bread, filling her mouth with mouthfuls. She is so soft and cute."

The Internet is so noisy that Ruan Tian's black powder can't beat passers-by.

The director was upset by Ruan Tian.

Qin An is mercilessly left behind. Ruan Tian is a damned monster girl. When he was in school, he had seen Ruan Tian work in all kinds of working occasions. He knew that she was different from ordinary girls.

But he never thought Ruan Tian could drive a tractor? It's a native from the village.

The more Qin An thought about it, the more angry he was. It seemed that he had a lot of anger on his chest. He couldn't finish burning it, and he couldn't vent it.

The director of the program group is a cruel man. He was forced to walk ten miles before he was allowed to get on the bus and take him to Xiaobei village for free.

Ruan Tian, driving a tractor, was kind enough to drive an elderly couple to the village.

Early in Xiaobei village, the film crew listened to the roaring noise and looked at Ruan Tian who jumped from the driver's seat. After a long time, the director carefully went up to confirm, "is it teacher Ruan Tian?"

Ruan Tianli, holding the bacon that her husband and wife gave her, nodded, "it's me."

The director made a phone call to the director. After he hung up the phone, he looked at Ruan Tian with different eyes and more admiration.

Originally thought invited a Jiao Didi's hand can't lift shoulder can't resist of make essence, unexpectedly Ruan Tian incredibly so strong.

"Mr. Ruan, I'll take you to your residence now."


Ruan Tian and the other three guests live in the same courtyard. Except Qin An, everyone else has arrived.

She put the bacon in the room and then turned to say hello to the other two elders.

One is the movie king who is fast retreating from the circle, and the other is a young man who has just come of age.

Little boy seems to be a little shy, and she said hello also red face, stammered and said: "sister, I know you."

Ruan Tian:?

Is she so popular already!!?

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Is it well known that the entertainment industry is on the top so soon?

The young man's face was tender and white, and his pretty face was full of shyness. He then said, "you and Xu Jing hyped an affair."

He blushed and asked, "sister, are you really rubbing his heat on purpose?"

He frowned and said, "sister, Xu Jing is the most popular male star now. His fans will definitely catch you and scold you all the time. Don't read the comments."

Ruan Tian thought that this young man was very pleasing. She could not bear the impulse to pinch his face. She said shamelessly, "rub the heat, if you want to touch it, you can touch a big one."


It was almost dark outside, and the car of the director group stopped in the yard.

When Qin An got out of the car, he had a look of deep hatred and didn't report his wife's death. His eyes were like a sword light, and he was looking at Ruan Tian coldly. Suddenly, he raised his hand and was about to shoot it.

Fortunately, Ruan Tian's skill is quick and she can hide quickly.

"Tut, what is Mr. Qin doing? You have something to say. "

Qin An was angry when he saw her. He was used to treating her with dignity. He had never suffered like this in his life.

He sneered, "I have a fart to say with you."

What a coincidence.

She had nothing to say to Qin An.

"You robbed my car in the afternoon and left me to run away, which made me walk more than ten kilometers. Be careful!"

Ruan Tian raised her eyelids and gave him a light look. "I'm a white lotus cunning bitch. This is what I should do."

The girl's eyes were full of don't care, "do you have any other expectations for me?"

Qin An was disgusted by her appearance, "are you not afraid that I will tell brother Shen what you have done?"

Ruan Tian seems to have thought seriously, "Shen Hui? Who is he? Do I know him? "

Qin An turned around and left, as if he would die if he said one more word to her.That evening, before the program was officially recorded, Qin An made a phone call to Shen Hui and said a lot about Ruan Tian for ten minutes.

"Brother Shen, you don't know how vicious she is. She drove away by herself."

"Well, do you think she's a woman? Why do you drive a tractor?"

"Brother Shen, when are you going to divorce her? Sister Qiao's illness is over. You're not..."

Shen Hui interrupted him, "Ruan Tian deliberately made trouble for you?"

Qin An thought for a moment and said, "that's not true. I'm just a little afraid that she's going to hype me up. If I knew that she's also on this show, I would never come."

Shen Hui made a noise and sat at his desk in the study, holding a pen between his fingers and turning it in boredom. He remembered that Ruan Tian had no hesitation in signing the divorce agreement and remembered the words he overheard in the car that night.

Ruan Tian may be playing hard to get, or really disdain to continue the marriage relationship with him.

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No matter what, Shen Hui was very unhappy.

He knew that the Zhou family would not give Ruan Tian money for a long time, and she didn't mix well in the entertainment circle for various reasons.

Shen Hui also doesn't think that Ruan Tian can go far in the entertainment industry. He slowly raises his lips,

feels that sooner or later she will have to come back and beg him to void the divorce agreement.

"Since Ruan Tian didn't mean to make trouble for you, you don't have to call to tell me so much." "I don't care much about her," Shen said


the program was officially recorded at eight o'clock that night.

The guests were asked to solve the problem of dinner by themselves. They could cook their own meals or go to the villagers' houses to eat.

Even if they can cook, they have no ingredients.

Liu Yingdi and Qin An spread their faces and prepared to eat from door to door. The villagers were simple and honest. Although they had already had dinner, they were kind enough to give them some big steamed bread.

Qin An holds the cold steamed bread in his hand and just wants to die on the spot.

Not only he can't eat, but also Liu Yingdi and huaimo are hard to swallow.

The three men were all starving.

The camera is satisfied to record their pathetic appearance. The editing is good. After playing, they can tear out a big wave of heat and make a steady profit.

