Ruan Tian was so casual that she didn't have any idea of provoking Qin Yu.

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As soon as the word impotence came to the ground, Qin Yu was stunned. His long and thick eyelashes trembled, and his eyelids gently opened, "are you sure I'm impotent?"

Ruan Tian a listen to his cold tone felt not very good, earned in his arms, not very comfortable, "I didn't say anything."

Qin Yu was silent for a moment. Then he turned over and clasped her wrist against the pillow. He looked down at her cheek with dark eyes. His slightly curved thumb touched her chin. His breath almost melted Ruan Tian.

"Ruan Tian." Pausing for two seconds, the three points of laziness in his voice disappeared. It's rare to be serious. "I said I like you several times, although you don't believe it."

Ruan Tian tried to get away from her face. Qin Yu held her chin tightly, looked into her eyes and said, "in front of a man who likes you, it's hard for me not to take your words seriously."

Ruan Tian pursed straight lip liner, light lip color was slightly red by her bite.

Qin Yu said, "besides, I've been tough in front of you."

Ruan Tian said, "stop, let me get up first."

Qin Yu still didn't let go. These days, he was patient and restrained, learning how to be a good man, and no longer did impulsive and radical things.

He felt that he should be able to receive a little bit in return.

Qin Yu touched her side face, "Ruan Tian, do you like me a little now?"

Ruan Tian shook her head.

Qin Yu made a sound, lowered his head to her lip and bit it lightly. His lips and teeth melted together, plundering her breath excessively.

"I'll kiss you if I don't like it."

Qin Yu's kisses have never been skillful. Several times before, they were always rude, inhuman, with a little bit of hostility, as if they were going to crush her.

This time it was very gentle.

Qin Yusong opens his hand, and Ruan Tian pushes him away and gets up from the bed.

Qin Yuban was sitting on the bed with two buttons slightly open on the top of his shirt. His delicate and indifferent facial features frowned deeply. Ruan Tian could see some grievances from the expression on his face.

Ruan Tian was aggrieved by his commissar's expression, which made her heart feel more guilty. She said, "if you've had enough sleep, go back quickly."

Doesn't he have a bed in his own house!?

Can't he get up!?

Qin Yu looked out of the window at the dark sky and said without guilt, "I'm hungry."

Ruan Tian: "mouth long in your body, I can block your mouth not to let you eat?"

Qin Yu's black eyes were staring at her. It was really pitiful.

Ruan Tian saw what he was thinking at a glance. After a bit of thinking, she turned two hundred yuan to Qin Yu with her mobile phone and said, "go and order some takeout by yourself."

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Qin Yu had a real sense of being taken care of.

The mood is quite complicated.

Qin Yu had the cheek to say, "only 200? You sent beggars? "

“??? Why don't you steal the money! "

Qin Yu gets up slowly and fastens his belt in front of her. The young master lazily stands in front of her and says, "OK, 200 is 200."

Send Qin Yu away.

Ruan Tian took a bath and went to bed.

After half a month's rest at home, it was calm.

In mid August, Ruan Tian occasionally got news about Shen amnesty.

Microblog hot search No. 18, not very conspicuous.

#Shen Hui is engaged to the Zhao family and has announced the date of marriage, followed by a loving expression.

Ruan Tian really just went in because of curiosity, and the press releases were almost the same.

The young master of the Shen family is getting engaged.

The object of the second marriage is the lady of a famous family, the standard daughter.

Entertainment circle: [Ms. Zhao has a master's degree and majored in medicine. She's half a female scientist. She's a good couple. I heard that she met me on a blind date. She got the right eye and got engaged in a low-key way. 】

"compared with Shen Hui's ex-wife, she's no loser."

"If you don't tell me, I will forget that Shen's ex-wife is Ruan Tian."

"New love, old love, I choose new love!"

"Men should all love Miss Zhao's model. They are knowledgeable, beautiful and in good shape."

"Men and women are really the right couple."

Ruan Tian thinks the eight trigrams are quite true.

She also saw a picture of the Zhao family on the Internet. The beautiful young girl stood in the sun in her bachelor's clothes, holding her diploma in her arms, smiling brightly.

Ruan Tianguang looks at the photos and knows that this Miss Zhao is really Shen Hui's favorite type.

Beautiful, quiet, high education, good family background.

She brushed a few and found it boring.

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Off line and off-line.

Qin An's phone call came in, which happened to be about Shen Hui's engagement.Ruan Tian said she already knew.

Qin An was surprised, "how can you even know?"

Ruan sweet long ah, "on the hot search."

Qin An hesitated for a while and asked, "if Shen Hui sends you an invitation, will you go to his wedding?"

This assumption is really vulgar.

Ruan Tian seriously thought about it, she said: "look at my time, go when I have time."

Qin An crouched twice and sighed: "you are a real tiger, aren't you? You really don't love him?"

Ruan Tian has been asked this question 800 times!!!

"No more love."

