Ruan Tian's experience in this field is very few, with a red face and hot ears.

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After a few seconds, he was shocked by Qin Yu's behavior of playing hooligans naturally.

She said angrily, "you are really shameless."

Qin An, who strolled around outside the hospital, pondered that the time should be almost up, then hummed a little song and went back to the ward. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Ruan Tian pouncing on his brother. Their posture was really not good-looking.

Qin An is worthy of being a man who has seen strong winds and waves. "Excuse me, I'll continue to buy rice."

Ruan Tian

She angrily climbed down from him, stood one meter away from him, raised her hand to trim her messy hair, "now that you are hurt, stop! Don't play hooligans all the time. "

Qin Yu, with a loud voice, pulled the corners of his mouth and innocently turned away, "it doesn't listen to me. What can I do?"

Ruan Tianhuang tune is really open but he, she said without expression: "I suggest you cut."

Qin Yu

Ruan Tian felt that although Qin Yu still had the strength to talk to her, the look on his face was really bad.

"You have a good rest. I'm home."

Qin Yu was clever. At last, she didn't forget to remind her, "remember my porridge."

"I know. I'll send it to you tomorrow."

After she left, Qin Yu was really tired and in poor spirits. He was not very comfortable. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Qin An likes to make circle of friends when he has nothing to do with his affairs. After breaking up the affair between Ruan Tian and his brother, he can't help but start to thump. 】

Xiaozhang doesn't panic: "lying in the trough?"

Xu Jing: "what

Coco AI has no head: "your brother Qin Yu, your sister-in-law Ruan Tian? My mother, Ruan tianniubi. "

You know, before Ruan Tian, Qin Yu had never had an affair with any other woman. He was a relatively clean and cool kaolin flower in the rich circle.

They haven't taken Ruan Tian seriously yet. Over the years, they have been used to seeing that the two men are against each other. In a twinkling of an eye, Qin Yu and Ruan Tian are both married and have children. They are really surprised.

After Qin Anfa finished, he remembered that he had forgotten to shield Shen Hui. After some entanglement, he still didn't delete his circle of friends.

Anyway, Shen Hui and Ruan Tian have been divorced for 800 years, so it's not a big deal for them to find another love.

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Shen Hui followed his mother's orders and went on a blind date with a famous girl. When he came home, he was tired. He closed his eyes for a moment and then opened his eyes. He had nothing to do. He glanced at his cell phone and stopped at Qin Anfa's circle of friends.

This Qi is not smooth enough. In this way, my heart is even more blocked.

Shen asked him, "what do you think of Miss Lu today?"

Shen amnesty mood is not too high, "OK."

What can we do? In Shen's eyes, it's almost the same.

Ruan Tian won't buy him any more. No matter what he does or says, it's useless.

Shen Hui couldn't resist his mother's urging and went on blind dates with the so-called ladies of the family again and again. He thought that he could get away from this unhappy relationship as easily as Ruan Tian.

But Shen Hui overestimated himself, and he still couldn't.

Sometimes, sitting in a coffee shop, he didn't even listen to what the opposite woman said, and he didn't really see each other's appearance.

He always thinks of Ruan Tian.

Several blind dates were fruitless, but his mother did not give up on him.

Shen Hui didn't want to make her sad, so he went again and again with a try mentality.

However, his heart is as quiet as water, as if he would not love.

At the end of today's blind date, the woman stopped him and asked, "Shen Hui, did you not even remember my name in the last half an hour?"

Shen said sorry.

He did not listen carefully.

Hearing his reply, Shen's mother couldn't help sighing, "I'm for you. Don't blame me."

Shen's mother naturally loved her son, and she said, "I know Ruan Tian's child, too. You and she have not been predestined for a long time."

Shen Hui, who was always calm and gentle, roughly interrupted his mother's words. His brow seemed to wrinkle deeper, "Mom."

Word for word, he said, "I know."

He knew it long ago, so he didn't have to remind him again and again to torture him with words as sharp as a knife.

Shen's mother couldn't say anything more when she saw him like this.

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With a slight sigh, "it's all over. You've missed it. Let yourself go."

Shen Hui clenched his fingers. "Mom, I just feel bad."

It seems that nothing is right.

When Shen Hui wakes up in the middle of the night, he often finds the graduation card in the drawer, so that he can get back the memory of high school.

He is aloof and aloof. There are few people he dislikes, and few people he cares about.But at that time he was so abnormal disgust Ruan Tian, followed the devil, despised her mind, trampled on her dignity, played with her feelings.

There's a trail to follow.

Seventeen year old Shen Hui just stubbornly refused to admit that Ruan Tian was different in his heart. He thought he was right and hurt her.

Shen Hui hasn't contacted Ruan Tian for a long time, but that night he couldn't help but quietly dial the phone,


Ruan Tian sent a light porridge to Qin Yu the next day.

When she arrived, the doctor was helping Qin Yu to get water. The man's sick face looked slightly weak.

