This issue of "variable star" happened to run into the new year's Eve. Because of the low ratings, it was ruthlessly allocated to the 10:00 p.m. stall on Monday by the leaders of the fruit station.

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The audience rating is just like the death ECG. It can't be more even.

The director is worried.

He could not help thinking that it must be because he was too kind to the guests that the program didn't explode!

The only thing to blame is that he is not cruel enough.

The director is sitting in the editing room, smoking melancholy.

All of a sudden.

Ratings that straight line seems to cheat the corpse, like a small peak.

He covered his heart and opened his eyes in disbelief. After calming down, he turned to the producer and asked bitterly, "did you spend money on TV?"

The producer's face was blank. "I didn't have it."

The director stares at him suspiciously. He thinks about it seriously and thinks that the producer who is more stingy than himself can't spend money to buy TV.

The ratings curve went up all the way to the end, and the director watched the ratings soar from 0.4 to 1.0.

What's going on?

Or the official blog operators came to tell them that this program suddenly became popular.

"Director! We're out of the loop this time! "

He was a little confused. "What's the matter?"

"Because Ruan Tian!"

#Ruan Tian picks up garbage ﹥ br >

﹥ Ruan Tian tractor ﹥ br >

﹥ Ruan Tian Qin an ﹥ three high-level hot search, plus the variety show's main clip broadcast volume of more than 10 million, make this program stand out directly.

The audience in front of the TV is naturally not as strict as the netizens, while Ruan Tian's beautiful is not aggressive, and she has a very pleasant face. Her performance in the program is not only grounded, but also does not delay, which naturally wins the favor of the audience.

Who doesn't like Sweet's beautiful sister?

When watching her pick up garbage, the TV viewers feel that she is different from other stars and hard to bear hardships.

The scene turns to her squatting in the corner to eat steamed bread, and the audience immediately feels pity for the little girl.

They are not coquettish at all, and they will not be pitiful. Their hearts will melt.

"I want to cry when tianzai chews steamed bread. What a poor baby."

"Wuwuwuwuwu is pitiful and lovely. Today is also a day when I like sweet cubs very much."

"Mom didn't expect tianzai to be so promising. Tianzai driving a tractor is the best!"

"New fans, come and report."

Ruan Tian is still in her dream and knows nothing about it.

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The director sent her wechat crazily, and could not wait for her to reply, so he urgently made a phone call to wake her up.

Ruan Tian was stirred by Qingmeng, and her mood was very irritable.

She was dreaming that Shen Hui and Qin Yu fell off the cliff together.

It's killing her.

Ruan Tian touched the mobile phone under her pillow and closed her eyes to connect the phone.

Director's voice excited with just knock drug like, "Ruan Tian!"

"I have a real eye."

"I didn't mistake you."

"So you are the Savior of our program."

"You are a lucky star! Tomorrow's top stream! Chinese little cook! Shandong Lanxiang excellent graduates

Ruan thought.

It's broken.

Another crazy one.

Is there so much craziness in the world?

She reluctantly opened her eyes and said seriously, "director, let me call 120 for you."

In the middle of the night, she wanted to sleep.

Want to return to just dream, want to kick those two cheap bones into the cliff.

The director laughs. The obscene smile has not changed.

"Oh, you go to bed first. I'll talk to your agent tomorrow."

He has already thought it out clearly. It's better to invite Ruan Tian back to the last program.


on the next day's workday, Ruan Tian was free at home, studying the script for a long time, figuring out the role of the audition, and then had a meal.

She learned from the wechat message sent to her by Jiang Li that the issue of "astrolabe" broadcast last night was a little hot and popular.

Three high-level hot search has dropped a lot.

She and Qin An seem to be bound together.

The well-known blogger cut the video of two people. After just a few minutes of getting along with each other, he really cut out the illusion that they love each other and kill each other. The noble young master x is soft, sweet and upright. It's really strange.

There is an emotional blogger who is also a rare star,

"Tiantian is like a little angel falling into the world. After watching the program, I really want to pity her. She is so kind and lovely. I see the hope of living well in her eyes. I see the light. She's so good. "There are few star girls in his comments.

Most of them are people who suffer from depression or are not happy.

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Ruan Tian doesn't look like a rich lady at all. She is neither affectable nor weak.

Her strong and optimistic, also deeply moved this group of people.

"Yes, she's very kind."

"I also like her. I feel the infinite expectation of life and the future from her. It seems that as long as I work hard, I can really live well."

Ruan Tian has gained many fans because of this.

In the evening, she was just about to go out for a good treat. As soon as she locked the door, her mobile phone in her pocket vibrated a few times, which was the message from Qin An.

Ruan Tian was a little surprised. Qin An didn't pull her black.

Don't think that I want to cook with me after your meal. 】

[don't dream!!! I don't want to hype with you!!! 】

[can you stop doing these evil ways! 】

two minutes later, Qin An took on an indestructible posture.

【? 】

[dare you not return to me? 】

[Ruan Tian, are you dead!? 】

your mother just died.

