During the two-hour meeting, the managers of all departments were very careful.

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Shen Hui was sitting in the main seat of the conference table. He was dressed in a proper black suit. His complexion was white and his expression was cold, but his eyes were smiling like nothing.

The man's hand is very beautiful. His fingers are thin and white. The black pen in his hand slowly stops. People hold their breath and wait for his final judgment.

The man enunciated: "break up first."

When the people in the meeting room were almost scattered, Secretary Xu told him about Ruan Tian's visit.

Shen Hui raised her eyebrows and said with a smile, "she's been here?"

Secretary Xu thought about it and said, "madam, I didn't make any trouble. It seems that I have something to look for you."

Shen Hui only thought Ruan Tian wanted to pester him, or she began to attack again. She sneered and didn't take it seriously.

Secretary Xu's eyebrows twitch. After watching the surveillance, he feels that Ruan Tian doesn't seem to be making trouble. On the contrary, when he mentions the name of the president again, he has a very obvious dislike.

Shen Hui took out his mobile phone and saw Ruan Tian's more than a dozen unanswered calls. He fiddled with the software, opened wechat and had a look --

"you don't have a mother", which was very conspicuous.

Shen Hui's smile made people feel chilly when he looked at it with a slightly cold smile.


Ruan Tian was not at all surprised that Shen Hui didn't answer her phone, or that she was driven out in a mess.

Two years ago, when she was a wife, she had to make more than 130 phone calls to Shen amnesty.

Each one was hung up by Shen Hui himself.

Her stubbornness is no match for Shen Hui's ruthlessness.

Ruan Tian sits near the glass window of the coffee shop. Outside the window, the world after the snow is clear and bright. The snow is full of branches. Several high school students in school uniforms are playing snowball fights around the square.

Ruan Tian propped her chin, the lazy sunlight poured down on her white cheek, and the light pupil reflected the school uniform they were wearing.

It's been a long time since she thought about high school.

Ruan Tian thinks that it is too early for her to be blind. Only in high school can she look at Shen for ten thousand years.

Her love is so ardent that she can't hide her learning.

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Ruan Tian likes Shen amnesty, which is well known in high school. She is always cheeky and doesn't think it's a shame to let others know.

There's no skill in chasing back, just clumsily giving him the best thing that belongs to him.

Every day, Lei Daibu stuffed his drawer with hot milk and whole wheat bread, but all of them ended up in the trash.

Her sincere confession letter was posted on the school bulletin board by Shen Hui's good friend Qin Yu, which attracted all the teachers and students to watch. She became the most shameless person to be criticized.

Qin Yu took the thin letter and read it word by word.

Shen Hui stood by and let her stand in the same place and be humiliated wantonly. He didn't stop Qin Yu's behavior. When he finished reading, he said with a faint smile, "go."

Before Christmas, Ruan Tian knitted a scarf for Shen xunguo a month in advance. Finally, she solemnly packed the finished product into the packing box and gave it to him with a beautiful bow. That night, Ruan Tian saw her scarf in the garbage truck at the school gate.

The cotton scarf was stained by the sewage from the garbage truck and smelled of rotten food.

Ruan Tian stared at it for a long time, then picked up the scarf from the garbage truck and put it into a paper bag. That was her most precious thought when she was young. She stayed up late to hook it out, and her fingers were punctured with many blood bubbles.

But it's nothing to Shen Hui.

Even Ruan Tian is nothing to him.

That's why I watched her being dragged into the alley by the gangsters outside the school.

Ruan Tian still remembers Shen Hui's eyes at that time. They were alienated and indifferent. They were aloof and scornful. They were like a cold knife. They poked her through the heart.

A bell pulled Ruan Tian out of her memory.

's news from WeChat is one after another:

is leaving the original grass: [you went to Shen Shu? Aren't you two divorced!? 】

sweet boy: [he doesn't give money! He hasn't given me the divorce compensation yet! Angry jpg. 】

sweet boy: [Shen Hui, you son of a bitch, still want to go whoring for nothing? He wanted to be beautiful.

is off the lush grass on the plains. 】

sweet boy: [is he human? Is he a man?

leaves the original grass:... 】

after less than half an hour in the coffee shop, Ruan Tian took a taxi home.

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When she saw Shen Hui in front of the small apartment outside the Fourth Ring Road, she was really surprised. After she repeatedly confirmed that the house number was her own door, she was still shocked.

Ruan Tian was no less shocked than Lao Wang's infertile wife next door, who gave birth to twins."What are you doing here?"

Shen Hui is wearing a suit pocket with one hand. His face is cold. He is like this. Even if he is mocking you, he can hardly see his expression.

"Didn't you come to me? Tell me, what's the matter

Ruan Tian scratched her head. "Didn't we sign the divorce agreement?"

Shen Hui made a sound.

Ruan Tian blinked and then said, "the agreement says you have to pay me five million yuan of alimony every year."

Then she compared five fingers to him.

Ruan Tian looked at his face, trying to calm himself, "so what about the money?"

How about her little money!!!