"There are still three bottles left after hanging this bottle. Don't drop the needle, or it will be very painful to re tie it."

Qin Yu was not afraid of pain. He didn't frown. "Well, I know."

The doctor was the acquaintance last time. Looking back, he saw Ruan Tian coming with a lunch box and said, "Oh, my wife has brought you a meal. It's really lucky."

As for the explanation of this problem, Ruan Tian never tires of saying, "I'm not."

The doctor said, "didn't Qin An say you were pregnant? If you have both children, you can have a good time. "

Ruan Tian

She has a fart child.

As soon as the doctor left, Qin Yu waved to her, "what kind of porridge is it?"

"Seafood porridge."

When Qin meets this person, he likes to put his nose on his face and say, "you feed me."

Ruan Tian sneered, "then don't eat."

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"Originally, I didn't want to make an issue about the accident." After a pause, Qin looked at her face, and then said, "in ancient times, the kindness of saving lives would be granted by one person. Of course, I don't go too far. Just feed me some porridge."

Ruan Tian thinks that what Qin Yu can do best is to advance an inch. She is too lazy to pay attention to him.

Qin met her motionless, compromise, "OK, I do it myself."

The taste of seafood porridge is good, soft and soft, not salty.

After Qin Yu finished his porridge, "I want to have chicken soup tomorrow."

Ruan Tian thought about it, readily agreed to come down, "can ah, you give me money, I help you order takeout."

Qin Yu

Ruan Tian thinks that Qin Yu, who is in hospital, can do a lot of things and demands.

It's not nitpicking, it's just that I like to make all kinds of demands on her.

Usually, Ruan Tian will not satisfy him.

Qin Yu's recovery speed is faster than expected. Half a month later, most of his injuries are cured, but he still needs to rest.

Ruan Tian is busy preparing for her exams and the Hong Kong City International Film Festival in April.

As the first person of 95 flowers who is shortlisted for the film, Jiang Lili asks Ruan Tian to be beautiful from head to toe, so he can't make any mistakes.

Choose dresses and accessories several months in advance, and cooperate with various brands.

This time, they borrowed clothes very smoothly. Many international brands offered olive branches, expressed their willingness to provide super season custom-made dresses, and lent seven figure jewelry.

Ruan Tian and Jiang Li picked out an atmospheric and sexy skirt together. After trying on the dress, they were also very satisfied with the effect of the upper body.

As the film festival drew closer, Ruan Tian appeared on the marketing number and hot search, mostly focusing on the selection list and bet of the film.

Only a few of the marketing numbers of the entertainment companies make up the news of all parties by making up a KPI: "recently, some people have seen Ruan Tian go to the hospital many times, and the second young of the Qin family suspected that she was pregnant. It seems Ruan Tian is determined to take her son to the top. 】

dozens of melon eating accounts of millions of fans published this blog post almost at the same time.

It's just that Ruan Tian is afraid of her family and wants to ruin her reputation.

Fans immediately helped deny it.

CP powder also means no sugar without evidence.

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Pregnant this kind of thing, as long as wait for Ruan Tian to appear one eye can see.

So on the day of the film festival, more than half of the people paid attention to Ruan Tian's stomach, and wanted to see if she really wanted to be poor and expensive.

On this kind of gossip topic, public opinion is always not very pleasant to listen to, and everyone talks very mean.

Such derogatory words as "upside down", "scheming", "superior" poured on Ruan Tian like dirty water.

Ruan Tian is now used to clarifying things by herself, concise and clear: [nothing, looking forward to the film award ceremony. 】

"ouch, ouch, ouch."

"I haven't seen Tian Zai show up for a long time. I want to read books, but occasionally I can send some self portraits."

"Ask my sister to only make movies in the future."

Ruan Tian read some highly praised comments in the front row, and then went offline.

On the day of the film award ceremony, Ruan Tian got up at 8 a.m. to try on her make-up and arrived at the venue at 2 p.m.

Almost all the actors with some names in the circle came, some of them just came to rub the red carpet to watch the excitement. There are not many young actors like Ruan Tian who are competing for awards with their works.

Zhao meng'er saw Ruan Tian outside the meeting hall is not as sour as before, very indifferent.Every man has his life.

Zhao meng'er has long understood that Ruan Tian is not the one she can deal with.

She is not the same as Ruan Tian. She is not the material for acting. She was born with a big gap, and she can't compare with Ruan Tian.

Ruan Tian wants to walk on the red carpet with the hero of the movie "dust star". The new actor, who was unknown at the beginning, is also popular now.

"Take my hand, sweetie."


Qin Yu didn't go to the scene. He watched it live on TV.

He looked down at his cell phone.

Qin Yu's Weibo fans have also been rising, and just opened soon, more than a million.

One of the most commented questions is: "are you and Ruan Tian SZD? 】

Qin Yu didn't understand. He asked Qin An what he meant.

After thinking about it, he condescended and replied: "in the crazy pursuit. 】

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