Qin Yu Leng Leng, forced calm, holding her out of the noisy box.

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Face with a calm attitude, the heart has already turned over.

Qin Yu thought that he had no chance in his life to hear Ruan Tian's favorite words. When he heard this, he was afraid that it was an illusion. He heard it wrong after he was stunned.

Qin Yu took her back to her old house and settled in her bedroom.

After wiping her face with a towel, Qin Yu stood by the bed staring at Ruan Tian's facial features for a long time. Until her eyes were sour, she turned and went into the bathroom to wash.

After meditating for less than half a second, he quietly lies on Ruan Tian's side.

The next morning, at more than nine o'clock, Ruan Tian gradually woke up.

Her waist across a pair of hands do not belong to their own, the man lazily hugged her waist, will hold her in his arms.

Ruan Tian tried to struggle, but he pressed her back.

If Qin Yu hadn't closed his eyes at the moment, Ruan Tian would have doubted whether he meant it or not.

Last night she was only slightly drunk, not drunk.

She remembered what happened and said.

Ruan Tian's eyes emptied, staring at the ceiling, sighed. After waiting for a few minutes, she tried to get up from the bed again.

The man frowned, spoke with a thick nasal voice, and his voice sounded hoarse. He said, "sleep a little longer."

Ruan Tian I'm not sleepy. "

She is in high spirits at the moment.

Qin Yu slowly opened his eyelids, released the shackles in the palm of her waist, "then you get up."

Not long after Ruan Tian got up, Qin Yu also slowly sat up from the bed, leaned against the pillow, gently pulled out a smile, "don't ask what we did last night?"

Ruan Tian speechless turned around, "I am drunk, not amnesia."

Qin Yu pretended to nod and said, "then you still remember to pick my clothes and make me unable to get out of bed."

Ruan Tian:

She didn't have a good way: "who are you cheating on?"

Qin met her and couldn't scare her. He didn't think it was interesting.

After dressing in front of her face, Qin Yu's black eyes fixed on her eyes and asked, "do you remember what you said last night?"

Ruan Tian was silent when he asked.

"I remember."

Qin met his fingertips and said, "well, say it again?"

Ruan Tian said, "don't push your nose on your face."

With that, she ran downstairs, panting and blushing.

Qin An, who was sitting in the dining room for breakfast, thought what was wrong with her. He took a big bite of the bread and asked, "do you do morning exercises? Run so fast. "

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Oh, No.

He immediately asked, "Why are you at my house?"!? Sleeper, did you stay at my house last night? "

Ruan Tian had the cheek to say, "do I have few days to spend the night in your house? There's nothing to make a fuss about. "

When Qin An thought about it, he didn't ask any more questions.

After breakfast, Ruan Tian plans to go home.

Who knows, it began to snow heavily in the capital in the middle of last night, which is not seen in ten years, and it didn't stop until this morning.

The car can't get on the road at all.

Qin mother voice to stay, said: "such a big snowy day, if you insist on going back, we are not at ease, live a few days, I look at these two boys, they dare not mess."

Ruan sweetheart's resistance was gradually dispelled, "OK."

In the evening, Qin's mother asked her aunt to prepare hot pot ingredients and wine on the table.

Qin Yu looked at the wine bottle and said with a smile, "Mom, put away the wine. Ruan Tian can't drink it."

"I think Ruan Tian likes to drink the wine I brought back from abroad," Qin said

"I'm afraid she's drunk."

"All right."

Listening to him, Qin's mother took back the wine and asked, "where's Ruan Tian?"

Qin Yu looked at the direction of the stairs, "on the second floor."

Ruan Tian was in Qin Yu's room. She was going upstairs to get her cell phone charger. Suddenly, she realized that Qin Yu's sheets had been changed to pink since when.

And the bedroom that decorates concise black-and-white style is extremely abhorrent.

Abrupt and cold.

Ruan Tian opened the drawer of the bedside table. There was no charger she wanted in the top drawer. Then she opened another drawer -

there were some gadgets in it. She was very familiar with them.

Ruan TianDun for a moment, and slowly took out the decorations in the drawer, which looked old and belonged to girls.

Headbands, hairpins, post it notes, worthless decorative rings, and the notebooks she used, etc.

The quality of the hairpin is not very good, the outer layer is faded, and the iron sheet inside is exposed.

I don't know why, the eyes of Qin Yu when he was young appeared in Ruan Tian's mind.

Cold, always full of angry eyes, always staring at her, refused to let go.Qin Yu stubbornly followed her and appeared wherever she would.

Say some inexplicable words, do something out of the ordinary but don't really hurt her.

It's like it's wrapped around her vines.

Qin Yu pushes the door. Unexpectedly, Ruan Tian bumps into his dirty heart when he was young.

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These things are his paranoid love but not his hysterical reluctance.

He's crazy. He's like a tortured lunatic.

Ruan Tian remembers that these seem to be the gadgets she used, but she doesn't know when she lost them.

Ruan Tian suddenly remembered that once in PE class, she saw Qin Yu sitting in her seat, lying on the table, as if she was asleep.

But as she approached, the cold boy got up from his chair.

Ruan Tian asked subconsciously, "what do you want to do sitting at my desk?"

Qin Yu's face was not natural at that time. He didn't return to her and left through the back door.

Ruan Tian in adolescence.

The girl's heart is only for Shen Hui.

All the happy and unhappy emotions are also because of him.

Ruan Tian could not see Qin Yu's resentment and powerlessness at that time and the distortion of his deep desire.

