Qin Yu and Ruan Tian's CPFS are boiling.

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The coffin can't hold!

What is this?

Is the main personal hair sugar ah!!!

Chaohua, which has been silent for a long time, has risen directly from the top five in his twenties because of a sentence by Qin Yu.

Ruan Tian's name was once associated with Ming Hao.

After rubbing the red carpet, Zhao meng'er saw that Qin ran into a hot search. He went in and found out what was going on. Then he searched Qin Yu's photos. The more he looked at them, the more he felt that Ruan Tian's life was as good as the netizen's.

Qin Yu is a real son of a famous family. He has a good background and can't be shaken. The most important thing is that he is more handsome than an ordinary star.

Unlike Zhao meng'er, who was young and followed his own boss, when he was 40 or 50 years old, he got married and his children were all older. The main reason is that he didn't grow very well.

Zhao meng'er thinks that if her gold master grows up like this, she can also sleep with her profession without resources or money.

After admission, Ruan Tian and her crew sat in the round table in the infield, while other stars who were not nominated generally sat in the long row of red chairs in the front.

Compared with other cast members who have been shortlisted for many awards at the same time, "dust star" has not received many nominations.

But Ruan Tian was one of the most important awards and the highlight of the night.

However, Ruan Tian didn't have much hope of her own, and the inside of Tianfen also took preventive measures ahead of time, adhering to the idea that her sister won't be forced to win the prize when she was shortlisted, and frantically lowered her expectations.

The whole ceremony lasted four or five hours, with the best man and woman and the best director behind.

The awarding guests are all the big guys who have occupied a place in the entertainment industry. At 10:30 p.m., the award of best actress finally started.

Li Dong took Xu Jing's hand and walked slowly from the backstage to the people's sight. A round light enveloped them.

As an international film queen, Lidong is also one of the judges of the Hong Kong City Film Festival.

Holding the undeleted envelope in her hand, she slightly bent over to the microphone and said with a smile, "in fact, I didn't expect that I would present this award today. I know all the five actresses and almost all of them have worked together, including my predecessors and my descendants."

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"Xu Jing should know him, too?"

Lidong threw out the stem, and Xu Jing took it. After less than two seconds, he said, "yes."

Lidong pursed his lips and couldn't help laughing. He looked at Ruan Tian under the stage and joked, "I seem to have heard before that you have a bad relationship with Ruan Tian."

Xu Jing looks as usual, "no, this is a false rumor."

Lidong looked at him and asked, "do you have any guesses about the movie queen tonight?"

Xu Jing silently said Ruan Tian's name in his heart, and he said, "yes." Fearing that lidon would get to the bottom of the matter, he added, "but it's confidential."

After warming up for a minute or two, it's time to officially announce the list.

Lidong took no time to open the envelope. When he saw the name on it, he slowly opened it with a smile.

Ruan Tian is not too nervous. When she came, she didn't guess that she would win the prize. So when the camera was on her face, her expression was the most relaxed.

After the name fell to the ground, it was silent for a few seconds, and then there was applause.

Ruan Tian was stabbed by Cheng Suian beside her, and then she recovered from her trance. She rarely became calm. Her upper and lower teeth were bumping. Under the camera, her beauty was breathtaking. Her long curly hair was lazy and tired, scattered on her white and thin back, and her long dress showed her figure.

Ruan Tian silently pinched her palm with her nails, trying to keep calm with pain.

Her calf also faintly some shakes, is not afraid, is suddenly nervous.

Ruan Tian didn't expect that, nor did the fans watching live on the screen expect that she would win the best actress.

Stand out from a crowd of powerful bigwigs.

Hong Kong City Film Festival uses judges to vote for the final winner. Ruan Tian doesn't know. She just beat her competitors by one vote.

Xu Jing has been filming seamlessly for almost a year. He hasn't seen Ruan Tian for a long time. In recent months, even if he doesn't have many opportunities to see her on the news.

Ruan Tian took the cup from him. They rubbed their fingers for a moment. But after a moment, Xu Jing's cool feeling disappeared.

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Ruan Tian has never won a prize before, but she has never touched the most serious Award for best woman in the film festival.

"I didn't expect to win the prize, so I didn't prepare the acceptance speech. I really appreciate the fans' love and let me see my own value. I will try my best to use good works to repay you in the future. Thank you."

On the one hand, Ruan Tian likes acting, and on the other hand, she hopes that someone will like her.

The whole network is paying close attention to tonight's award ceremony. Ruan Tian's shortlist is a kind of chill, and now it's a blast when she gets the award.From anonymous area to forum, all occupied.