Just when they were hungry and didn't know what to do, a delicious smell of meat came from the kitchen.

Qin An was even more hungry when he smelled it!

He turned his head and asked the accompanying director, "are you cooking?"

The director shook his head. "No, we all have box lunch."

Beside the stove, Ruan Tian served the newly cooked bacon rice. It was bright and delicious.

The couple Ruan Tian brought back to the village by tractor during the day not only gave her bacon, but also some rice.

In the first 17 years, Ruan Tian stumbled and grew up on her own. It was not difficult for her to cook, and her craftsmanship was also good.

At least the director is about to drool.

The director swallowed his throat, really a little desperate.

How can Ruan Tian know everything!? Don't netizens call her Miss Jiao, who won the first place in blood sucking!?

Where on earth does she have something to do with Miss Jiao?

The director hates it.

However, his prejudice against Ruan Tian is a little less. In the entertainment circle, she is used to playing backstage and cosmetic surgery. She is really rare.

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The little girl is pretty good.

Ruan Tian ate two bowls of bacon rice and belched. There was still more than half of the food left in the pot. The director was as cheeky as she was. "You can't finish this meal. Why don't you let our directors have a taste?"

Before Ruan Tian nodded, Qin An found the kitchen from the yard, staring at the rice in the pot.

Liu Yingdi said to her for the first time, "did you do this?"

She nodded. "It's me."

Liu Yingdi is not very nice, "can I eat it?"

Ruan Tian nodded again, "eat."

Huaimo also came over with a red face, "sister, I'm hungry, and I I want to have some, too. "

The young man is beautiful and bright, and his soft words are hard to refuse.

Ruan Tian can be too fond of such a fragrant soft brother, "eat, tube full."

Huaimo only served a bowl, after eating a mouthful, he put down the spoon, and his eyes were filled with sincerity, "Wuwuwuwu, it's really delicious!! Sister, this is the best meal I've ever had

Although Liu Yingdi didn't speak, he agreed with him.

Ruan Tian's bacon rice is not only fragrant, but also delicious.

All of a sudden, he felt that this little girl was not as bad as what he said on the Internet.

The onlooker Qin An's teeth will be crushed.

Liu Yingdi did not forget him. He raised his head and asked, "Xiao Qin, please sit down and have some."Qin An wanted to have the guts to throw down a "don't eat what he came from", but he was so hungry that he didn't have the strength to speak.

He didn't think Ruan Tian could make a delicious meal. He sat down reluctantly and ate three bowls without expression.

Shit, this smell is so damn charming.

When he was puzzled about whether to say a good word with Ruan Tian after eating, she glanced at him and said, "you wash the dishes."

Qin An's good feeling, which he managed to gather, was suddenly extinguished. "Do you want me to wash the dishes? Do you know who I am? I'm a young master of Qin's film industry. I haven't washed the dishes in my life. I don't even know what the detergent looks like. "

Ruan Tian has no expression, "remember to wash clean."

Qin An sneered coldly, "dad doesn't wash."

Ruan Tian looked at him, nodded and said, "that's OK. Then you spit out all the rice you just ate."

"Impatient" "don't beep if you can move your hand" "if you can't spit it out, wash it for me."

Qin An:?

Mom, he wants to go home.

Liu Yingdi came out on his own initiative and said, "Qin An, you..."

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Ruan Tian interrupted in the middle of the way, looking serious, "Miss Liu, how can you call Qin An's name directly? Please call him a noble young master who doesn't know detergent

Liu Yingdi


Qin An: I love your mother.


Ruan Tian, who has been busy all day, doesn't feel tired. In the early morning, she is still interested in lying under the pavilion in the yard and watching the stars.

Occasionally, I open my microblog to read the news, and then I suddenly remember that I still have a trumpet that I haven't used for a long time.

Login trumpet, the content that she sends in recent years is related to Shen amnesty.

Every micro blog is more painful than youth love pain literature.

A group of hypocritical people.

She's not ready to delete it. She can stay to see from time to time and remind herself how stupid she is.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the official blog of astrolabe released a group photo of the latest recording guests.

Ruan Tian stands in the middle, Qin An and huaimo stand on her left and right sides respectively.

In the group photo, everyone except Qin An was very happy.

Another thousand comments on this microblog are a mess.

"I can only see eight words on Qin An's face: do fine, retreat and disperse, and don't get hurt by labor and capital."

"They all laughed at him. It must be Ruan Tian who didn't want to do a good show and went astray to annoy our young master Qin."

"Ruan Tian is going to stir fry with Qin an again? Love handsome brother for a second, but Ruan Tian can make it clear that she has been married (although it is the same as not married)

Under this mediocre comment, the marketing number came to reveal that [the young master of Shen family, that is, the boss of Huanshi entertainment, and she are a fake couple. Ruan Tian has a dream of marrying into a rich family. After she gets married, she wants to have a child. When she doesn't have a job, she goes to the office of Shen group to squat, kneels and licks the Shen family like a madman, and refuses to divorce 。 The source is true, fake I eat shit. 】

when Ruan Tian saw this comment, she sighed that when human nature degenerated to this degree.

Is Shen Xunpei going to let her kneel and lick it?

She readily agreed to divorce.

Ruan Tian is lying under the stars, typing slowly, and replying with a large size: [deeply shocked, unaware. 】

[but I want to see you eat shit. 】

the author has something to say: tianzai scratched his head: why don't I know?

If the male owner is not sure about the next share, please be careful

the only sure thing is the extremely tragic crematorium of chasing his wife's crematorium

tianzai is heartless and heartless, and no one can abuse he

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