The name of the new film directed by Cheng Suian has been changed to "unknown". The choice of the host and the heroine is still confidential. The only thing I know is that the heroine is an international film queen who has never been out in the mountains for many years.

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Ruan Tian was lucky to win the second girl in the film.

Even sitting in a Japanese food store, Jiang Lili felt very unreal. "Sweet boy, I really want to cry. Since the day I met you, you've never been so damn lucky."

Ruan Tian himself is still a little unbelievable.

The first half of her life was really bad.

Jiang Lili propped his chin and fixed his eyes on her. He didn't know what funny things he thought of. His eyes almost disappeared. "You didn't see it. When the deputy director asked Liu Yile to go back, her expression was as ugly as eating excrement."

"After seeing it, you rub it on the ground. It seems that we sweet cubs really have the potential to be the top stream in the future!"

Ruan Tian is also very happy, she has a premonition, "from, I think I want to transfer."

Jiang Li nodded, "I think so."

After eating the daily food, Jiang Lili took a good rest in his seat with a round stomach and lowered his head to her real name certified work number.

The original good mood was quite annoyed by the online smoky news.

Ruan Tian bit the straw, looked at her with round eyes and asked, "what's the matter with you? All of a sudden, his face sank

Jiang Lili has no temper and hands her mobile phone to see. It seems that she was photographed by reporters when she came out of the audition site, with the reporters' groundless information and speculation.

@Gourd eater: it's no surprise that Ruan Tian was swept down from director Cheng's movie. What about the resource guy? What about a husband with a strong backstage? What about a good boss with a good eye? When she meets a big director who only knows her strength, she is nothing. This time, she offends the big director and is expected to be blocked by the film circle.

@I'm sleeping in my brother's arms: the pancakes licked by Tian Fen are crumbling. I hope Tian Fen won't dream of topping the stream tomorrow any more. Qin An is right. His chicken has burst into rice. Ruan Tian is still a paste that nobody cares about.

After reading it, Ruan Tian was not very angry.

Jiang Li was filled with indignation. "If we hadn't signed a confidentiality agreement, I would have bought a hot search headline to announce to people all over the world that you are going to take part in" unknown "!"

Ruan Tian took a sip of ice cola, pondered for a long time, and then said, "they can scold me, but how can they say that I rely on Shen Hui and Qin Yu."

"I rely on my own beauty and talent."

Jiang Li feels that he is worried too much. Ruan Tian has never been a glass heart. Her strong will has been forged by poison time and again.

"I'm relieved to see that you're still in the mood to brag."

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The two chatted for a while. Seeing that it was getting dark, Jiang Lili took the initiative to settle the bill, and then drove Ruan Tian back home.

There is no elevator in Ruan Tian's community. After climbing the fifth floor, her palms are sweating.

The corridor is dark, and the lamp in disrepair can't light up even if you stomp hard.

Ruan Tian, by the light of her mobile phone, vaguely sees her figure standing in front of her house. The visitor has a long body, straight legs, narrow waist and wide shoulder, and is in good shape.

Qin Yu didn't sit in a wheelchair this time. He leaned lazily in front of her house, with a faint smell of smoke on his body. As soon as he lifted his eyes, the amorous and indifferent Danfeng eyes looked lazily at her.


Ruan Tian was almost scared to death by him.

"Mr. Qin, why are you here?"

Qin Yu laughed at Wen Yan. He stood up straight and his voice was a little hoarse. "Come on, there are no outsiders here. Why are you so polite?"

Ruan Tian deeply attached to each other and was not interested in showing him a relationship. He looked at him with a poker face. "Qin, are you very busy?"

She had a big fight with Qin Yuda. She also had a fight and made a poison oath that she would not communicate with Qin Yuda.

Anyway, they are not harmonious people.

Ruan Tian sometimes feels that Qin Yu's malice is inexplicable. From the first day she returned to the capital, she was often targeted by the man in front of her.

Her love letter was read by Qin Yu in public. She went to a convenience store to work, and Qin Yu took people to read jokes, which made her malicious.

She couldn't keep up with the high school curriculum and failed the exam papers. Qin Yu also pulled them out in public and laughed at them for fun.

Qin Yu's pupils seem to be green and gloomy. He stares at Ruan Tian's face and remembers that the temperature of Ruan Tian's hands during the day is as warm as he imagined.

I thought Ruan Tian was just a beauty with a strong mind.

I really didn't expect her to get into my uncle's eyes.

Qin Yu said, "I'm hungry."

Ruan Tian: * *.

It's none of my business!!!!

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Do you have no money to eat as a president? Get out of here!!!

Ruan Tian really didn't know what kind of nerves Qin Yu had recently. She was always in front of her eyes."Turn left at the gate of the community. You can choose a row of restaurants."

Qin Yu, who had seen the astrolabe and knew she could cook, asked in a low voice, "don't you know how to cook?"

Ruan Tian sneered, "are you dreaming? Go away

I still want her to cook for him. Why is he not God.

Ruan Tian unscrewed the door with the key in front of him, but he didn't mean to ask him to come in. Fortunately, Qin Yu didn't want to rush in. He got upset and stood at the door for a while, then went downstairs.

Qin Yu leaned against the back of the car and closed his eyes tightly. The fierce air between his eyes became more and more intense. He suddenly opened his eyes, held a pink gift box on the co pilot in his hand, opened the lid, and inside lay a necklace inlaid with pink diamonds.

