Ruan Tian felt that Qin Yu really had the consciousness to be a duck.

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Do a line, love a line, this kind of shameless words can not change the face to say.

Ruan Tian looked at him with a little disgust, enunciated clearly: "you can't do it."

"It's not so good to sleep with."

"You're not good at what you're looking at. Even if you sell it, five thousand dollars will be a compliment to you."

Qin Yu was not annoyed, "then I'll give you two thousand?"

Ruan Tian was too lazy to talk to him, "you give me back, and then go away."

Qin Yu leaned lazily on the sofa, "since the money is in my hand, how can it be so easy to spit it out?"

"I don't want any money. You go out." Ruan Tian felt pain when she saw him.

Qin Yu Yi said, "it's not good. We have to satisfy our customers when we make ducks."

The man stood up slowly. He untied the expensive belt and put it aside. He pretended to untie the two buttons on the top of his shirt and approached her. "I can't carry this kind of stigma on my back."

After a little pause, he whispered, "after all, it's a personal insult to say that a man can't do it."

Listen to what he said. Is this what people say?

Ruan Tian wants to give him a thumbs up. He can play a hooligan like this.

It's amazing.

Ruan Tian retorted: "don't make something out of nothing. You've never had such a thing as personality."

Ruan Tian said, and put his coat and belt into his arms. "Just think I'm your golden master now. Can you be more conscious of being a duck? If the golden master asks you to roll, you'll keep rolling. Do you understand?"

Qin met his jacket and pondered for a moment. "You has the final say," he said.

As soon as the words changed, he raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smile, "but it didn't make you feel better. It's my dereliction of duty. It's hot with the money."

Qin Yu didn't want to annoy her. When she had enough, she stopped.

"I'll go back first. I need special service. I'll be there any time."

"No, go away."

Five minutes after Qin Yu left, Ruan Tian's mobile phone rang and received a wechat transfer.

Qin Yu: [10000]

Qin Yu: [take it to buy water. 】

Qin Yu: [we all have so much money to make ducks. 】

Ruan Tian accepted it impolitely.

Capitalist's wool is not white.

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it has to be said that the awards recognized by the whole industry are really heavy, and good screenplays are coming one after another.

Ruan Tian picked out a movie script for the villain.

Mythology, heart and body abuse.

She took on the role of a witch who brought disaster to the country and the people without a sense of right and wrong.

The film investment is huge. It takes more than a year just to prepare for shooting.

Ruan Tian left the gap, taking advantage of this gap can continue to go to school, if she was admitted.

Before midsummer, Ruan Tian met Zhou's mother, who was about to go abroad.

She was born, but she didn't like her mother.

Compared with last time.

Zhou's mother was haggard again, with a dispirited look. She couldn't bear the successive blows.

Zhou's mother didn't mean to talk to Ruan Tian about the past, but just happened to meet her.

Mother and daughter are speechless.

There's nothing each other wants to say.

Zhou's mother remembered the scene when she went to the small town to see Ruan Tian for the first time.

At that time, Ruan Tian was wearing shabby clothes, but she still cleaned herself up.

Zhou's mother was in love with her at that time, and she also thought about taking her home for a good life.

I don't know how it became like this.

She became more and more disappointed with her daughter.

Ruan Tian talks less and less at home, and then develops into a relationship that is hard to tolerate.

Zhou's mother looked at the same pair of Xiao like eyes, "you..."

She took a deep breath. "We're moving abroad."

Ruan Tian, oh, there was no other reaction.

When Zhou's mother saw her cold and indifferent appearance, she was a little angry and flustered, "don't you have anything to say to me?"

Ruan Tian shook her head coldly, "I don't have it."

Looking at her back, Zhou's mother was in a trance, shaking her hands.

After walking out of the shop, Zhou's mother had a sudden look. Without looking at her feet, she fell and broke her knee. It was so painful that she couldn't stand up for a long time.

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When it was almost time for the college entrance examination, Ruan Tian realized that her popularity was not bad.

Xu Jing, who hasn't contacted for a long time but just met her at the award ceremony, sent her a message of encouragement: "come on, don't forget to bring your admission card. 】

there are also friends who have cooperated with other parties and expressed their greetings and concern.

Ruan Tian was not nervous, but after replying to the news one by one, she was not as calm as before.It seems to have become a very grand thing.

If she doesn't do well in the exam, it's a shame.

Ruan Tian went to the examination site one day in advance to see the examination room. Her examination room is in the middle classroom on the second floor. She sits by the window. There is a circle of iron railings around the corridor. You can see the scenery of the square downstairs when you look over her eyes.

Ruan Tian's left-hand seat is a repeater, a beautiful little girl.

"Classmate, can you look at my bag for me? I'll pick up my uncle. I'll be right back."

Ruan Tian is wearing a medical mask, and most of her face is covered tightly. She is young and beautiful, so it's not surprising that she is recognized as a peer.

