In the first week of school, Ruan Tian got along well with her classmates.

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Xueba do not pursue stars on weekdays, most of the students just regard her as an ordinary classmate.

A few star chasing girls also know the truth of not offending and not disturbing, so they quietly find a closer distance from Ruan Tian in class.

They knew not only Ruan Tian, but also Qin Yu, who had just started school.

Primary school girls have heard from their sister that this famous senior and substitute teacher in their school has a cold reputation.

But he looked at Ruan Tian with gentle eyes.

Sometimes primary school girls can see Qin Yu and Ruan Tian eating together in the restaurant at the school gate. Qin Yu, who is not smiling in class, and Ruan Tian walking side by side, seem to have a shallow smile in the corner of his eyes and eyebrows.

My primary school sister is about to pass out.

Ruan Tian also found out that all the students in her class seem to be afraid of Qin Yu. But if it's his class, she doesn't dare to make mistakes. There are fewer students fishing, and fewer students writing other lessons secretly.

One by one, they are very attentive and serious.

Ruan Tian really didn't understand what Qin Yu was afraid of. Even before Qin Yu threatened to hang up on her, she didn't take it seriously.

The relationship between Ruan Tian and Qin Yu gradually improved. Unlike before, there was no room for anyone.

In the eyes of the students in the class, the substitute teacher is in a good mood most of the time, but sometimes the class is noisy, so he will sink his face and stare at them coldly.

Whenever this time, the students in the classroom will consciously be honest.

So they all admire Ruan Tian. They can go to the canteen with Qin Yu, a man who can feel cold three meters away.

Sometimes we can even see the substitute teacher sitting lazily beside Ruan Tian after class, with his long legs stretched lazily and his head gently on the girl's shoulder.

At this time, Ruan Tian is very unhappy.

The students sitting in the back row saw Ruan Tian slapping their substitute teacher away.

In my heart, I'm surprised to think that a star is worthy of being a star, and I'm so bold in my manner.

Qin Yu was not annoyed when he was pushed away. He leaned against her shoulder and held her waist domineering. "Sleep together."

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Ruan Tian:

before, she only knew that Qin was poisoned by his mouth, but she didn't see that his mouth was shameless.

Ruan Tian couldn't help asking, "can you be a little self-conscious of being a teacher?"

Qin met eyelid son did not move, "thank invite, no ethics."

Primary school sister to see straight Wu heart, Wu Wu Wu, they can be too sweet.

Excited, the water cup on the table was accidentally brought to the ground by her, "bang" sound.

Qin Yu frowned and opened his eyes in displeasure. She looked back coldly. Her primary school sister was so scared by his eyes that she didn't dare move. She quickly picked up the water cup on the ground and said, "old teacher, I'm sorry."

Qin Yu frowned and did not speak.

Ruan Tian couldn't take a look at it and said, "what's your temper with your schoolgirl?"

Qin Yu still had a very unhappy expression on his face. He was right and wrong. "I didn't have it."

The primary school sister was afraid that she would be remembered by Qin Yu. At the end of the term, she settled the bill with her and left the classroom with a depressed face.

Qin Yu said that he would take a few classes on behalf of others, but it was still his political thought class at the end of the term.

After the final exam, Ruan Tian moved back from school to her own home.

Last year, the comedy film that she and Shao Chengyue made was also fixed on file. This winter, the competition for winter vacation is fierce. Compared with other big name films joined by big stars, the movie "big miss arrived" is very inconspicuous.

It's customary to leave this movie out of the box office of winter vacation online.

However, some people have turned over the director's remarks on the microblog when he was drunk.

"The director himself said that three billion yuan is the starting point, and there is no three billion yuan Ruan Tian to make up for it"

"this year's Spring Festival, when the gods fight, the gourd eaters will have a good time."

"Although this young lady looks very unreliable when she arrives, my family can't resist comedy by nature, so we have already bought the tickets in advance."

"Just looked at it, the pre-sale seems to be very good, and the attendance rate is among the best."

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A few days before the film was released, Ruan Tian saw the class group become active.

It seems that the results of this semester have come out.

The monitor took the lead and asked: "please deduct one if you have failed in the political thought class. 】

[1. 】

[1. 】

[1. 】

Ruan Tian counted carefully, and nearly 20 of them had to hang up the course.

She suddenly thought of the message Qin Yu had sent her in the first class.

Ruan Tian went to the school's official website to check her final scores. Her bright 61 represents Qin Yu's final conscience.

