Ruan Tian doesn't like to surf the Internet. She is busy searching for her ID card in the drawer. She can't wait for Monday to get a divorce certificate with Shen Hui.

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Ruan Tian's ID card, household registration book and marriage certificate are all ready, ready for everything.

She sat in bed, staring at Shen Hui on her marriage certificate with a face like a mourning face.

Silent way: face is a good face, but she had better marry a dog.

On Sunday night, Princess shizifei had been in the middle.

The princess played by Ruan Tian began to do evil things, and the audience gnashed their teeth at her hatred.

Audiences who are too involved in the play have to run to scold her.

What surprised her was that many fans spontaneously defended her and gave her a long speech to encourage her.

"My hands and feet are cold these days, and I'm flustered. What did Tian Zai do wrong? She's just a little actress who can only act. Why do you bully her? "

"Sweet baby is the softest existence in our doughnut center. Please don't violence her on the Internet."

"Sweetie, don't look at the bad comments. They have no heart."

"We advise other little pollens not to be explosion-proof. The more explosion-proof they are, the more explosive they will be. Maybe in the next play, our sweet baby will explode directly into popcorn, hee hee hee."

A few actresses tore up the world shaking and vigorous, and the only male owner was very popular. Everyone loved him from old to young. He became the top of the top stream, and he took advantage of all the cheap things.

Ruan Tian doesn't have any real feelings about red. She doesn't think the play is really good until the film side gives her a big red envelope.

On Sunday afternoon, Ruan Tian has an interview to do on the TV drama channel.

The weather is not very good. The sky is like a hole. The rain keeps falling. The gray sky makes people just want to sleep at home.

Jiang Li leaves her Maserati to pick up Ruan Tian. Her mobile phone is going to be knocked out these days, and the invitation of various producers is pouring in. Although it's all small productions and female roles, it's enough for her to be happy for a while.

After Ruan Tian got on the bus, he found that Jiang Li had bought a new bag.

She also does not understand, Jiang Li is so rich, why do you want to be an agent, when a happy rich second generation is not fragrant?

By the time we got to the company, the reporters who came to interview had been waiting in the lounge.

Ruan Tian herself is not popular enough, but she has enough topics, such as her identity as the boss of Huanshi entertainment, and the complicated relationship between her and dingliu Xujing.

Ruan Tian heard Shen Hui's name from the reporter. She couldn't help clapping in her heart, and then bypassed the problem.

The reporter had to step back and ask for the second place, "how do you feel about the cooperation between Mr. Ruan and Mr. Xu Jing in a play?"

The reporter has heard many experts say that she and Xu Jing don't get along well, and the communication with the same group of actors is close to zero. Xu Jing seems to be very dissatisfied with her bundling hype, like water and fire.

All the interview outlines are well prepared, so we have to dig out an exclusive.

Ruan Tian's eyes were bent with a smile, and she was quite kind. She said, "my relationship with Mr. Xu is OK. Last time I recorded the program, he sent me home. Hehe hehe."

The reporter didn't know what to say for a moment.

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How can we not fight!

It's so disappointing.

After the interview, Ruan Tian looked at her watch and saw that it was still early. She turned around and planned to go to Jiang Lili's office to find her. They made an appointment to eat hot pot together.

She walked with her head down and almost missed the glass door.

Push the door and enter, line of sight accurate to find the window of Jiang Lili, and then saw her side of the man in a black suit.

Her boss.

Her parents are well fed.

She was like Qin Yu, who had been feuded in her last life.

Ruan Tian hasn't seen Qin Yu for nearly two years. Qin's film is just one of the most insignificant companies in Qin Yu's name.

His days in the company are rare.

Moreover, the young master Qin has been ill since he was born. He has been ill since he was a child. His face is sickly pale all the year round. His dark eyes are dark and gloomy.

Ruan Tian is still afraid of him,

the black suit on the man's body is a black shirt, and the dark clothes make him particularly gloomy.

Qin Yu was in a wheelchair, but he had to take a wheelchair from time to time.

The corner of his mouth curved like a smile. With a slight movement of his fingers, the wheelchair came to Ruan Tian. He slowly arranged his sleeves and said with a smile, "Ruan Tian, you are very powerful these days."

Ruan Tian put Zhang dead face, "it's OK, it's general prestige."

Ruan Tian is not afraid of any of these dandies, but he has a little unspeakable fear of Qin Yu.

Because other people can be fake idiots.

But Qin Yu was really sick.

The brain is not very normal.

It's heartless to do things.

When she was dragged into the alley in high school, Shen Hui was helpless, but Qin Yu turned back.With his bodyguard, he was wearing a blue and white school uniform, and his white face was slightly cold under the street lamp.

At that time, Ruan Tian put aside the things that he and Qin could not tolerate. In the face of innocence, face is a fart.

It's not as good as fart!

She cried for her parents.

Qin meets this dog thief but takes advantage of the fire to rob, the eye looks like the snake equally cold, "you let me kiss, I will help you."

Ruan Tian was so stupid that she bit her teeth and nodded.

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She thought simply. When Qin Yu helped her out, she ran immediately.

Can't she run away from Qin?

You can't judge by appearances.

Qin Yu, looking at her poor health and strong as a cow, pressed her wrist fiercely against the wall and bit her lips.

