Seeing Ruan Tian’s nomination, there were people clamoring and saying that there was something shady going on. Those people were confidently saying that, although they had never seen ‘The Replacement Princess’, they were sure that Ruan Tian was not at the level of Best Supporting Actress. 

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        “Huh, it’s Ruan Tian, ​​the crazy divorced woman that everyone loves for some reason?”

        “What did she rely on for her nomination?”

        “The organizing committee should donate their eyes to the needy, they clearly aren’t using them.”

        “Oh, looks like there’s some shady business going on this year. “

        “BAF Awards, do you even want your credibility?”

        “I’ll say one thing, Ruan Tian did really well in ‘The Replacement Princess’. Her performance was excellent.” 

        The netizen’s opinions were split many ways, without any definitive voice sticking out. But, in the end, because people acknowledged that Ruan Tian’s performance in ‘The Replacement Princess’ had been really good, the nomination didn’t cause a big storm.

        Meanwhile, Jiang Lili had spent the past half month helping Ruan Tian to borrow clothes. However, Jiang Lili was very picky and rejected many dresses before finally settling on a black backless sequin dress that seemed to satisfy her.

        As soon as she saw this dress, Jiang Lili couldn’t wait to push Ruan Tian into the fitting room to try it on.

        The dress was custom made and fit Ruan Tian very well. 

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        It was held up by two thin straps and had sparkling diamonds inlaid.

        When Ruan Tian came out of the fitting room Jiang Lili’s jaw dropped. For a long moment she was stunned, and then she started to gush: “Wow, even as a girl I’m drooling!”

        Ruan Tian looked amazing. Her long dark hair tumbled over her shoulders and framed her slender neck and shapely collarbone. Looking further, her full and tender white mounds loomed, her dainty waist was slender, and her legs were straight and long. She could even be called a fairy.  

        Looking in the mirror, Ruan Tian also thought it looked pretty.

        However, Jiang Lili was a Virgo, so she pursued perfection in all things and, after a moment of admiring Ruan Tian, she quickly said: “No, this isn’t enough. I still have to help you borrow the jewelry from somewhere, otherwise, it will just feel like something is missing.”

        Jiang Lili’s eyes sparkled brightly. Then, she seemed to recall something and asked: “You were with Shen Shu for two years, right? Did you get any jewelry from him?”

        Ruan Tian shook her head, “Nope. He didn’t even give me a dime.”

        Jiang Lili: “…”


        These days Huai Mo had been sending Ruan Tian messages every night, but many days she was too busy to reply. 

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        Finally, Huai Mo felt he had endured for so long and acted obediently enough, so he picked a day with good weather and, without any invitation, headed to the hotel where Ruan Tian was staying.

        Huai Mo got out of the car and glanced at the black-suited bodyguards by his side that stuck out like sore thumbs. His eyes flashed coldly and he sneered: “You guys get away.” 

        The bodyguards didn’t dare to leave their post without permission, so they just stood still.

        Huai Mo’s lips curled, “It seems that I have been too polite to you all this time.”

        His tone suddenly turned icy, “Hurry up and get lost.” 

        The bodyguards had their orders, but they also didn’t want to anger the young master either.

        It really wasn’t easy working for a crazy person.

        Eventually, they could only quietly return to the car and drive a short distance away so they could continue watching over their charge from afar.

        After that, Huai Mo sat in the hotel lobby for four hours. Finally, when the sky had already turned black, Ruan Tian returned from the set. She had clearly been working hard until now because she hadn’t even had time to change out of her costume or remove her makeup. 

        As she stepped into the elevator, Ruan Tian heard a clear and familiar voice behind her and was so surprised she thought she had misheard.

        However, after turning around she saw at a glance that it was really Huai Mo. In surprise, she asked: “Why are you here? What about your classes?”

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        Huai Mo also put on a surprised expression and then replied, “Ah, I came here in order to meet up with my teacher who happens to be staying here. TianTian, are you here for filming?”

        Huai Mo had decided not to call her sister anymore.

        He was a man after all.

        A dignified member of the opposite sex.

        Not a little brother.

        Ruan Tian nodded, “Yes, I’m filming here.”

        Huai Mo pursed his lips and lightly chuckled, “Fortunately, it seems that I didn’t recognize the wrong person. TianTian, you’ve gotten thinner.”

        Hearing Huai Mo called her ‘TianTian’ for the second time, Ruan Tian felt a bit uncomfortable. 

        She was suddenly reminded of the face that had flashed by on the big screen that day. The man who looked like Huai Mo, but also not like him.

        “Which floor are you going to?” Ruan Tian asked.

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        “The fifth floor.”

        Ruan Tian paused. She also happened to be staying on the fifth floor. She pressed the button and asked: “How long will you be staying here?”

        Huai Mo ‘hmmd’ for a moment as if he were thinking before saying, “Seven days”

        He smiled as if he had thought of something amusing and said, “TianTian, last time you invited me for a meal at school, this time you should let me treat you.”

        Ruan Tian really didn’t have the heart to let this broke young man break the bank on her behalf. How could she be willing to spend his money? 

        So she quickly shot him down, “No no no, you don’t need to be so polite.”

        Huai Mo said: “I’ve made a little money with my teacher on some projects, so my funds aren’t as tight as before. Don’t look down on me, TianTian.”

        Seeing his pitiful expression, Ruan Tian couldn’t resist. She relented: “Okay, we can go to a buffet.” 

        After all, buffets were very cheap.

        Therefore they were every broke student’s friend. 

        Huai Mo agreed.

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