Shen Hui's cold eyes glared at her, and the rising radian of his mouth was slightly chilly. "Are you looking for me for money?"

Ruan Tian was confused, "what else?"

Shen Hui's eyes were low, and her cold eyes turned on her face. The girl's eyes only looked forward to the money.

At this moment, he suddenly understood.

Ruan Tian really wants to divorce him instead of playing hard to get.

Shen Hui's eyes didn't move away for a long time. She stared at her face. This pure and beautiful face was no different from two years ago. Her round eyes were cleaner than glass balls. Her face was small and bright white. She pursed her lips and seemed impatient.

All of a sudden, Shen Hui was very upset.

He said indifferently, "I regret it."

Ruan Tian's eyes were full of great doubts

Shen Hui looks good, even if he has no expression, he is the best looking one. He put in his pocket and said in a slow voice, "I remember that we signed a prenuptial agreement. Besides, in the past two years, you haven't fulfilled your obligations as a husband and wife, so I'm not going to give you the money."

Ruan Tian:

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Shen Hui, you really don't have a mother.

In Ruan Tian's memory, Shen is not a stingy person.

He is very generous to everyone. If he doesn't have reason to treat her, he becomes an Iron Rooster.

Ruan Tian didn't understand. Why did he suddenly change his mind?

Want to break the head, she came to a conclusion, that is - Shen amnesty brain disease.

Without this windfall, Ruan Tian is heartbroken, but she really can't help it.

Shen Hui didn't seem to want to say a word more to her. He left the old apartment building with a cool face.

He sat in the car for a moment and looked at her balcony with indifferent eyes. The green potted plants on the windowsill were full of vitality. The copper coin grass growing up along the sunshine was just like Ruan Tian, humble but stubborn.

Shen Hui's heart was filled with a kind of restlessness without warning. His jaw was tight and his face was cold.

Slender fingers clenched the steering wheel, a few seconds later, the foot hard step on the accelerator, the head did not return to leave.

Ruan Tian, who is at home, calls Jiang Lili. The main idea is summed up in four words:

Shen Hui is dead.

Jiang Li faltered: "you don't like him now?"

She still remembers the way that she never looked back when she bumped into it.

Moreover, Jiang Li really didn't know if Ruan Tian had given Shen amnesty the medicine and overcame him.

Looking at the way Ruan Tian was crazy about Shen Hui at that time, she couldn't do it.

Ruan Tian cross legged sitting on the sofa, holding an apple bite, free and easy way: "I am very noble, he does not deserve."

Jiang Li suddenly asked his soul, "do you still have money?"

This can be Ruan Tian asked stunned, "No."

Her heart moved, asked: "you say I go to set up a stall, will not get what kind of baked cold noodles Xi Shi name ah?"

Jiang Li is silent. It seems that Ruan Tian doesn't know that she's making a big noise in Shen's group today.

"Sweet boy."

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Ruan Tian took a bite of the apple, and his cheeks were full.

Jiang Li said, "do you know that they all regard you as a madwoman now?" After a pause, she continued: "if you set up a stall, they will only think you are really crazy."

Ruan Tian's Roasted cold noodles and Xi Shi's broken dreams.

Jiang Li still has business to say to her, "marry my son and concubine for me" is going to be broadcast this Saturday. You should remember to advertise on Weibo at that time. "

Ruan Tian was a little surprised, "so fast?"

Jiang Li explained: "Xu Jing's backstage is too strong, and the play directly parachuted to the golden stall of fruit TV."

Ruan Tian tut tut a few, do not care about the said: "very good."

Dream inside, this play, fire is not her!!!

Jiang Li can also understand her careless attitude. She's just a girl No. 4. Even if she's angry, she's OK.

Moreover, Jiang Li has seen the script, and Ruan Tian's sheriff is too bad. He just wants to strangle her after reading the script.

Soon on Saturday, nine stills were shown two hours before the show.Ruan Tian's photo happens to be stuck between the man and the woman. In the still photo, she has gorgeous red makeup and sick crazy eyes, looking at Xu Jing's son.

This still photo clearly shows her role as "I play little three", "I'm a bad person", "I'm cheap", "come and scold me".

At 8 p.m. that day, "marry the princess of the world" arrived as promised, with a high popularity, breaking the record of the fruit station for its premiere.

Ruan Tian shrank at home, lazily hiding in the quilt to catch up with the update.

In the first two episodes, she only had ten minutes.

Ruan Tian estimates that she will be as oblivious as other minor supporting roles. She can't get up the interest to see the online evaluation. She doesn't even look at her mobile phone, so she rolls up the quilt and goes to sleep directly.

But she didn't know that a well-known XiuTu blogger cut out Ruan Tian's beautiful and pure appearance with tears in her eyes in a red wedding dress, and added the words: "you are the best in the world"

with the blessing of acting skills, a large number of passers-by on the Internet are very interested in this new actress. She is too beautiful, but the role she plays is too annoying.

That night, Ruan Tian and Xu Jing were even.

#Ruan Tian, a crazy beauty, goes straight to the third place of hot search.

The author has something to say: sweet boy: ouch, I'm a crazy woman ~

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