Qin An never saw Ruan Tian again after the recording of "variable star" and had no contact with her.

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Qin An was waiting for Ruan Tian to take the initiative to contact him and ask for the money for the meal. As a result, he waited left and right, and there was no fart!

He developed an irritation for no reason.

Just during this period of time, "marry a concubine for a son of the world" is very popular. It's hard for Qin an not to pay attention to her news and naturally go to see the eye drama.

I didn't see it before. She's very good at acting.

Qin An brushes the back of the play and even brushes the CP video of Ruan Tian and Xu Jing. The bottom of the water is "so sweet", "knock me to death" and "they think it's true", which makes Qin an angry.

In Qin An's mind, Ruan Tian is the kind of woman who is unscrupulous and shameless in order to achieve her goal.

So much so that he sneered when he saw the news of the melon eating blogger on the popular microblog.

Cheng Suian is his uncle. How can a famous director like Ruan Tian fall in love with such a scheming girl!?

So Qin An couldn't help making a sarcastic comment.

But he forgot to cut the number.

While he was struggling to delete the comment, Ruan Tian called.

Qin An looks at the remarks on the screen, hesitates for a while, and answers the phone.

Ruan Tian has no other meaning on the phone. Every word is clear, and her voice is loud. "Qin An, you big fool."

Qin an

He didn't even give him a chance to fight back. He snapped and hung up after scolding.

Ruan Tian felt that she was really wronged. Originally, her works had improved a lot after she passed the wind review. After Qin An made such a fuss, she turned into a group of mockers for a while!!!

It's my birthday. There's no reason.

The major media began to publish articles, and made up a lot of magical plots between Qin An and her.

Star Entertainment: [as far as Xiaobian knows, Ruan Tian is an artist of Qin's film company. She has an ambiguous relationship with Qin Dashao. As a younger brother, Qin Ershao can't bear a married woman to seduce her brother. Ruan Tian is also a real orphan in the entertainment industry. She has never heard of anyone who has a good relationship with her. However, she has a husband with a strong background who can feed whatever resources she wants. What can we do for the melon Eaters? 】

"ah! It's another love affair. On a sunny day (Qin Tian), CP is knocked down

"Sunny day SZD."

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"I'm a real jerk. What can't I do with a chicken? Black chicken and Spanish mackerel, Ruan Tian is married. You have to say it several times before you know it! Damn it! Your father, your grandfather is real, and neither she nor my brother is real! "

"Ruan Tian is so wonderful when he meets men and women."

"I still remember Ruan Tian holding her husband. It's a shame for the actress to do her job!"

"When will she go away? Let go of the brothers I love, please

"Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, bee

"Ah, I don't like the play any more."

"If Ruan Tian really wins the shadow directed by Cheng Suian, I will kneel down and apologize."

All kinds of voices are almost the same. Mo Yue is that she is shameless and dares to touch China. Cheng follows an Da's new movie, saying that she has no number in her heart.

Ruan Tian doesn't care what the outside world says about her all the time. In those years, the aristocratic high school she went to saw her as a joke.

However, there was a sense of anger in her heart. Originally, Ruan Tian didn't have such a strong desire to win the second girl of the film. Now, with such a toss, she has a fighting spirit.

Is she really inferior to the chicken in Qin An's pigsty!!!

Ruan Tian simply did not connect to the Internet, turned off her mobile TV, and devoted herself to studying the script for several hours.

This is a numb and melancholy character who still has hope and expectation for life.

She is a prostitute. She has received many guests. She can smoke and drink. She can smear her face with the worst cosmetics.

The man is an undercover police officer. In order to protect the woman, he used her to cheat her.

In the end, she died for the man.

Fell at the muzzle of his gun.

Ruan Tian looked in the mirror with a numb look in her eyes. She blinked, and her tears slipped past.

For a moment, she felt as if she had become the second girl in the movie.

Ruan Tian was quick to enter the play, but slow to play.

Sitting on the toilet for a long time, I didn't wash and go to bed until my legs got numb. I put my face in the quilt and fell asleep.

The next morning at nine o'clock, the mobile phone alarm clock rang on time.

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With bleary eyes, Ruan Tian got up from bed, brushed her teeth, washed her face and made up, and then picked out a very festive red coat from the wardrobe. It was not like going to divorce, but like going to get married.

Ruan Tian packs the documents for divorce into her bag. Before going out, she calls Shen Hui. Not surprisingly, her secretary answers the phone."Madam, the president is busy at the moment."

"If you have anything to tell me, I'll tell the president."

Ruan Tian thought that the secretary might be afraid that she would be entangled again, so she wanted to send her away.

She took a deep breath and said, "OK, please tell him that I'll see you at the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau at ten o'clock. Please don't be late."