I can't see his awkward mind.

I only remember Qin Yu's company and his crazy and morbid appearance of bending over and laughing after kissing himself.

Qin Yu was not embarrassed when she broke the things in the drawer. He looked as usual. He said, "when the snow stops, you can go to the yard to make a snowman."

Ruan Tian slowly straightened up, she asked: "Qin Yu, when did you like me?"

"Very early."

As early as the first time to see the innocent girl fell in his bedroom door.

This man broke into his world.

They met first, but Shen Hui stopped them.

Ruan Tian thought, "you have eyes."

Qin Yu answered: "I also think my vision is pretty good."

When they go downstairs together, their aura seldom coincides.

Ruan Tian is afraid of the cold, so she quietly stays in the living room to see Qin meet a big snowman through the French window.

After staying in the ice and snow for more than half an hour, Ruan Tian saw him cough. Before long, Qin Yu returned to the living room. His fingers were red with frost, and his eyebrows were covered with a thin layer of frost.

Qin Yu drank two mouthfuls of hot water to warm his body. He opened his mouth and seemed to have something to say to Ruan Tian.

Qin An said in a high voice at the other end of the restaurant, "come for dinner."

The hot pot was steaming hot. Qin An took out the wine he had just put back.

Ruan Tian poured herself a cup and sipped it twice.

The sweet taste spreads in the mouth.

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Qin Yuguang looked at Ruan Tian and did not move his chopsticks. His eyes were fixed. He endured for a long time. Today he dared to ask, "Ruan Tian."

"Think about it and fall in love with me."

Qin Yu, a teenager, is sharp and mean. His whole body is covered with thorns. He is neither smooth nor deep.

Just want to let Ruan Tian look at him more, but was pushed farther and farther by his sharp and indifferent means.

At the darkest moment when he was tortured, Qin Yu even had the idea that people all over the world would die together.

So you don't have to see Ruan Tian chasing Shen Hui.

As time passed, Qin Yu became more mature and learned how to be good to a person.

He just wanted to be nice to Ruan Tian.

No one else at the table expected that he would mention it on such an informal occasion.

Ruan Tian took a bite of the pill and swallowed it. She was silent for a moment. She said, "since you have invited me so sincerely." After the pause, she said, "then I'll give it a second thought."

Qin Yu's face was tense, and he didn't dare to relax. He was hoarse for two times.

After dinner, Ruan Tian put Qin Yu's scarf around the little snowman and found two small stones to act as eyes.

After all this, the snowman in the yard became lovely.

Ruan Tian holds a warm handbag and nests in the hanging chair on the balcony on the first floor. She leans lazily against the pillow, squints and yawns. She seems to be sleepy.

Qin Yu thought she was asleep.

Ruan Tian suddenly waved to him, "Qin Yu, come here."

The man slowly came up to her.

Ruan Tian said, "give me a hug."

Qin Yu stiffened for a second, then held her in his arms.

Ruan Tian buries her face in his coat and sniffs two mouthfuls. The cool fragrance of pine needles penetrates into her nose. The taste is light and reassuring.

Ruan Tian longed to be treated gently and to be held in her arms.

Yearning for love, also yearning for the day of plain happiness.

She thought that Qin Yu and she would always be two tired of each other's relationship, tit for tat.Recalling the past, most of Ruan Tian's memories are about Qin Yu.

Sometimes he was so bad that Ruan Tian cursed him to death.

Sometimes people can't bear to treat each other coldly.

Qin Yu helped her out, though at the cost of her first kiss.

When menstrual pain to vomit, also condescended to drop expensive to go to the drugstore to buy her pain medicine.

For her to block the car accident, took care of her sick.

Qin Yu's love is not fake.

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Ruan Tian chin against his shoulder socket, she said: "care is too expensive, I want to white whoring."

"Pause," then fall in love

As a divorced young woman, she has never been in love in her life.

Qin Yu's hand trembled slightly, and he gave a low voice from the bottom of his voice, "OK."

He can't help holding her more tightly, rubbing her into his arms, putting down all pride and reserve, whispering in her ear, "Ruan Tian, don't worry, I will treat you."

It's just for you.

The snow stopped long ago.

Spring is coming.

Qin An secretly took pictures of the two people holding together, and the photos were sent to Qin Yu's wechat according to the old rules.

Ten minutes later.

Qin Yu posted the photo to his microblog, and rarely typed a few words: "yes. 】

and conveniently changed his microblog profile to: [it's Ruan Tian's]

the girl in the photo holds the man's neck, her little face turns red, and she nests lazily in the man's arms with a friendly posture.

The winter of 2020.

Sunny day (Qin Tian) CP official announced.

As Qin Yu said on his microblog before, Ruan Tian and he are real.

God has pity.

When Qin Yu was young, his love was like a wildfire. Countless times he had no choice but to love him. His unyielding voice became true at this moment.

(end of the text)

the author has something to say: I wish Mr. Qin and Mr. Tian Tian a long time ~

there will be sweet fanwai who only falls in love ~

there will also be rebirth fanwai mentioned before.

Take a day off tomorrow, and continue to change the day after tomorrow.

Add a digression: for the past two months, the comments section has been watching it all the time. It's impossible to say that it didn't affect me.

I cried at the comment and continued to dry my tears after crying.

The man's choice of me has been wavering, but I still found that Qin Yu was fuller later, so I decided him.

After deciding on him, I really didn't expect such a big argument.

What's wrong with this book? I'll try my best to improve it.

I'll see you later.

Thank you for your support. See you later.

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