"Marry the princess of the world" was originally a small cost online drama, because Xu Jing was invited to shoot and broadcast.

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However, the female master and the female two are the background households who are crammed into the platform. They are not professional and have no acting skills.

So Ruan Tian, the acting school, picked up a bargain and got a big wave of praise when it started broadcasting.

She was sitting on the horse in red, holding nine whip, arrogant and domineering, showing her inherent pride. But her eyes were too affectionate when she looked at the man, and it was hard not to move people.

"I've never seen this actress before. She's not only beautiful, but also smart."

"It's beautiful. It's really beautiful."

"God, why don't the man like her wuwuwu? This kind of look breaks my heart. I feel that no matter what she does, I can forgive her."

"I've been entertaining for so many years. I really see the hope of entertaining from her."

Jiang Lili goes to Ruan Tian's apartment without permission and looks at the woman who is still sleeping in bed. He is silent for a while, and it takes a lot of effort to wake her up.

Ruan Tian's eyes were bleary. She leaned against the pillow like a bone and yawned, "Why are you here?"

Jiang Li took a deep breath and gave her his cell phone. "Look at it."

Ruan Tian didn't know why, so she took her mobile phone and scanned it. After reading the comments from the official blog, she was slightly surprised, "are they praising me?"

Jiang Li couldn't control his excitement. He held her and screamed, "ah, it's you! Sweet boy, you are going to be red! "

From the first day Ruan Tian entered the circle, Jiang Lili was her agent. In recent years, due to various reasons, she failed to receive any good roles. Seeing Ruan Tian's hard work, she played all the roles and suffered a lot.

Now it's not easy to see the sign that Ding Dian wants to be red. Jiang Li is so happy that he almost cries.

Ruan Tian was suddenly praised so much that she was not used to it.

"Harm! You can't say it's going to be red. "

At most, there are more fans and more heat than before.

It's far away from the little red flower.

Ruan Tian looked at the comment again and felt uncomfortable.

She hasn't been so praised in her life.

She felt that she could publish a book for the first half of her life, which was called Ruan Tian's life.

"Tianzai, from today on, you must have a good business on Weibo." Jiang Lili held back his excitement. "This morning, I received several phone calls to interview you, and some invitation for variety shows. It turns out that this is the feeling of being knocked unconscious by happiness."

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Ruan TianDun, raised her eyes to see her, asked: "did you take it?"

Jiang Li suddenly shut up, a little embarrassed expression, "received an interview, the rest of the push."

Ruan Tian: "you don't want to live?"

Jiang Li was seen by her eyes in the heart of hair empty, had to tell the truth, "is the company to help you push."

On hearing this, Ruan Tian was not surprised.

Ruan Tian was fooled by a star scout and signed a large entertainment company. Although the scale of Ruan Tian is not as big as that of Huanshi, she is one of the best in the industry.

When she first joined the company, Ruan Tian was also full of vision.

On the first day of signing the contract, she met an acquaintance in the elevator.

Qin Yu.

Qin An's brother read the love letter she wrote to Shen Hui in high school.

Ruan Tian is not a real soft persimmon. After being deliberately humiliated by Qin Yu, she rushed up at school. She was strong, but Qin Yu was unprepared. She was pressed on the ground with a bang.

From then on, the two of them were married.

And in this Mary Suwen, Qin Yu, as an important male partner, has hidden in her heart that the woman is also her sister Zhou Xiaoqiao.

When Qin Yu met her in the elevator, although she didn't speak ill of each other, she was also very strange.

However, Qin Yu is a sophisticated person, and it's hard to distinguish between joy and anger. Even if she wants to humiliate her, she won't be caught.

He gave her a smile, meaning not clear, "it's Ruan Tian."

Ruan Tian never had a good face to Qin Yu. She said without expression: "don't call my name."

"I want to throw up."

"God, I'm dirty."

"I'm not clean."

Qin Yu's smile calmed down, and his face sank down. When there was no one, he was wrong and out of date. He whispered in her ear, "I think you can be glib until when."

Ruan Tian didn't understand what it meant.

Later I learned that Qin Yu was the boss of her company.

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How to say.

Her acting career is almost over.

However, Ruan Tian, who was flexible, went to Qin Yu's office early the next morning and made peace with him with a smile.

When Qin met no one, his mouth was very mean and he couldn't say a good word to her, which made her very angry.It is estimated that the entertainment industry can not find a second pair of owners and employees who are so disgusted with each other.

Ruan Tian wants to be open, "too normal, Qin meets which day does not offend lowly, his bone itches."

Jiang Li and she stood in the same camp, carrying the boss behind his back and doing everything, said: "Qin Yu is really not a funny, compassionate person."

Ruan Tian suddenly melancholy, "then I have the next notice?"

Jiang Li quickly replied, "yes, I'm going to the fruit stage this Saturday to participate in the publicity of the shizifei opera group. I've also won you an audition for the second girl in the movie. I've brought the script. You're ready. You have to go to the audition next weekend."

Ruan Tian laughed, "OK."

Jiang Li left the script and went back to the company.

Ruan Tian has nothing to do, so she concentrates on reading the script at home and trying to figure out the role.

The audience rating of "marry a concubine for a son" is also rising, and Ruan Tian's hot discussion on the fruit stage is high. In the next few days, she deliberately edited her parts back.