Ruan Tian thinks that his five elements lack brain.

Why didn't Dayu help Qin An to control the water in his head?


It's clear that he is his own brother. Qin Yu's shrewd and gloomy spirit didn't spread to Qin an at all.

Ruan Tian: [you not only ate one meal, but two. In addition, you remind me that you will be charged 200 yuan at the market price after the meal is settled. 】

Qin An transferred 1000 yuan.

Ruan Tian accepted the red envelope with a smile.

The snow on the floor of the community has not yet melted, and the cold wind goes straight to her neck. She shivers with cold.

The stall outside the community is steaming.

She turned around, and finally found a string shop, sitting on the side of the road, little face was red by the wind.

Before the bottom of the pot, Ruan Tian got up and went to the opposite milk tea shop.

After buying milk tea, I saw a familiar figure at the intersection.

Ruan Tian walked slowly and patted the man on the shoulder, "huaimo?"

The young man turned his head. I don't know if it was her illusion. He saw a trace of coldness in his eyes.

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Huaimo was stunned for a moment, and immediately opened his eyes with a smile, "sister."

Ruan Tian looked up and down at him. He was wearing thin clothes. His face was as white as if he had just recovered. For a moment, he couldn't bear it.

That is probably the feeling of sympathizing with each other!

Ruan Tian asked, "have you had dinner yet?"

Huaimo shook his head. "No."

Ruan Tian thinks that he can't afford to eat.

Seeing huaimo is like seeing myself a long time ago. I often suffer from cold and hunger, but I don't dare to cause trouble.

She waved her little hand. "Come on, I'll treat you to dinner."

Huaimo gently pursed the corners of his lips, bent his eyelashes, and his anger was converged in the fundus of his eyes. He didn't show it at all. "Well, my sister is very kind to me."

Not far away, the black bodyguard seemed to want to keep up with him. The young man gave a cold slant to the other side and said, "get out of here."

Ruan Tian led him to his position and poured him a cup of hot water.

"Can you have spicy food?"


"That's good." Ruan Tian added a few more dishes and then asked, "are you going back to college now?"

Huaimo tilted his head and thought, "yes."

Ruan Tian also wants to go back to college.

But she was expelled from school.

"Then you must study hard." "Can I go to your school in the future?" she said

Once upon a time, Ruan Tian's dream was to become a glorious female college student.

Huaimo smile, shallow dimples look very sweet, "of course."

They were eating and chatting.

Ruan Tian eats a lot and becomes a talker in the face of her beautiful brother.

A small face was smoked pink, bright eyes like talking.

After dinner, Ruan Tian touched her pocket and put her few hundred yuan into huaimo's palm. "It's almost new year's day. I'll be your lucky money from my sister."

"I wish huaimo children peace all the year round."

Huaimo heart trembled for a while, drooping eyes eyelashes also trembled, after a long time, he raised his delicate face, and said: "thank you, sister."

Ruan Tian waved to him, "then I'll go home. Bye."


Huaimo carefully folded the note in his palm and put it in his pocket. He had a pleasant smile on his lips. Anyone could see that he was in a good mood at the moment.

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The bodyguard carefully opened the car door and did not dare to slack off the little master who grew up with gold beads.

His temperament is changeable, and he is very angry. He always smashes things at home. Everyone looks like a mole ant.It's very willful.

Do whatever you want.

No one will stop him even if he goes to kill and set fire.

Because he was used to growing up.

Since the bodyguard worked for the Huai family, he had never seen the young master in a happy mood.

He has always been a gloomy, unreasonable man.

The bodyguard, sitting in the co pilot's seat, couldn't help looking at his employer through the rearview mirror.

Huaimo smile, I do not know who said: "she invited me to dinner."

"He gave me a present and wished me well."

"She must like me. Well, I like her too."

"So she's mine."

"I'll protect her."

The bodyguard shut up.

Huaimo is never reasonable.

What he has identified will be recognized for a lifetime.


when Ruan Tian came home from eating and drinking, she was weighed once, and the figures on it really hurt her eyes.

She decided to finish the meal and starve herself for a few days.

What's the point of starving yourself for the movie audition?

Ruan Tian, lying on the sofa, empties her head and turns on the TV slowly.

it's a coincidence that she overslept in the second part of the fourth issue of "variable star" broadcast tonight.

Ruan Tian washes her hands to make soup, gets along with Qin An, and transplants rice seedlings in the field.

That night, the opening of the closing list broke the record.

It broke two times all the way.

It ended in three.

The popularity of the program, followed by the struggle between black and white.

Sunspot thinks that Ruan Tian's role in the show is full of false appearances! She paid for the ratings herself! She also spent money on editing, production and promotion.

Fans even think that tianzai is cute and has 18 kinds of martial arts skills. Looking at the whole entertainment industry, we can't find her such a good baby!

However, there is an exception, Qingliu, who raised the soul question in the fight: "no one found that Ruan Tian didn't wear a wedding ring in these two programs? 】

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