Those who eat melon Road on the network watched a lively, after the marketing number pretended to be dead and shut up, they dispersed.

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Ruan Tian had enough of the stars, so she went back to sleep in the room.

The room arranged by the program team is very shabby. Qin An sees Xi Mengsi beside the mud wall and just wants to leave on the spot.

Liu Yingdi, who has a good temper, can't bear it any more. He hasn't suffered much in the entertainment industry in these years. His debut is explosive. He has never slept in such a shabby room.

Ruan Tian looked at several people standing at the door, holding the quilt just issued by the program group, and went into her room. She wrapped herself tightly with the quilt, rolled to the inside, and soon fell asleep.

Qin an really convinced this person, even if today is a pig's nest, she can sleep happily.

Several guests could not make a scene, but the director and the camera couldn't make a scene. They forced their dissatisfaction and went to bed with the quilt.

Ben was very tired. Before the next day, he was woken up by the crew.

Ruan Tian had a good night's dreamless sleep. After getting up, she was full of energy. After washing, she cooked a pot of vegetable porridge with the rice left last night.

She held the bowl nest in front of the stove, drank the porridge in the bowl clean and warmed her whole body.

Even though Qin An is picky about Ruan Tian, she doesn't like it anywhere, but she has to admit that the food she makes is not only delicious, but also delicious.

Qin An was thin skinned. When she asked her for vegetable porridge, her ears were red. "Well, I'll give you money as reward after I go back."

Ruan Tian sat in front of the fire. The light of the fire made her white face blush slightly. She raised her eyelids slightly and glanced at him.

I don't know why. Qin An feels that her eyes are like looking at a mentally retarded person.

"All right."

Qin An ate two bowls of vegetable porridge without any burden. The vegetables melted in the mouth, the rice was soft and sticky, and the taste was fresh and fragrant.

He gets up after eating enough, and his breath is almost gone. His low eyes catch a glimpse of Ruan Tian's hand. It seems that a small bag has been burned out on his thumb.

There was a strange feeling in his heart that could not be explained.

Because of face, Qin An can never say what he cares about.

After the guests finished eating, the director had the cheek to finish the rest of the porridge.

The director's impression of Ruan Tian is really good now. The pretty girl is not coquettish at all. She has no problems and is very capable.

At first, he didn't agree with Ruan Tian's participation in this program. Although it was a little hot with Xu Jing, it was an unpopular landlady in the name of Huanshi who was half banned by the industry. It was not good to invite her, but there might be a lot of sequelae.

Now, he has no opinion at all.

Ruan Tian is such a good girl. How can she not like it!

Taking advantage of his spare time, the director quietly walked to Ruan Tian, "little Ruan, let's add a wechat later."

Ruan Tian blinked in confusion.

After two days together, the director felt that the child really fit his eye, and he laughed obscenely, "don't you have no chance to shoot? I have a producer friend. There will be a TV series to be shot soon. Then you can have a try and see if you can

You! no Yes! No! Drama! Shoot! Oh!

Is it well known that she is not doing well?

Although there is a sense of being connoted, Ruan Tian still readily added wechat to the director and politely said, "thank you, director."

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The recording of the second half of "the changing star" is extremely tragic.

The four guests were divided into two groups, one group transplanting seedlings in the field, the other group fertilizing manure.

Ruan Tian was not popular, but she was lucky. She was divided into a group with huaimo, and she was transplanted in the next field.

On the other side, Qin'an, who is picking up manure and fertilizing, has a smelly face, which can be compared with manure.

Ruan Tian put on his rain boots and went down to the field bravely.

Qin An didn't expect to see Ruan Tian's jokes any more. Sure enough, she was very skilled in transplanting rice seedlings. When huaimo was still trapped in the paddy field and couldn't pull out her legs, Ruan Tian was almost finished.

The little girl's hair is loose and tied to the back of her head. A few pieces of broken hair fall from her forehead. The sweat slowly slides down both sides of her cheek. The girl standing in the sunlight is white and shining. Her facial features are delicate and her neck is long. Her dark eyes seem to be overflowing with light water. She looks like a doll.

