After the security check, enter the examination room.

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Ruan Tian found her place and sat down quietly. She leaned against the window and looked out of the window with a faint vision.

At nine in the morning, the exam is on time.

After Ruan Tian got the Chinese paper, she first looked at the title of the composition, and then she felt confident. She calmed down and began to write the paper.

Two and a half hours is just enough for the Chinese exam.

Ruan Tian stopped writing less than ten minutes before the roll up.

After winding up, Ruan Tian sat in her position for a while. After a rest, she slowly got up, packed her things and followed the steps of others.

June scorching sun, out of the classroom door, facing a gust of hot air, the air seems to be sticky.

Ruan Tian consciously wears a mask, does not want to be recognized, also afraid to disturb other candidates.

At the school gate, the anxious parents craned their necks and looked in.

The fans in their hands kept fanning and sweating.

Ruan Tian didn't expect that Qin Yu would stare at her at the school gate after the exam. The man stood in the shade of a tree, and his appearance was striking. He stepped forward in three or two steps, "are you hungry?"

I didn't ask her how she did in the exam.

Ruan Tian nodded, "hungry."

Her hair was drooping, and she looked a little dispirited.

"Get in the car. I'll buy you a good meal with my selling money."


The midday sun was a bit spicy, and Ruan Tian was almost blinded by the sun. Before long, her forehead was exposed to sweat.

She didn't meet Qin and got into his car.

Qin Yu took her to a private restaurant nearby and hid it in a small courtyard deep in the bamboo forest. The environment was quiet and sparsely populated. It was closed to the public and only accepted private reservation.

Qin Yu ordered a few light dishes, poured a glass of water for her and asked, "what time does the exam start in the afternoon?"


"After dinner, you'll have a rest here. I'll see you off when it's almost time."

"That's fine." Ruan Tian lowered her eyelashes and looked like she was in a daze. She said, "thank you."

Even if Ruan Tian has never been here, Moyo knows that a meal here is expensive.

After eating with peace of mind, she was really a little sleepy and yawned as if she could fall asleep in the next second.

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Qin Yu didn't eat much, so his appetite was not very good.

There is also a compartment in the elegant box, and Ruan Tian falls asleep on the little bed in the compartment.

It was almost time for Qin Yu to wake her up and send her to school.

After waiting for someone to go in, Qin Yu's back tilted back, but he was also a little sleepy, and he closed his eyes against the seat.

At five in the afternoon, the math exam closes.

The classroom is full of wails, with poor psychological endurance, even lying on the table sobbing.

It's too hard.

It's not a human paper!

There are two new types of questions that they have never met.

"I'm ready to repeat it."

"How come it's our turn to be so unlucky, even if we run into the reform of the college entrance examination, the type of examination paper is different from before, Wuwuwuwu."

"It's terrible."

In contrast, Ruan Tian's performance is calm.

At least she has finished all of them, even the last big problem has been solved, and it is estimated that her grades will not be bad, and she will get scores of more than 100.

Shen's little niece didn't do well in the exam. She wiped her tears and asked, "how are you doing?"

Ruan Tian thought about it and said, "it's OK."

"Do you know how to write?"

"The city."


She might as well not ask!

Ruan Tian felt that the little girl in front of her seemed to be about to cry, and her expression was very cursory.

The topic of college entrance examination has been hot for two days.

Ruan Tian, a senior college entrance examination student, has not been noticed, but there are also people in the circle who regard her as a competitor waiting for her grades to come out and see jokes.

In this circle, Xueba is not without it.

But those who are really gifted in learning are not willing to mix up.

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After the last test, Ruan Tian sleeps at home for three days.

Qin Yu called her 800 times, and she only received one. In her sleep, she fished out her mobile phone from under her pillow. Her voice sounded stuffy, "Hello, what's the matter?"

Qin Yu also admired her, sleeping for three days.

The young master is not very good at the moment. He talks freely, "where are you? I want to pick up the guests. "

Ruan Tian

Qin Yu frowned and sneered, "I haven't opened for three days. Five thousand yuan is not enough."

Ruan Tian

You don't have to!

Ruan Tian slowly sat up and said, "it's OK. I'll hang up.""Can't I call you if there's nothing wrong?"

Ruan Tian heard that Qin Yu was in a hurry.

So she hung up without hesitation.

Soon it was the day of the test results.

Ruan sweet sleep to wake up naturally, a look at the time from the results announced there are two hours.

mobile phone, micro-blog, and her mother's body, she was lying on the bed playing with her cell phone. Tiktok was raised and her mother was over an hour.

