It may be because Ruan Tian was not well that day. She had a headache. She only remembered that other people looked at her eyes, but forgot the teenager in the wheelchair.

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Ruan Tian always thought that Shen Hui was the first one she saw after she came back.

Before Shen Hui, there had never been such a clean, bright and beautiful boy in her world.

Shen Xun stood in the sun in his school uniform, and his hair seemed to be dyed golden by the setting sun.

Even she forgot that the moment the bedroom door was opened, she broke into Qin Yu's world.

Qin met her in a daze, with his hand to explore the temperature of her forehead, "burned brain?"

Ruan Tian just woke up, her limbs were weak and weak. She recovered. She took the medicine from Qin Yu and put it into her mouth. After swallowing it, she was frowned bitterly.

"Drink water."

It may be because of her uncomfortable body. Ruan Tian has never been so obedient in front of him. She can do whatever she wants. She is neither unhappy nor choking with him.

After taking the medicine, Ruan Tian felt that she was still sleepy and could not lift her heavy head.

"I'm so sleepy."

"Go back to sleep."

Ruan nodded and was about to lie down. Seeing that the quilt on her body seemed not right, she widened her eyes again and looked around. "This is not my room."

Qin Yu didn't care. He said, "this is my home."

She still sleeps in his bed.

Ruan Tian didn't have the strength to care about these problems at the moment. She frowned and said, "I don't like the color of this quilt."

It's black. It doesn't look like a girl at all!

Qin Yu put down his water cup and raised his eyebrow. "OK, change it to pink one another day."

Ruan Tian is really sick and confused. She doesn't feel that something is wrong.

Half awake, she whispered: "in fact, off white can also."

When Qin Yu came downstairs, his mother worried, "are you awake?"

"Wake up, fall asleep again."

"Let her sleep a little longer. There are dumplings in the fridge that my aunt just made in the afternoon. If she wakes up at night and feels hungry, you can cook some dumplings for her, you know?" Mother Qin whispered.

Qin Yu said twice, "I'll cook a bowl of porridge for her now. I don't think she can sleep for long."

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Qin's mother was stunned. When did she see her eldest son so considerate? Besides sighing, she was also gratified. "You take good care of her. I'll go back to my room first."

"Well, good."

Ruan Tian's illness lasted for several days. Although she was confused, she felt that someone was taking care of her all the time.

It will be four days before the fever subsides completely.

Ruan Tian was sweating all over, but his mind was clear. In the early morning, Qin Yugang came out of the bathroom after taking a bath. He was naked and only wore trousers. His soft black hair was half dry and dripping with water. He was stunned, and then returned to normal. "Sober?"

Ruan Tian nodded, "I'm ok."

Qin Yu approached the bedside, and the refreshing fragrance of the shower gel came towards Ruan Tian.

"Let Dr. Zhao come back to check you later."

Ruan Tian's throat is a little thirsty. After a drink of water, she still feels thirsty.

"I want to eat ice cream."

Qin Yu raised her eyebrow, "you don't want to eat, you want to die."

"I just say it and think about it."

"Take your time and use your imagination."

"Ruan Tian looked at the decoration of the room and tried to change the topic. She asked," how can I be in your bedroom? "

Qin Yu enunciated and asked, "have you lost your memory?"

Ruan Tian was not angry and said, "I don't have one."

Qin Yu pulled out a clean shirt from the closet, dressed in front of her face, and said: "when you are unconscious, you hold my neck and refuse to let go, crying and shouting to sleep in my bed." Pause a few seconds, he hook lips smile, and then said: "I also take off my clothes to sleep with you."

Ruan Tian didn't believe a word, "you fart."

Qin Yu put on the last button of his shirt and asked with a smile, "don't you believe it?"

His tone was rather regretful. "You said I couldn't get out of bed."

"You go out. I'm going to take a bath." As soon as Ruan Tian heard this, she knew that he had come to make it up.

As soon as she got out of bed and put on her slippers, Qin Yu was silent and suddenly said, "without your change of clothes -"

"would you like to wear mine first? My underwear, too? "

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Ruan Tian picked up the pillow at hand and smashed it at him

Qin Yu chuckled, "I'll go downstairs and ask my aunt to send you clothes."

After being taken good care of by Qin Yu for several days, Ruan sweetheart was actually moved, but she was really embarrassed to say "thank you for your hard work" to Qin Yu. She felt a little affected.Seeing that she was well, Qin's mother was very happy and worried. "Tiantian, you should stay with me for a while. Don't worry about going home first."

Ruan Tian did not carry her gentle offensive, agreed to come down.

Maybe it has something to do with that she doesn't hate Qin Yu now.

Qin's mother cooked a large table of dishes in person that night. Qin An was there, and there was no coldness on the table.

Ruan Tian filled her stomach and went back to bed.

When I brush the circle of friends, I brush the news of Zhou Xiaoqiao who is far away from abroad.