Huaimo looked at her for a long time. When he came back, his face turned red.

Ruan Tian went over and saw the boy standing in the paddy field with a red face, motionless. He thought he was blushing because he couldn't move.

She patted him on the shoulder. "With a little force on your feet, you can pull out your boots. Don't worry."

Huaimo tossed for a moment before he could barely raise his foot.

Ruan Tian regarded him as a wretch who was forced to enter the circle to earn money. Seeing him, they felt like they were in the same boat. They took off their shoes and socks, rolled up their trouser legs and sat on the edge of the field.

Ruan Tian chatted with him, "brother, is this your first notice?"Huaimo lowered his head, afraid that she would see his face red, "en en."

Ruan Tian sighed, "don't lose heart, this circle is like this. If it's not red, no one will pay attention to you. Maybe it will be harder, but if you think about money, it won't be so hard."

Although huaimo didn't understand what she was saying, he still nodded.

Then he whispered: "sister Ruan Tian, I'm not going to enter the entertainment industry." Huaimo's face buried more and more low, "I'm ready to go back to school."

Ruan Tian was not very surprised, but it's a pity that such a beautiful young man will be angry in time.

But going back to school is better than working.

She was a little relieved, "then you must study hard."

Huaimo can't control his shyness as soon as he talks to her. He nods hard, "I will."

The boy suddenly raised his face, his eyes twinkling with hers. He asked, "sister Ruan Tian, are we friends now?"

"Count it."

"Can I come to you later?"

"Yes, I can."

Huaimo is really good-looking and soft tempered. It's hard for Ruan Tian to hate such a poor brother.

In her mind, she has already made up a big play in which poor teenagers are forced to earn a living.

Huaimo got her approval, pursed her lips and began to smile, "my sister is so good."

Qin An, who is carrying a pole in the field, coldly looks at the two people who are talking and laughing on the dirt road. His face shows disdain and his chest is filled with anger. When did Ruan Tian play so well with the young master of Huai's family?

Huaimo is the only heir of huaijia family.

He has been raised at home since childhood, and has hardly been seen in public. He is eccentric and perverse. He has a needle in his pocket and a knife in his smile. He is not a good thing.

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Such a difficult person, even with Ruan Tian behind the buttocks, sister long sister short?

Qin An thinks huaimo is blind.

He took back his eyes, and then picked the bucket to the side of the field. His eyes were filled with two words of dislike.

Qin An wants to die.

I really want to die.

It stinks.

Smelly, he's autistic.

Ruan Tian stood up and acted as the commander, "master Qin, it's wrong for you to pour it like this. You should take it slowly, not too much or too fast."

Qin An slanted his eyes, and only four big words were written in his eyes: I * *.

Ruan Tian was extremely innocent. "I'm afraid you'll water their crops to death."

Qin An's hand holding the pole was out of control, and he glared at her face.

Ruan Tian said, "will you stare at me? Then you stare. "

After pouring the manure, Qin An didn't want to talk.

He walked along the path like a salted fish, and Ruan Tian saw that he automatically took one meter to the side, as if he had come to a cesspit.

Qin An eyebrows straight jump, if the eyes can kill, Ruan Tian has turned to ash on the spot.

Ruan Tian felt that she still had to explain, "you stink."

It stinks.

It stinks.

It stinks.

Qin An clenched his fist. He couldn't stand it any more. "Roll, roll, roll."

In the afternoon, the recording of this issue of the astrolabe was finally over.

Two days and one night were easy for her, and the rest of them felt relieved.

Qin An felt that he must have been in his head before he came to the show.

Ruan Tian left Beian village in the car of the program group. She didn't sleep all the way, playing with her mobile phone, waiting for the high amount of divorce alimony that Shen Hui gave her.

It's been a while since they signed the divorce agreement.

What about the money? Did Shen Hui eat it?

Why does he want to eat money? Isn't it good to eat shit?


It's a shame.

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Ruan Tian is really shy in her pocket, and she is very poor and flustered.

On the way back, Ruan Tian couldn't sleep because she was poor.

Bored to log in the microblog, fans from 980000 to 1.2 million.

