Ruan Tian has a wedding ring. She was Shen Hui's secretary and handed it to her in person.

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When she went to the Shen family for the first year of the new year, she found that Shen never wore a ring. She was the only one who took things seriously and kept them in mind.

The people of Shen family are not bad to her, they are just alienated.

Shen's parents seem to regard Ruan Tian as a guest rather than a daughter-in-law.

She is like a clown, playing the trick of loving husband and wife in front of everyone.

However, after Ruan Tian and Shen Hui collapsed, she never wore a ring again.

Now that she's divorced, she's even less likely to wear a ring!

"I'll tell you, Ruan Tian was kicked out by the rich family."

"That's right. Rich families abandon their wives, and people are new."

"I knew that the Shen family could not stand people like her! Even if she doesn't get divorced, it's estimated that Shen Hui will have a cold war with her. "

"Leng Zhixue, Ruan Tian is a fake Phoenix, and her sister is a real princess who is beautiful, kind and charming."

"Well, I also secretly revealed one. I heard from my aunt that the relationship between the two couples had been in trouble for a long time, but fake Phoenix always wanted to save her husband's heart, so I don't know if she could lick her husband back."

Ruan Tian regards the entertainment industry as her favorite job, and she doesn't want to disclose all her private affairs to the public. Moreover, Shen Xun is not a person in the entertainment industry. Although he is really not a thing, she doesn't want to drag him into the right and wrong of the entertainment industry.

So Ruan Tian didn't intend to announce her divorce from Shen Hui.

But now she is looking at the fake information on the Internet, and is seriously thinking about whether to send the divorce agreement and the divorce certificate together.

Ruan Tian thought about it for a long time and decided to wait until the weekend when she went back to Zhou's home to have a showdown with her parents.


one week before the end of the new year, Ruan Tian received the news of audition for the film directed by Cheng Suian.

The audition will be held in the film office building in inner ring.

Jiang attached much importance to the script and arrived at her home at seven in the morning, forcing her to apply a mask.

"apply a mask. OK, don't make up. Let's go to the audition. You can do it by your beauty." Jiang Li is more confident than herself.

Ruan Tian sat down in front of the mirror and said, "I have to make up."

Jiang Li didn't understand and said, "sweet boy, your plain face is beautiful enough." Pause a little, she said: "and the Film Auditions of these big directors generally require plain face."

Ruan Tian has her own plan. She insists on painting a heavy make-up. Her face is full of bad quality. She seems to be really infected with the dust.

Jiang Li was crazy on the spot, "no, what are you painting? The cosmetics on your face are out of date. They look like two words: "cheap."

On the contrary, Ruan Tian was very happy and said with a smile, "that's right."

The girl in the movie is a very romantic and cheap poor man.

A prostitute, a prostitute who is forced to come out and sell, will be beaten if she can't get guests.

Can only make up, with gorgeous vulgar make-up cover the real face, let the guests hate her, this stupid method, can not receive guests, also need not be beaten.

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Jiang Li is still persuading her to take off her make-up on the way out of the car, but Ruan Tian still doesn't agree.

When Jiang Li and she went upstairs together, she couldn't say a word and looked at her face. She didn't hope for the audition.

In the morning, the fighting spirit was almost scattered. She patted Ruan Tian's shoulder and began to say comforting words, "director Cheng's movies are very difficult to win. Some of them can't be knocked down after watching. It doesn't matter if you don't try today. There are many opportunities in the future."

Ruan Tian nodded and thought it was the same.

In the waiting room, there were no less than twenty actresses coming to try the play.

There are several popular florets and actress Liu Yile, who has just won the TV show for five years.

Rao is as knowledgeable as Jiang Lili. I didn't expect that there were so many famous actors in a movie girl who broke her head!

The waiting time is long and boring.

Ruan Tian and Jiang Li are chatting in a chair.

Jiang Li is really curious about how Ruan Tian offended so many young masters with names, family names, fathers and backgrounds.

Before, it was Xu Jing.

Now there is another Qin'an.

"So why did you and Qin an get married?"

After thinking deeply, Ruan Tian said solemnly: "in fact, they all pursue me crazily, they can't love me, and then they hate me because of their love, and they want to use the way to attack me to force me to submit."

Jiang Li

Ruan Tian looked serious, then said: "however, I am a strong and unyielding little white flower, of course, it is impossible to yield to their power."

She concluded by saying, "well, I'm really miserable."

Jiang Li: "I'm wrong. I won't ask."

Listen to Ruan Tian fart here!In half an hour, only three actresses came in, and they all came out with a sad face.

Ruan Tian's back hurts and her buttocks hurt. She stands up and stretches. Then she looks at Liu Yile, who is surrounded by assistant agents. She tangles and steps out.

She wants to ask Liu Yile for an autograph.

It would be better if we could add a wechat.

Ruan Tian quite likes her previous performance of Xianyuan. The younger martial sister is so cool. She plays it very well!

Ruan Tian called politely, "Miss Liu."

No one paid attention to her.

Ruan Tian cheekily continued: "Hello, Miss Liu, I'm your fan."

"I like your good fortune very much. Would you please give me your signature?"

Liu Yile squints at her, then lowers her head and continues to play with her mobile phone, pretending not to hear or see.

What cat and dog should like her?

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You still want to sign?

What a beautiful thought.

I don't know what she is.

Ruan Tian returned to her position and doubted life.

She's fuckin 'stunned.

How does it feel like the whole world doesn't like her?

Is she a plague!