Zhou Xiaoqiao enrolled in a well-known foreign fashion design institute. As a result, her classmates found that her entrance design was suspected of plagiarism, and immediately reported it to the school. After verification, she did have serious plagiarism. Even if the school cancelled her student status, she was directly expelled.

It seems that Zhou Xiaoqiao's life abroad is not so pleasant.

Jiang Li chatted in private, and she said, "the wicked have their day.". 】

Ruan Tianhui: [seeing how Zhou Xiaoqiao is now, I feel really happy.

is away from the original grass: [Zhou Xiaoqiao is the old you! Everybody shouts to beat the mice crossing the street! 】

Ruan Tian: [? Climb for me. 】

after a few words of nonsense, Ruan Tian was sleepy and fell asleep with her mobile phone in her arms.

A few days later, the movie of winter vacation was on line on time.

"Miss Da", starring Ruan Tian and Shao Chengyue, took the natural advantage of comedy elements and performed strongly. It won the first seat rate on the premiere day from the fourth place in the pre-sale.

The industry thought it was a vulgar and forced comedy, but after watching it, it changed one after another.

The film production looks rough, but I didn't expect that the script is so solid, the laugh points are dense but unconventional, the rhythm is fast, and the completion of the actors is also high.

Before that, they thought that Ruan Tian could only play the role of bitterness and hatred, and no one expected her comedy performance to be very smooth.

The director's propaganda is unusual. He hides it all. On the day of release, he released the only pornographic part of the bed drama on the official blog.

In less than half a day, the broadcast volume on microblog exceeded 10 million.

"@ Qin Yu, you are green."

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"@ Qin Yu, I hear the rain falling on the green grass."

"@ Qin Yu, too miserable, too miserable, the biggest investor, Qin's film, I'm a typical green myself."

"@ Qin Yu, when will you show us a wife chasing scene!"

The director himself had seen Qin Yu's jealousy, and he was so scared that he immediately manually deleted the comment on Qin Yu at the bottom of the video.

At the same time, with the good reputation and the good atmosphere of family reunion, the film "Miss Da Lai" has been successfully suppressed by the winter vacation, and the box office of the film has been increasing.

It's over 100 million in a week.

Looking at this trend, the box office of 3 billion at the end of the year is not a dream.

The director and the screenwriter couldn't close their mouths with laughter. They have changed Ruan Tian's wechat remarks to Koi.

"After watching this film, we have to wait a long time to see the next film of tianzai."

"My sister went to school. I don't know when to shoot again. My heart is broken."

"I've forgotten that sweet boy is a standard college student now."

"It's said that the troupe is going to hold a celebration banquet. Our little princess must be dressed up to be beautiful!"

The director came out of the art academy, and he spoke and did things out of line.

Before the movie was over, there was a celebration party.

All the actors and actresses in the cast have been invited, and those who are free and those who are not are willing to sell him their face.

Qin yutui held two large conferences and attended the celebration banquet as an investor.

The director asked him just to be polite. Who knows that Qin always has the leisure to participate in such a vulgar activity!?

Although the arrival of the master is not very welcome, the director still has to sell a smiling face to greet him.

If you offend anyone, you can't offend the God of wealth. It's not easy for anyone to invest 50 million in him.

Qin Yu asked in a low voice, "where's Ruan Tian?"

The director toasted a circle of wine, now very top, "she is happy tonight, drink muddle."

Two glasses of red wine in my stomach, like a good cat, automatically find a good corner nest up, close your eyes as if asleep, but also as if not.

Qin always only when looking at Ruan Tian, eyes will show seven gentle.

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Her breath was warm and slightly alcoholic.

Ruan Tian looks at the sudden appearance of Qin Yu, distracted and dazed. The picture when the man pushes the door in reminds her of the previous dream.

It was he who opened the door first.

Just like the midsummer when I was seventeen.

Qin Yu didn't put on airs and didn't dislike the noise in the box. He sat down beside her and said, "are you so happy?"

And drink so much wine.They sat in a hidden corner.

Ear is other people holding the microphone howling K song.

Ruan Tian did not answer.

Qin Yu's patience was obviously better than before. Looking at Ruan Tian, who was slightly drunk, though he was not a good tempered man, he pretended that he had a good temper and said, "come home with me?"

Ruan nodded, "are you going to take me home?"


"Qin Yu, you like me."


"Qin Yu, you want to sleep with me."

Ruan Tian put his arm around his neck, and he beat him and picked him up from the sofa. "Yes, I want to sleep with you."

Ruan Tian ignored the second half of his sentence and was still thinking about the previous one.

After drinking too much, her reaction slowed down a few times.

Ruan Tian didn't remember so clearly what happened with Qin Yu, pleasant and unpleasant memories.

Only when we met for the first time, the warmth of the hands that the teenager in the wheelchair stretched out to her left in the deep memory.

"Qin Yu."

"In fact, I am now."

"I like you a little bit."

Ruan Tian's greatest resistance is gentleness.

President Qin became gentle and melted her winter.

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