With a *ding* the elevator reached the fifth floor and the doors opened to reveal Ruan Tian and Huai Mo.

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        However, as Ruan Tian was preparing to walk away, Huai Mo suddenly stretched out his hand and caught her arm. Although he looked somewhat thin and frail, it turned out his grip was quite strong.

        Ruan Tian was confused, and she asked puzzledly: “What’s the matter?”

        “I have something I want to give you.”

        Then, without waiting for her to agree, Huai Mo pulled her over to the door of another room. He quickly swiped the key card and then brought her inside. 

        Ruan Tian was so startled she couldn’t even react. She never would have thought that Huai Mo had such a vigorous and overbearing side to him.

        The aura he unconsciously released just now really shocked her. 

        Huai Mo let go of her arm and then went to pick up a gift box that was on the bedside table. He turned around and pushed the box into her hands while saying, “I overheard Jiang Lili saying that you needed this, so I decided to bring it over on the way.”

        Ruan Tian opened the box and looked inside. Inside was a set of dazzling jewelry.

        The diamonds on the necklace sparkled and almost blinded her eyes. She looked up with wide eyes and stuttered, “This, this is yours?”

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        It seemed Huai Mo robbed a bank! ! !

        Ruan Tian was scared! ! !

        Should she call the police or not! ! !

        Huai Mo fell into thought for a moment before smiling and saying, “My mother left it to me.” 

        As a gift for the future daughter-in-law of the Huai family. He didn’t say the second half out loud.

        In fact, Huai Mo actually wouldn’t mind if Ruan Tian knew his true identity.

        After all, he hadn’t really lied to her. It was true that he went to Capital University, and it was also true that his parents were the same as dead to him.

        It was just that Ruan Tian had somehow formed the misimpression that he was poor and barely able to feed himself, so he was somewhat hesitant. 

        Ruan Tian hurriedly closed the box and stuffed it back toward him while saying: “I can’t take this.”

        Huai Mo thought for a while and then said, “Aren’t you going to attend an awards ceremony? Wear it for the ceremony and then return it to me when it’s over. It isn’t worth much anyway.”

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        Ruan Tian didn’t believe that, “Really?” 

        Could such a big and shiny diamond surrounded by all those smaller diamonds really not be worth much?

        But Huai Mo nodded and responded confidently, “Really.” 

        It was only 80 million yuan, which really wasn’t much in his eyes.

        Hearing his assurance, Ruan Tian ​​really began to believe.

        The main reason for this was her impression of Huai Mo. In her mind, what kind of valuable things could he have? 

        So she said, “Alright, I’ll borrow this for now and I will return it to you soon. Don’t worry, I will never lose or break your things.”

        Huai Mo seemed very happy and replied cheerfully, “Okay.”


        On the morning of the award ceremony, Ruan Tian left the set and flew back to the capital. She quickly went to change her clothes and then hurried to the makeup artist. 

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        The necklace on her neck was so beautiful that people couldn’t look away.

        The makeup artist was dumbfounded, “Ms. Ruan, where series is that necklace from? The style is really beautiful.”

        “Ah, I don’t know, I borrowed it.”

        The makeup artist wanted to roll her eyes. Of course she already knew that it was borrowed, but what she was curious about was which brand it was from! That brand was so generous! Just by taking a glance she could see that this necklace was definitely not a common product. Combined with the ring on Ruan Tian’s finger, the little makeup artist was sure that the jewelry Ruan Tian was wearing should be no less than eight figures.

        A little fourth-line actress, but her treatment was so superior!

        Before the red carpet walk began the organizer sent a photographer over to take pictures of all the stars. Then when the awards ceremony was over, they planned to post the photos on Weibo.

        There were people coming and going backstage, with staff members and fans who had bought their tickets from scalpers at high prices all mixed in.

        Ruan Tian’s black backless dress seemed to make her already pale skin shine even brighter. As she stood and let people take pictures, many people were stunned by her beauty.

        ‘The Replacement Princess’ crew all gathered together to take a group photo backstage before the ceremony began. Ruan Tian stood beside Xu Jing and Zhao Meng’er, who had fallen on her face last time, stood on Ruan Tian’s right.

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        Of course, Zhao Meng’er couldn’t help herself and snapped a quick selfie to post on Weibo so she could show off. The selfie was captioned with the words: 【What an honor (*^▽^*) 】

        But a certain sharp-eyed netizen happened to notice that there was someone else’s hand in the lower left-hand corner of the selfie. 

        The hand was wearing a low-key and luxurious ring.

        “Whose hand is that? If I’m not seeing wrong, that ring seems to come from a series of custom made pieces by a French master. That master’s works all have a starting price of at least 50 million yuan.”

        “omg, it’s so awesome? That’s so expensive!”

        “It’s fake… the whole picture has already been released and the woman wearing that ring isn’t wearing such expensive jewelry. Her most luxurious piece is a watch worth two million.”

        “Let me take a look and see who’s bragging.”

        “I think it’s real. That’s Gavi’s last work, and it was already worth 80 million back then. It’s probably worth even more now.”

        “It should be an imitation…” 

        It wasn’t clear whether the ring was real or not, but it had certainly attracted the attention of the netizens. 

        However, someone happened to see something and shouted heartbrokenly: “Wait, don’t tell me that’s Ruan Tian’s hand?! ​​I don’t believe it! Impossible! She is not worthy!”

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