Her microblog home page is quite clean, and she seldom sends self portraits.

In a group of abusive comments, Ruan Tian immediately saw the fans chasing her to take selfie.

So she picked out a picture of Beian village and sent it.

Before long, this micro blog even got a lot of praise.

[my little sister is really vigorous in the sunshine! 】

[I felt it from the marketing number yesterday. My little sister's selfie is the most beautiful star I have ever seen! 】

[sweet boy!!! Mom finally saw you take a selfie again, wuwuwu, don't care about the comments of those sunspots, our mom powder will always stand behind you. 】

[sweet cubs fly at ease, sweet powder will always follow! 】

[we sweet cubs are really more and more promising, taking advantage of the heat of traffic for several times at the end of the year. Yes, if we want to touch it, we have to touch the big one! Sweet baby washes duck!!! ]Ruan Tian scratched her head and giggled twice.

Four hours later, the car of the program group took her to her rented apartment in Beijing.

Ruan Tian takes her luggage back to the room, sits lazily on the mat in front of the sofa and starts to call Shen Hui.

After more than a dozen calls, no one answered.

Ruan Tian raised her hand and looked at her eye watch. It was still early, so she changed her warm coat and went out.

It's snowing in the capital. Although it's beautiful, it's freezing.

Ruan Tian took a taxi to the front door of Shen's group building, the top position of the business circle. Dozens of floors towered into the clouds. She looked up for a while, her shoulders sore.

A few minutes later, Ruan Tian took a breath, raised her face slightly, and walked slowly in front of the security guard.

Before getting on the elevator, Ruan Tian was stopped by the front desk.

The front desk smiles at her, "Hello, who are you?"

Ruan Tian felt that the scorn in the eyes of the front desk betrayed her. The front desk definitely knew her.

"I'm looking for Shen Hui," she said

The receptionist said kindly, "Miss, do you have an appointment?"


"Please make an appointment first."

"I need to see him."

"If you don't make an appointment here, I can't mention your arrangement."

Ruan Tian is silent.

Then he pointed to his face, "do you know me?"

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"I have nothing to do with him, don't you? Do we have to make an appointment with you when we go to bed? "


The front desk couldn't say a word and looked at her with the expression of "look at this abandoned woman, she must be crazy because of love".

"Miss Ruan, we can only follow the rules."

The front desk regards her as a madwoman who is infatuated with Shen amnesty, and decides that she is here to harass Shen amnesty today, but refuses to let her go up.

Ruan Tian was speechless and helpless, "I'm not, I don't have it."

She's here to ask for money.


Ruan Tian was finally driven out by the security guard.

She closed the door and stood under the business building for a few minutes with the expression of I want to die.

Never thought that this scene was photographed and sent to anonymous forum.

[front line eating melon, a rich lady, 18 line actress even did not see her husband's face, was driven out by the people below, picture on the first floor. 】

2L: hahaha, CNM, I want to die laughing.

3L: I didn't expect it to be so funny before clicking on the picture.

4l: Damn, is this Ruan Tian? I really believe the rumor that the Shen family is going to dump her.

5L: what kind of rich and noble women, rich and abandoned women are almost the same.

6L: I can't wait to give it to Shen xunla, the CP of other beautiful sisters, the rich businessman and the frail sister. It's killing me. It's killing me.

This picture of Ruan Tian was published in the entertainment section of the forum.

All over the screen are posts about her.

Why is CNM so funny!! Half an hour later I was still laughing. 】

[the picture of Ruan Tian really makes my new head laugh away. 】

[Ruan Tian's left eye and right eye seem to have the words "I want to die" and "let me die". On her face, I really don't want to harass her husband. It's so funny.

once again, Ruan Tian, who was still in a pink way, did not know what was going on.

At this time, she was still in a caf é downstairs of Shen's group. With a cold look, she held her head and casually sent several wechat messages to Shen Hui, "my cat and I miss you very much."

"Oh! I forgot. "

"I don't have a cat."

"You don't have a mother either."

The author has something to say: sweet boy: Shen Hui, you don't have a mother.

Shen Hui:????

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