Ruan Tian nodded, "you go, I'll watch for you."

"Thank you."

The little girl galloped down the stairs.

After less than five minutes, he went up to the second floor with his uncle.

Ruan Tian didn't expect that the little girl's uncle would be Shen Hui.

She didn't recognize Shen Hui's niece, and the other party didn't recognize her as an ex aunt.

Apart from Shen's parents, Ruan Tian has almost no contact with Shen's relatives. It's only normal if she can't recognize them.

Shen Hui was also surprised to meet her here.

The examination school is their high school alma mater. Ruan Tian is familiar with every plant here.

Her classroom is on the first floor. Once, after class, she rushed out of the classroom and looked up to the second floor to see if her favorite teenager was setting up a railing to see the distant scenery.

The little girl soon left her uncle and went to the mountain examination room with her classmates.

Shen Hui hesitated for a while and went to Ruan Tian. The unique cold fragrance of pine needles came to her nose.

Shen Hui chatted with her calmly: "are you sure?"

Ruan Tian looked at the Sophora tree downstairs in a daze, but he said, "it should be almost the same."

There was silence.

After watching the examination room, Ruan Tian plans to go home.

In front of her, Shen Hui took out a cigarette case and a lighter worth thousands of yuan, lit a cigarette and said, "I'm going on a blind date again."

Ruan Tian didn't understand why he wanted to talk to himself.

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"Very good."

Shen took a deep breath and then spat out a cigarette ring. "Yes, it's very good. Although I may not like others, I should get married in the future."

Naturally cool and thin.

I don't care about any woman.

It's not that Shen Hui has lost the ability to love, but that he has been indifferent to the matter from the beginning.

Ruan Tian is an exception.

By the time he realized it was too late.

Shen Hui regards blind date as an unimportant task. His numbness and unchanging life make him feel boring.

His life seems like this.

You can see your head at a glance.

Ruan Tian really felt very good, "well, Shen Hui, I wish you happiness."

Shen Hui watched her leave, his hands on the railing, his eyes on the girl's back, watching her go further and further.

After the little niece came back, she found that her uncle was not in a good mood.

"Uncle, smoking is not allowed in school," she said

Shen Hui put out the cigarette end, "I know."

He knew that back then.

Shen Hui is a model student with excellent quality and learning, but he also smoked with Qin Yu at the corner of a teaching building.

At that time, the topic they talked about was inseparable from Ruan Tian.

Being teased by peers.

When Shen Hui was in a bad mood, he would smile and say, "she's very cheap."

Imagine that he didn't mean to seduce.

And deliberately left hope for Ruan Tian.

At that time, she would not be willing to break her head.

The little niece asked, "where was the classmate just now?"


"She helped me with my schoolbag. I haven't given her a good thank you, uncle. Do you want to thank me?"


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"Uncle, how are you? You're so annoying that no one will like you."

Shen Hui also finds himself a nuisance.

It's hypocritical from the inside out.

And Ruan Tian really won't and can't like him any more.

Just think about it.

Shen Hui couldn't breathe. His heart seemed to be hollowed out.


on the morning of the day of the college entrance examination, Ruan Tian opened the door, and the man seemed to have been waiting for her.

Qin Yu put the key on his thumb, "I'll take you."

Before Ruan Tian opened her mouth, Qin Yu glanced at her and said, "it's my duty to serve the gold Lord well. Don't be polite to me."

He chuckled. "I'm wrapped, and I have to live on your face."

Ruan Tian doesn't have the heart to make fun of him.After getting on the bus, Qin Yu stretched out his hand to fasten the seat belt for her, and talked a lot, "have you taken all the admission cards and ID cards?"

Ruan Tianlin carefully checked before going out, and would not make such a low-level mistake, "I brought it."

"Have you got your brain?"

"To die."

"Why are you so irritable today?" Qin Yu tut said, "OK, I can't see that my gold master has a big temper."

Ruan Tian couldn't bear it. "What did you rely on to become the president?"

Qin Yu seriously thought about it and said, "rely on my body. After all, it's worth 5000 at a time."


Ruan Tian was silent and didn't want to say anything to him.

It's not a long drive, plus traffic control, there is no traffic jam on the road.

In less than 20 minutes, we arrived at the school.

After parking the car, Qin Yu went with her to the gate. A volunteer aunt stopped them.

Looked at Ruan Tian, and then handed her the water in her hand, said: "children, good test ah."

Ruan Tian, a senior examinee, was blushed by the cry of the child.

Aunt is a warm-hearted person, "your brother and sister feelings are very good, hot weather, brother also to accompany sister college entrance examination."

Qin Yushun climbed up the pole, "we've had a good relationship since childhood."

Ruan Tian's ponytail swayed with her as she walked. Qin Yu clasped her shoulder one second before she entered the school and chuckled. He said, "children, do you hear me? Take a good test and don't disgrace your brother. "

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