How can the time pass so slowly!

Ruan Tian had no choice but to go back to the microblog to read the fans' messages.

"You can..."!!! I'm sure it will be

"What is the next play? It's time to film. "

"A marketing number says it's a big movie. I don't believe it. When did we receive a big movie?"

"Selfie, selfie, selfie!"

"Quietly Mimi said, the day of the college entrance examination to send my sister to the exam, as if to see Tiantian and qinzongzhan together, Wuwuwuwu I knock again, my CP is true."

Ruan Tian read about a dozen, put down the phone, straight sigh.

The Internet world is really boring.

After twelve o'clock, the inquiry system will be open to the public.

Ruan Tian thought that it might be faster to use the computer. She entered her account password at 12:01. A few seconds later, her grades jumped out.

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Ruan Tian looked at the total score, extraordinary play, test is very good.

This score is probably enough for Capital University.

She cut the picture and went off the line contentedly.

Jiang Li is going to take a screenshot of his exam results. He has not only sent a circle of friends, but also a microblog. All major platforms are blowing: "Ruan tianniupi!"!!! 】

as a special agent number, she also has tens of thousands of fans.

Screenshots quickly spread on the Internet.

This achievement is enough even in the key classes of key high schools.

I thought Ruan Tian was just learning from girls, but I didn't expect that she really studied very well.

"This year's mathematics is very difficult. How did she get it in her 130 odd years? I'm convinced

"She chose the major of Capital University casually..."

"Won't Ruan Tian really want to quit the circle? She's pretty good at acting in xiaohuali. "

"It's not only very good, it's the only way to stay on the stage. Other trash are still playing in idol dramas. She has played several movies."

"I'm sorry."

Qin Yu didn't show much surprise after seeing this achievement.

Ruan Tian is smart and quick to learn anything.

I didn't know anything when I was in high school, and I couldn't keep up with the progress of every subject.

By the third year of senior high school, we have made great progress.

In July, Ruan Tian volunteered and applied for the major of education in Capital University.

A major that is not popular or popular.

Qin Yu didn't know where to find out that she had applied for Capital University. He ran to her and asked, "do you want to live on campus after the start of school?"

Ruan Tian nodded, "what else?"

Qin Yu twisted her eyebrows, looked at her with disapproval and said, "do you think you are not famous enough?"

Ruan Tian really didn't consider this problem.

Qin Yu raised her eyebrows and said, "I have a house in school."

Ruan Tian asked, "so you are here to show off your wealth?"

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Qin Yu pursed his lips and said, "there's no need. Do I need to dazzle you?" He went on, "if you want, you can go and live with me."

Ruan Tian refused and said, "I don't want to."

Qin nodded with a good temper, "OK."

He added: "then I'll ask the headmaster not to arrange dormitories for you."

Ruan Tian: "what

Qin Yu was also an excellent graduate of Capital University, and is still on the wall of honorary alumni.

And the headmaster is his second uncle, such a little thing can be done.

Ruan Tian's situation is really not suitable for living on campus.

"Yes, I rent my own house."

"All the buildings beside the school belong to my family."


Qin met her and couldn't help laughing, "do you hear me? That's how to show off your wealth. "

He directly lost a bunch of keys to her hand, lazily said: "I'm sleepy, borrow your bed to sleep."

After a pause, he took a look at Ruan Tian at the edge of the fried hair. He then said, "just sleeping, I don't want to sleep with you."

Qin Yu had a long sleep.

There was no sign of waking up by more than eight in the evening.

In the bedroom, the man has no psychological burden, firmly occupying her bed and quilt.

Ruan Tian put up with it and didn't wake him up very gently. "You get up quickly. If you don't get up again, I'll kick you out."

The man didn't move and slept soundly.

Ruan Tian was still thinking about how to kick him down. Qin Yu seemed to wake up and reached out to drag her to the bed. She was very tired. "Come on, sleep together."Ruan Tian is shy and angry, "who wants to sleep with you?"!!! If you don't want to be shameful, I want to be shameless! "

Qin Yu's head touched her neck socket and rubbed her comfortably. He closed his eyes again and said in a hoarse voice, "don't play hard to get and deliberately tease me."

Ruan Tian

I'm playing hard to get your mom.

Qin Yu began to smile in a low voice. The breath in her nose swept her neck gently. His voice was low and very pleasant: "thanks to my concentration, otherwise you've been sleeping for nothing?"

Ruan sweet mouth cheap problem made again, "bullshit of concentration, it is not because of your impotence."

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