[who the hell is that fool? Every day he satirizes Ruan Tian as the queen of the movie, and CNM is really killed by your poisonous grandmother. 】

[are you happy? After the real movie, I'm happy. 】

[don't talk about Ruan Tian any more. He is so mysterious that he turns poisonous milk into positive milk every time. 】

[so Ruan Tian is now the only 95 little flower who won the Hong Kong City film queen? This is the real gold and silver award for the actress. It's not the pork award of any website. How can she be so lucky. 】

[then, young master Qin also said that in the crazy pursuit, I was really sad. 】

Qin Yu regretted that his reply was so high sounding. It really looked like that.

He should be shameless to reply with three words: "it's true. 】

it seems that the relationship between Qin Yu and Ruan Tian is not so complicated.

Ruan Tian won the award, and she was almost the most popular female star of the evening. After the award ceremony, there was a celebration dinner.

This evening, many people who had never met before took the initiative to greet Ruan Tian, added wechat and talked about cooperation.

Ruan Tian had to drink a little wine. She was slightly drunk. As soon as she got out of the hotel, the wine was almost blown by the cold wind.

Ruan Tian saw huaimo's car at the door of the hotel. She was invited to the car by the bodyguard.

She hasn't seen huaimo for a long time, and now she looks strange in the car.

Sitting in the back seat of the car, the man seems to have lost a lap, wearing a black shirt, delicate face is indifferent expression, he turned his eyes, black eyes quietly staring at her face.

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He put out his finger and touched her side face, then suddenly laughed, "congratulations."

Huaimo fingertip cold, Ruan Tian said: "thank you." Looking at the tired and shadowy eyes of the young man, she was not very comfortable.

Huaimo still touched her face, "do you like Qin Yu?"

Ruan Tian thought about it and shook her head.

Huaimo's expression seems to be a little happy, childish and she discussed, "then you like me, OK?"

Ruan Tian remembers telling huaimo many times, and she has no love for him.

But huaimo seems to be paranoid and only listens to what he wants to hear.

Ruan Tian called his name in a low voice, staring at him without moving his eyes, "you don't like me, you just think I'm good to you, huaimo, this is not love."

Mistake this simple beauty for love.

"You'll meet girls who are better for you in the future," she continued

The light in the car was dim. By the light of the roadside, it barely shone on the girl's white cheek.

Huaimo was silent for a long time, "sit with me for a while, and I'll send you back."

Ruan Tian is a little sleepy, eh.

She tilted her head and closed her eyes before she knew it.

By the time she woke up again, the car had arrived downstairs.

Ruan Tian sleeps a little confused, and her head aches a little. Before she gets off the bus, huaimo holds her wrist, looks at her wrongly and says, "Qin Yu is not good."

Even if Ruan Tian didn't like him, he couldn't like the sinister villain Qin Yu.

Ruan Tian was amused, "I know."

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She has seen the worst of Qin.

Huaimo's heart is not willing, but he dare not do things as before, regardless of the consequences.

Qin Yu seems to know the accident is his handwriting, if he told Ruan Tian, it would not be good.

Huaimo really thinks that Qin Yu is insidious and cunning. He takes the opportunity to jump into his pit and sell miserably. By the way, he holds a handle on him.

Huaimo hopes that Qin Yu will die in the hospital every day.

Zuo is just a sick child who has been hospitalized for many years. It makes no difference whether he dies or not.

Qin Yu's health was no better, and he didn't come to the day when he was critically ill.

After half a month in the hospital, he looks better and is full of spirit.

It's clear that he is going to be better. He has to pretend in front of Ruan Tian as if he will die tomorrow.

After leaving the hospital, he proposed to live in Ruan Tian's home. The reason given was very perfunctory, "there is a ghost in my family."

Ruan Tian did not hesitate to return: "my family also has."

Qin Yu's face didn't change and he said, "don't I just protect you when I live in your house?"

Ruan Tian was surprised. She didn't expect that a person would be so thick skinned.

After thinking about it, she transferred 5000 yuan to Qin Yu on wechat, "is 5000 yuan enough to open a hotel room?"

Qin Yu felt that Ruan Tian was quite generous to him. He raised his eyebrows and gently pulled his thin lips. His indifferent expression became vivid. "Do you want to wrap me? Is five thousand a little low? "

Ruan Tian was so angry by him that she said back, "you are a cheap scalper. Do you know where you are

Qin Yu began to take off her clothes and put her coat on the sofa. Then she began to take off her belt in front of her face. "Since you spent money, I have to wait on you, don't I?"Ruan Tian looked frightened and stepped back, "what are you doing!!!? What are you up to? Get the hell out of here! "

Qin Yu chuckled. The buckle of the belt had been untied. As he approached her, he said, "don't worry, I won't let you spend the 5000 yuan in vain."

"When I work and love, I just sleep with you? Come on

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