Is she so terrible!


Ruan Tian attributed her unwelcome phenomenon to the evil female match curse.

"Li Li, why don't I be Zhou Xiaoqiao?"

"What's good about Zhou Xiaoqiao's white lotus coffee?"

"Everyone likes her. Sobbing, sobbing, I'm so sad. "

Jiang Li has met Zhou Xiaoqiao once or twice. Her sister is a born whore with a high rank.

Ruan Tian sighed for a long time and said, "I want to be a fan, too!"

She held out her finger. "I want five more boyfriends."

Jiang Li gives a thumbs up, "bull force."

"I didn't expect that we tianzai still had the dream of being the female owner of Haitang literature."

Ruan Tian thinks she is wearing the wrong book.

If she's in literature.

It's also excellent.

To be cool is to make money.

Jiang Li poked her waist, "get ready, the next one is coming to you."

In fact, Ruan Tian is not nervous at all.

The character seems to have lived in her body. She can remember the plot of the script with her eyes closed.

Can the poor, but also very free and easy woman depicted in the mind.

She is in front of a flow of audition flower is crying out, Ruan Tian looked at her red eyes, ear is the voice of the casting director, "next, Ruan Tian."

Ruan Tian took a deep breath, "I'm in."

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"Sweet boy, give it to me

With the window open, Cheng sui'an couldn't help smoking two cigarettes.

He is too anxious, so many days, still did not find a satisfactory candidate in his heart.

The actresses who came in before are not without acting skills.

It's just that there's no aura. There's a lot of performance.

It's really disappointing.

Cheng Suian pressed out the cigarette end and asked, "who's next?"

"It's like a little actor named Ruan Tian," the deputy director said

Cheng sui'an frowns and remembers that he always sees this name on the hot search during this period of time. He is a very noisy master.

The wind is not very good.

I'm still a semi monk, and I don't think I have acting skills.

Cheng Suian looks cold and doesn't want to waste his time on such people.

He looked at his nephew in the wheelchair and gave him a face.

Qin Yu seems to be aware of the little uncle's eyes, raised his eyes to him with a smile, "uncle just choose, don't have any worries."

Cheng Suian looks a little Ji, nephew is not ready to forcibly intervene in the plug.

Qin Yu opened the script in front of him and pointed to a paragraph, "let her play this paragraph."

The second girl didn't want to be beaten again, so she took off her clothes to find the guests.

Ruan Tian was stunned when she saw Qin Yu.

When Ruan Tian came in, Cheng sui'an was stunned for a moment, especially when he saw the vulgar makeup on Ruan Tian's face.

He pointed out the part of the play to her, "you try this part, I'll see."

Then he pointed to Qin Yu in his wheelchair and said, "take him as the man."

Ruan Tian looks in the direction of Cheng Dao's finger -

EH. my eyes! my eyes!

Qin Yu's face was morbid and pale, and there was no expression on her face. The end of her eyes rose slightly, smiling rather than smiling. Her eyes were opposite, and a cold air suddenly rose from her back.

Ruan Tian doesn't think Qin Yu is a CEO when he's too busy. It's very likely that he deliberately comes to see her bustle.After all, Qin Yu's favorite thing

is to see her make a fool of herself, and then make sarcastic remarks.

She couldn't understand the fun of insanity.

Ruan Tian put on the clothes prepared in advance by the casting group and soon entered the play.

Standing in front of Qin Yu, her eyes were numb. She pulled a farfetched smile, unbuttoned her shirt and said, "how about 600?"

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She was too afraid of being beaten.

But she can't shed tears, she will bear it.

Neckline low already can see underwear, she took the initiative to touch the man's hand, with a praying tone: "you touch me, I will not let you waste money."

Two lines.

After the performance, Ruan Tian gathered her clothes again, blinked her sour eyes, "director, do you think I can do it?"

Cheng Suian sat upright, his face dignified, with ecstasy in his heart.

Ruan Tian's eyes really shocked him. At that moment, what she showed was really a poor woman.

Trembling, numb look, see people breathless.

The makeup on Ruan Tian's face and her natural performance make Cheng Suian feel that she is the person he has been looking for.

Cheng Suian saw the aura in Ruan Tian's eyes.

Ruan Tian broke his prejudice. He didn't expect Ruan Tian to play so well.

It was an unexpected surprise.

Cheng Suian looked at Ruan Tian with a complicated look and took a cigarette. He hardly hesitated, "it's just you."

The deputy director hesitated and asked, "director, there are still several actresses who haven't tried. Is it not good to decide so soon?"

Cheng Suian frowned, "don't try again, it's her."

It's not good for the deputy director to say more. He added Ruan Tian's wechat to one side and told her that this matter should not be disclosed to the public. Then he let her out.

Ruan Tian's brain is a little confused and dizzy.

Jiang Li loves her.

It seems that the child has been hit hard today.

"Don't be upset, sweetie. I'll treat you to dinner."

Ruan Tian also muddled on the river from the luxury car, waiting for the red light, she threw out a, "from from, I took the female two."

Jiang Li seems to have lost his voice.

Then burst out an earth shaking "lying trough!"


Cheng Suian's film is a big project, which focuses on a lot of people.

Although he chose a low-key role, the entertainment media still got wind of it.

Outside the well guarded film and television company, the media focused on the people who went to the audition, and also took pictures of Ruan Tian walking out of it like she lost her soul.

Star Entertainment: [exclusive! Ruan Tian is suspected to have been kicked out by Cheng Daoxin. 】

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