Ruan Tian's number of microblog fans has also risen to 3 million, suddenly becoming a well-known 17 line small flower in the entertainment industry.

The audience's praise poured in, and fans began to blow rainbow farts on her.

[originally, I wanted to look for tianzai's previous works, but I couldn't find them at all. We tianzai finally got ahead, wuwuwu. 】

[sweet cub, would you please take more selfies!!! Don't hide such a beautiful face. 】

[baby, remember to have a good meal. Mom is looking forward to your next role. 】

Ruan Tian thinks these little girls are quite interesting.

The day before the recording of the publicity program of the fruit station, Ruan Tian received a phone call from her mother again and yelled, "where have you been?"!? Didn't I tell you to stay in the hospital and take care of your sister? "

Ruan Tian pursed her lips and said, "I'm at home."

Zhou's mother's tone was not very good. She didn't speak decently. "Come to the hospital quickly!"

Ruan sweet lying trough two, startled to feel that the plot has come to Zhou Xiaoqiao second operation, to her sister's blood donation of dog blood bridge segment.

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Malicious woman with not willing, Zhou mother finally find someone to tie her to the hospital, both hard and soft force her to donate blood.

Ruan Tian said to the lady at that end, "OK, I'll be here soon."

Ruan Tian had yearned for family affection. She always felt that even if her parents were eccentric, they would not be eccentric to the extreme.

If her parents had not shed a few sad tears on the day of finding her, Ruan Tian would have felt that she was not born.

She rushed to the hospital ward in a hurry. As soon as she took a breath, she was dragged by Zhou's mother to draw blood.

Zhou Xiaoqiao frowned, "Mom, don't do this. My sister won't like it."

Ruan Tian stares at Zhou Xiaoqiao on the hospital bed. Her face is pale, her eyebrows are slightly frowned, her long soft hair is lying in the neck socket, and she has a kind of quiet and fragile beauty.

Ruan sweetheart said: what a fuckin 'mistress.

Zhou's mother couldn't wait and glared at her coldly, "don't you want to?" Then he criticized, "this is your sister. Don't you want to do such a little thing?"

Ruan Tian hung her eyes, "I'd like to. I sent a message to my sister. I thought she knew."

Zhou Xiaoqiao's eyes turned red. "Sorry, sister, I didn't see it."

Ruan Tian convinced her, this white lotus degree she can't catch up with.


Have the face to say you didn't see it?

P chart all know to give their own p big eyes, how to see the news when you don't know to open your eyes?!

Ruan Tian didn't want to say any more, "go and draw blood."

Zhou's mother didn't ask anything. She took her to draw 500 ml of blood.

Ruan Tian sat alone on the bench, pressing the blood hole on her arm with cotton, and was in a daze.

Fortunately, this is the only and last time she donates blood to Zhou Xiaoqiao. If she does it again, she will die with them, carrying a gasoline can.

Ruan Tian later realized that someone was talking about her.

"Is this Ruan Tian?"

"Ah, it's her."

"Real people are more beautiful than on TV."

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"What did she come to see in the hospital? I really want to go up and sign it. "

Ruan Tian put on her mask and ran away before the crowd gathered around her.

Panting, she ran to the door of the hospital to take a taxi. A black Maybach stopped in front of her eyes. The window fell slowly. Shen Hui turned his face and said faintly, "get on the bus, I'll see you off."

Shen Hui thinks that Zhou Xiaoqiao is such a clever, obedient, knowledgeable girl who should have a wife.

Ruan Tian does not meet the requirements of his partner.

Even if they got married, he never got to know her well.

This month, Shen Hui's brain began to think of Ruan Tian's face frequently. Her heartless smile came out from time to time, which made him want to forget.

Shen Hui knew that her play was on the air. When she was bored, she glanced at it. To be honest, she did a good job. She didn't have any intention to play it. She didn't do it as well as herself.Ruan Tian sneered, "it's not necessary."

Shen Hui's eyebrows were cold and pointed to the person who recognized her at the door of the hospital. "Are you sure you can't come up?"

Ruan Tian looked around, gritted her teeth and got into his car.

Shen asked suddenly, "what are you doing in the hospital?"

What the hell! What the hell! It's all for your moonlight!

Ruan Tian laughed and said: "my brother is pregnant. I'll accompany him to have a pregnancy test."

Shen Hui: "I'm sorry."

Shen Hui looked at her pale face through the rearview mirror, and his fingers tightened.

Ruan Tian just realized what he said, "Sao Aorui ~ slip of the tongue."

Every time Shen Hui saw the expression on her face that she didn't care about anything, she began to be agitated and speechless.

"About the divorce, I..."

Let's slow down.

Ruan Tian quickly interrupted him, "don't worry! I will never pester you. From now on, if you go east, I'll go west. We'll make a clean break and never see each other again. "

"Bah, it's their own peace."

"I know that I have brought trouble to you in this marriage. I'm sorry, but you can rest assured that you will marry whoever you like in the future. I will find a suitable time to clarify the rumor about us on the Internet in the future. I will not ruin your reputation even if I die."

"Shen Hui, do you think it's ok? Are you satisfied? "

The author has something to say: Shen Gou: I'm dead

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