The secretary was surprised, but he never heard that his wife and the president were going to divorce?

In recent years, rumors have been rampant outside. It's just his wife's obsession with the president. However, as the Secretary of the president, he naturally knows more than others.

This lady once called the President more than 100 times two years ago, but she never took the initiative to ask for any information.

It's like they've never been married.

The Secretary pondered for a moment, turned to the president office, and brought Ruan Tian's words to Shen Hui's ears.

Shen Hui's eyes sank. His tight face and dark eyes all showed that he was in a bad mood at the moment.

After a few minutes, he said in a dumb voice, "stand by."

The secretary was surprised again. His intuition told him that his immediate superior might not want to get divorced.

Face exposure haze, rarely revealed the bottom of my heart.

He did not understand that the president should not love his wife. Now that he is going to divorce, how can he be unhappy?


Ruan Tian and Shen Hui arrived at the Civil Affairs Bureau almost at the same time. She wore a hat and a mask for fear that she would be recognized.

She wanted to come forward and say two words with Shen Hui to ease the stiff atmosphere. However, people didn't seem to want to take care of her very much and walked straight to the divorce window.

The staff of the Civil Affairs Bureau also have to go through the process of persuasion.

"Think about it? Do you really want a divorce? "

"If life can really live, it's better to live on."

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Shen Hui's face was as cold as ice, and he didn't say a word.

Ruan Tian said in a low voice, "thank you, elder sister. We have both been thoughtful. Please help us to go through the formalities."

Seeing this, the staff refused to persuade them. They said in a business like tone, "show me your ID card, household registration book and marriage certificate."

Ruan Tian quickly handed in all her certificates.

Shen Hui beside her didn't move. She was in a bit of a hurry and bumped him with her elbow

Ruan Tian feels that Shen Hui didn't bring it.

She killed him.

Shen Hui raised his hand. His slender and pale fingers pressed the certificate she put on the windowsill. His cold eyes fixed on her face. "Do you think about it?"

Ruan Tian was at a loss, "I think about it!"

What she thought is too clear!!!

Shen Hui is not a man!!!

The real man this time should take the document on the table, away from his mother's!!!

Ruan Tian looks at the man in front of her.

She once loved this person deeply, paid all sincerity in youth years for him.

But now she really doesn't love him.

Maybe it was the moment when Shen Hui hung up her calls one by one, or maybe it was the day she graduated from high school. She was holding her school uniform, full of expectation, and wanted Shen Hui to sign his name on it, and then she was personally refused.

He laughed at that time. It was a kind of obvious ridicule.

On the day of the graduation ceremony, she saw that Shen Hui came on stage, hugged Zhou Xiaoqiao and gave her flowers as a gift. She was really envious of sitting under the stage at that time.

But she listened to the laughter of her classmates. On the last day, she was pushed down the stairs like a prank.

Ruan Tian really doesn't like to turn over the old accounts.

Shen Hui just doesn't love her.

She looked up and laughed sweetly. "Shen Hui, I don't love you anymore."

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"Well, I know our marriage is a burden to you, and I know you like my sister, so divorce is good for us."

"I'm really sorry to have caused you so much trouble these years."

Oh, she wants to throw up.


She is so humble.

She puts the posture so low, if Shen Hui still whets haw, she will jump up and bite him to death!

Shen Xun's face turned white again and again, the blood color on his lips gradually faded away, and his fingers were deep. He endured wordless anger and slight pain, "OK, let's leave."

Shen Hui told himself in silence that divorce was something he could not ask for.

He should be happy.

Sign, seal and pay.

Ruan Tian soon got her divorce certificate.

Like the marriage certificate, they are all eye-catching red.

Ruan Tian got a divorce certificate from Shen Hui without telling everyone. She didn't tell anyone about it.

With the ending of "marry a concubine", Ruan Tian's vicious and domineering image has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and has been chased and scolded by opera fans for half a month.Just when Ruan Tian lay flat and was scolded, the fourth issue of "variable star plan" (Part I) began to broadcast.

At first, the audience rating was low, and then suddenly, it was published frequently in the major forums.

[crouching trough! Have you seen the variometer? I'm so surprised that all the melons in my hand have fallen off. 】

[before turning on the TV, I really didn't expect that the variable star is a funny variety show, and I couldn't laugh any more. 】

the popularity of the Internet has attracted many young viewers to watch TV.

After watching the show, they almost couldn't believe that it was Ruan Tian who was not afraid of the dirt and was willing to pick up the garbage!

The author has something to say: Here I am!!!

It's late!!!

Sweet cub's face beating journey is about to start!!!

Dogs and men die for me!!!

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