Ruan Tian can still remember the taste of forced first kiss.

Painful, full of rust smell, not so good.

She felt that she was also treated as Zhou Xiaoqiao's substitute by Qin Yu. He couldn't get to the right master, so he had to step back and ask for the second to kiss her.

Ruan Tian remembers the day of their birthday.

Qin Yu gives Zhou Xiaoqiao a doll with a price of more than ten thousand yuan that she likes very much. Shen Hui gives Zhou Xiaoqiao a customized necklace.

And she was forgotten.

His parents forgot him, and Shen Hui didn't give her any gifts.

Qin Yu was the only one who still remembered her. He gave her a pot of Lysimachia christinae and said that she was the same as this pot of Lysimachia christinae.

It's not worth money. You should live in the dust.

Ruan Tian's legs are straight and taut, and she has some pain when she stands.

She wants to go.

Qin Yu, like deliberately refusing to let her go, said faintly, "follow me into the office."

Ruan Tian shook her head.

Qin Yu squinted and laughed.

Ruan Tian's mouth was dry. She had no expression on her face. Looking at Qin Yu's eyes, she was very calm, "I'm afraid you can sneak me."

Jiang Li

Others: "I'm not sure."

Jiang Li stood up in a cold sweat and said, "sweet boy, director Cheng just came to our company today to talk about cooperation. Mr. Qin should take you to see director Cheng."

Ruan Tian looked like "I guessed it right." you see, he's not coveting me for one or two days. Alas, he really wants to sneak me, and he's also sneaking me with the director. "

Qin Yu was too lazy to talk with her, so he let the bodyguard drag her into the office.

Director Cheng has been waiting for a long time.

As a famous director of the third generation, his first film was artistic. Although the box office was average, his reputation was excellent. In that year, he won many awards, including best director and best man and woman.

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Cheng Dao later transformed into a commercial film, which was also extremely successful, with double box office reputation.

However, he has not made many works in recent years.

After another two years, before the script was decided, the investors' money was in place.

Now the script and the men and women have been set, just a few supporting roles.

The supporting role in director Cheng's film is also what many people want to play.

After months of audition, he was still dissatisfied.

Especially number two.

Ruan Tian has read the script. Female No.2 is a prostitute who is forced to prostitution after being abducted and trafficked. Her role is complex, controversial and challenging.

Ruan Tian came forward and shook hands with director Cheng. She was so good that she said, "Hello director."

Cheng Dao politeness back grip, cold light.

"Ah Yu, since I've met you, I'll go." He glanced over Ruan Tian and said, "as long as the actors in my movies are suitable, I will use them whether they are red or not."

Qin Yu said, "uncle, I know, so I just want you to meet people first."

"Well, after the audition."

Cheng Dao doesn't think Ruan Tian is suitable for this role. She looks too beautiful and has too much publicity.

And he is very biased against the actors he often sees on the hot search.

Every day I know how to do something wrong.

"Mr. Qin, I'll go first."

"I haven't seen you for two years. Let me treat you to dinner."

"No, it's very kind of you."

"It should be."

Ruan Tian thought, "since you want to invite me to dinner, it's not good for me to refuse."

She shook her mobile phone and said, "if you send the meal money directly to my wechat, it will be deemed that you have invited me, OK?"

Qin Yu told her to go away.

Just go away.

Ruan Tian came out of the company building and was not in the mood to eat hot pot.

Just back home in bed, she received a call from Zhou Xiaoqiao.

"Sweet." Zhou Xiaoqiao's words are always gentle and soft. She doesn't pretend to be weak. She was born like this.

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"When will you be able to move home?"

Ruan Tian said, "I live very well outside."

Zhou Xiaoqiao bit his lip. "Is it because of me that you won't go home? If it is I just... "Ruan Tian heard the sobbing at the other end and was silent.

What did she do? Zhou Xiaoqiao cried.

I'm afraid it's not a tap.

"Ah, I'm going to see the script, 886."

Hang up, the world is clean.

Ruan Tian spread out her limbs and lay comfortably on the bed. After a short rest with her eyes closed, she picked up her mobile phone and ordered a takeout.

Looking down, she found that her dear mother had sent a voice message.

"What did you say to your sister? They made her cry. Do you know how sad she was? "

"How many times have I told you that she is not in good health, what if you let her order?"

"Sweetie, don't think your parents are partial. We are really good enough for you. I hope you will think more about your sister."

Ruan Tian listened to the voice indifferently.

A few minutes later, she blocked Zhou's mother's wechat.

I'll see you again.

Ruan Tian is in a good mood and continues to surf the Internet to find happiness.

As soon as I landed on Weibo, I ate my own melon.

【wc!!! Cheng's new actress Ruan Tian. Congratulations on Ruan Tian's promotion. 】

"resource coffee, I'm happy."

"No way, don't dream of rising every day, OK?"

"Ruan Tian began to lick the cake? You can't eat such a big cake. "

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

"The pure passer-by floats by. Seriously, she doesn't deserve it."

"Don't lick the sweet powder. You can't lick your tongue."

Originally, this kind of grapevine news would be drowned, but this microblog is on fire.

All of them are over ten thousand.

The reason is that Qin An forgot to cut the trumpet when he ate melon. He was so stupid that he streaked to comment: "the chickens in my pigsty soared faster than her."

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