The man's fingertips gently picked up the necklace, and his eyes immediately became cold. Without hesitation, he threw the necklace out of the window, and the car tires ran over it.

Qin Yu remembers that today is Ruan Tian's birthday.

The driver asked, "Sir, are you going back to Qin's house?"

Qin Yu opened his lips and said in a low voice, "go to the Zhou family."

Ruan Tian brushes her circle of friends before going to bed.

More than a dozen in a row are for Zhou Xiaoqiao to celebrate his birthday.

Before zero, she saw a picture of Zhou Xiaoqiao wearing a crown and closing her eyes to make a wish, with the words: Thank you for all the people who love me and the friends who came to celebrate my birthday today. I'm really moved and I feel very happy. I hope everyone can be as happy as me.

Ruan Tian felt that she was cheap enough. She commented in this circle of friends: sister, the railings behind are crooked.

A minute later, Ruan Tian found that Zhou Xiaoqiao silently deleted this dynamic.

She held her cell phone in her arms and rolled around in bed laughing.


the new film is scheduled to enter the group on the second day of the new year.

Ruan Tian went home for a year and told her parents about her divorce from Shen Hui. Zhou's mother was furious and scolded her.

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Ruan Tian's left ear went in and right ear went out as if she heard everything.

"On the second day of the lunar new year, Ruan Tian packed quickly and couldn't wait to get into the group.

The film was shot in the film and television city on the outskirts of Beijing. After entering the group, Ruan Tian realized that the male owner was Qin An, while the female owner was online. In her thirties, she took Lidong, an international film queen.

Qin An saw her like a ghost, "aren't you kicked?"

Ruan Tian was speechless. "I think your brain has been kicked."

But this time, Qin An's arrogant posture converged a little. He didn't look at people with his nostrils. "How did you get in here? You're a group actor? In order to get close to me, you really need everything. "

Ruan Tian stopped and looked up at him. Make complaints about

, Qin bank, from her two eyes. "Look, it's a heart tucked up mentally retarded mentally."

The staff members who did not dare to get involved in the play quietly said that these two people were really the same as those spread outside. They were the enemies of fire and water.


on the first day of shooting, it was Ruan Tian and Lidong.

The director sat in front of the monitor, and he was afraid that Ruan Tian would not be able to catch Lidong's play for a while.

However, to our surprise, Ruan Tian is very skillful in her opponent's play with Lidong. She has no stage fright and is not suppressed by Lidong's strength. As long as the director shouts to shoot, Ruan Tian seems to be the person in the play. Her indifferent eyes are a little sad, and her wordless tears are very shocking and infectious.

The director is very satisfied, called the card, a pass.

After a play, Lidong also looks at the new man with new eyes. Putting aside the high coldness behind the film, Lidong rarely praises people, "you are a new man, more powerful than I thought."

Ruan Tian couldn't stand boasting. He wanted to shake his tail as soon as he was praised.

"I'm not new," she said. "I've been acting for three years."

I've played 30 or 40 roles without a name.

Lidong had a good feeling for Ruan Tian, who was progressive and modest. He rubbed her head and said, "then you are also very powerful."

Lidong's grades in cultural courses were too low at that time. In the end, she was admitted by the film academy. She won the best actress in her first film. Few young actors in her play can catch up with her.

Ruan Tian has done a good job.

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After filming the last scene in the afternoon, Ruan Tian went back to the crew's hotel to have a rest.

The next morning there was no part of her play, so Ruan Tian rarely stayed up all night.

"Marry the concubine" finally broadcast to the last episode, Ruan Tian open the hotel TV, will watch the last two episodes, she looked at the TV sick crazy want to keep his lover, unexpectedly have a trace of heartache.

The warm and gorgeous Princess died in the hands of her favorite man. She fell to the ground with a sword through her heart. She blinked her eyes. She reached out and tried to hold his sleeve. The end of her eyes crossed with bloody tears. She slowly closed her eyes.

After that, there is a picture of men and women having a family together.The audience rating of shizifei's finale broke the historical record of guoguotai, which is a well deserved big hit.

Surprisingly, the highest ratings are Ruan Tian and Xu Jing.

The patio CP was at the top of the CP list overnight.

Drama powder from the mid chasing Ruan Tian play vicious Princess scold, to the back even began to love her.

Such a beautiful, bright and vigorous woman, just love is too deep, there is no other countless sins.

"I prefer the role of the princess to that of the mistress."

"Ruan Tian is really a crazy beauty. She is so beautiful when she is crying and laughing

"I pity her. She just can't love her. If I were a man, I would choose a princess. The woman is not as good-looking as the princess!"

"Ruan Tian herself is not bad. She doesn't post much on Weibo. She seems to be implicated when she is scolded, but her sister is miserable."

"Doughnuts are always the most loyal backup of sweet cubs! We can't live without sweets! "

"Can fans be happy? Ruan Tian has been banned by the film circle. She will be a female partner all her life. "

You fart!

Ruan Tian holds her mobile phone and stares at the comments coldly. What she can't see in her life is the word "female match"!!!

Killing is killing.

Cyber violence.

Ruan Tian was thinking about whether to reply when a long string of numbers flashed on the mobile phone screen.

It's Shen Hui.

Ruan Tian didn't hesitate for a second. With a bang, she hung up directly.

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