Ruan Tian just got sick after her holiday.She has always been in good health. Since she was a child, she seldom caught a cold and had a fever. This time, because of the arrival of the first snow, she was so excited that she spent a whole night in the snow and caught a cold.

It's not good to take the medicine. On the contrary, it's getting worse.

Dizzy, dizzy.

I didn't look back at the messages on my cell phone.

Qin Yu didn't receive the call from her.

Ruan tianwo had been sleeping in the quilt for two days, but she was burning in a daze. She didn't know that her door had been unlocked with a code lock.

As soon as Qin Yu entered the bedroom, he saw the ball arched up in the middle of the big bed. He was relieved that she was OK.

He lifted the corner of the quilt with his fingertips, and Ruan Tian's face turned red.

Qin Yu explored her forehead with his hand. His eyebrows and eyes were cold, and he was about to pull Ruan Tian out of the quilt.

When the girl was unconscious, she still remembered to hold her quilt tightly and refused to leave her bed.

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Qin Yu was impatient and said, "you have a fever."

Voice landing, Qin Yu self mocking smile, "you do not understand me now."

With a little strength, he wrapped Ruan Tian up with a quilt, picked her up from the bed, kicked open the door with his feet, and carried her downstairs.

The driver was a man of vision. He came up and asked, "are you going to the hospital?"

Qin Yu pondered, "drive directly back to the old house and let the family doctor come."

The driver answered yes.

All the way silent.

The driver peeked back in the rearview mirror.

The young master had a cold face, screwed his eyebrows and urged him to drive faster

The driver didn't dare to be distracted, so he said hello.

In less than half an hour, we arrived at Qin's old house.

The family doctor arrived faster than they did and was already waiting in the bedroom on the second floor.

Qin's mother saw her son rush upstairs with Ruan Tian in her arms. She didn't know what was going on. She couldn't help asking, "is Tiantian OK?"

Qin Yu answered, "I have a fever."

Qin's mother also went upstairs, "the child lives alone, and there is no one to take care of him. Why don't you watch more?"

Qin Yu didn't say a word.

After seeing it, the family doctor felt that there was no big problem. He prescribed antipyretic medicine and gave Ruan Tian a sling. "It's OK to take medicine on time."

The temperature on Ruan Tian's forehead seems to have receded a little. She sleeps and stuffs herself in the quilt.

Qin Yu put her breathless, tough will her out from the inside, will her chest quilt folded up, lest she also want a kangaroo like to drill in.

Ruan Tian seems to have had a long dream.

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She dreamt of the day when she just came back. She was calm on her face, but in fact she was very upset.

Zhou's mother took her by the hand, got out of the car, walked into a luxurious villa building, pointed to the one on the left and said, "this is your home from now on."

Then she pointed to the other side and said, "that's your brother Qin Yu's home. I don't know if he went to school today."

Stiff, she followed Zhou's mother into the living room and her bedroom.

Soon after the luggage was put down, Zhou's mother took her to the next room to say hello to her neighbors.

Zhou's mother was chatting with other people. She felt bored and didn't like those people looking at her eyes. That day, she had a headache and was very uncomfortable, so she found a way out.

She wandered around the house twice and couldn't find her way back.

She seemed to hear a loud noise coming from a certain bedroom. She approached boldly and tried to listen more carefully. The door was roughly opened from inside, and she fell to the ground with a stagger.

The teenager was sitting in a wheelchair, looking at her face coldly.

She didn't get angry when she fell. Instead, she saw him in a wheelchair and felt sorry for him.

But the boy stood up in front of her and put his hand in front of her

She remembered that her hands were not warm and cool to the touch.

Holding the palm of the boy's hand, she slowly got up from the ground and whispered, "thank you."

When he turned to leave, he stopped him.

Young man from his drawer out of a box of medicine, action is not gentle, threw to her, "remember to take medicine, don't die, the back door in the garden."

She Leng for a while, did not take the box of Medicine on the ground, ran along the road he pointed.

Ruan Tian dreams of Qin Yu, 17, and Shen Hui, 17.

When I wake up, my mind is confused and heavy, and I feel uncomfortable.

Ruan Tian opened her eyes and saw Qin Yu sitting beside the bed. His face seemed no different from that of 17 years old, but it became sharper and colder.

Qin Yu was holding a cup of hot water in his hand. He broke her chin with the other hand and said softly, "take medicine."

Ruan Tian was in a trance for a long time, but she felt as if she was still dreaming.

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