Qin An nodded, "OK, but I don't think Shen Hui will send you an invitation."

Regardless of whether Ruan Tian would return to him or not, Qin An said to himself, "I thought brother Shen was unforgettable for you, and wanted to remarry with you! Men are dogs

Ruan Tian felt that he had finally said something.

Qin an then went around his brother and started to blow rainbow farts around Qin Yu in all directions. "My brother is better. I've been devoted to you since high school! I only love you, even if you got married before, I still love you

Ruan Tian hung up directly.

That night, she lay in bed and even thought about which skirt she would wear, what make-up she would wear and what kind of words she would say when Shen Hui and Miss Zhao got married.

In the brain over again, Ruan Tian happily into the sleep.

Then Ruan Tian waited for more than half a month without waiting for Shen Hui's invitation. She felt that she should not be invited.

If you think about it, no one will invite his ex-wife to his wedding ceremony.

Qin Yu once again made a circle of friends.

Sun out Shen's invitation to get married.

Congratulations and best wishes for a century. 】

these words are about locking me up.

Ruan gave a compliment.

She got married in vain. She had nothing but a marriage certificate.

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Ruan Tian thought that she would see the scene of Shen's marriage soon, but she didn't expect that the news of the engagement came out. Not long after that, it came out that Shen had a car accident.

The accident seemed serious.

Shen Hui was sent to the doctor in time and woke up after several days in a coma.

A few days later, Ruan Tian heard that the engagement of the Shen and Zhao families had been cancelled.

The whole process is playful.

Shen Hui was injured in the hospital. Miss Zhao came twice, but he didn't see her.

Miss Zhao once broke in and looked at him in his sick suit. She cried bitterly. Then she asked, "why do you want to cancel the engagement?"

Shen Hui lowered his eyes and looked cold and cruel, "because I don't love you."

Shen Hui wanted to accept the marriage.

No one can live without him.

He thinks Miss Zhao is sensible and beautiful, has a clean family background and a good character. She is a good marriage partner in any way.

After the engagement, Shen Hui felt very boring.

It's no use. It's no use marrying anyone.

Ruan Tian is still in his mind.

You can't forget her, you can't get her.

With less than ten days to go before his wedding date, Shen Hui drove by himself. When he passed a traffic light, he hit the steering wheel hard against the guardrail to avoid speeding.

There's a chance to stop, but he doesn't.

Watching the surveillance video, it's like taking advantage of this opportunity to deliberately bump into it to seek death.

Shen Hui said he didn't know what he thought at that time. He stepped on the accelerator to the end, but his foot on the brake didn't move.

Bang, after bumping into it, Shen Hui had a relaxed feeling in his heart.

Shen's parents were not surprised by the cancellation of the engagement.

Shen's mother couldn't sigh out. She just asked, "what do you want?"

Shen Hui raised his eyes and said sincerely, "Mom, I want to remarry."

"Why are you so stubborn?"

Shen Hui didn't let them worry when he was young. Looking at a docile and obedient child, he was also stubborn in his heart.

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Shen said helplessly: "you don't know Ruan Tian."

A man who can't get ten cows back.

Divorce, there is no possibility of remarriage.

"Yes, I understand." Shen Hui raised his hand to block his eyes, "so I just said it."


in the twinkling of an eye, it's the end of August, when the freshmen of Capital University begin to report.

Military training is arranged in the first semester of sophomore year.

Freshmen miraculously avoided the devil's military training this year.

Ruan Tian moved to Qin Yu's small villa building in the school and brought her script for the next movie.

At the first sight of the house, she tut tut said that the house was too luxurious.The timetable has already been sent backstage.

Ruan Tian's first class in the university is political thought, with three credits.

Before class, Ruan Tian would listen to other students whispering, "why do so many people come to think of class?"

"Don't you know? Mr. Sixiu is a handsome man. He used to be an honorary professor who didn't take classes. He came to be a teacher this semester. "

"It's true that he is handsome and cruel. He worked as a substitute teacher several years ago. There were more than 30 students in the class, like a ruthless killer. He was terrible."

Listen to the description.

Ruan Tian thought that the unknown teacher was a lord of hell.

Is the university so terrible now?!

At 8:30 in the morning, Qin Yu entered the classroom on time, with a Sima face and a cold expression, looking down at the classroom.

Other students were this look in the heart of a Lin, subconsciously shrink their neck.

Only Ruan Tian was not frightened at all. She was stunned for a few seconds. She came back to herself and said in a low voice, "are teachers of this virtue now?"

Qin Yu laughed as if he could hear him.

Thumb tapping on the table, he said: "sorry, don't be nervous, I just come to replace a few classes."

Ruan Tian sent him a wechat on his mobile phone: [then what are you doing here? 】

it's just a substitute, and it's not a formal job, so it's nothing.

Qin Yu looked at the news, looked down at the screen and typed back: "do you want to hang up? OK, I got it. 】

the author has something to say: Yu Zong: chasing his wife crazily

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