Ruan Tian couldn't have watched them kill Qin Yu, and helped him up from the ground.

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Most of the weight of the man was on her. His chin was gently against her shoulder and neck. His breath was weak. His face was as white as paper. The blood on his forehead had dried up. He could not even stand steadily.

Ruan Tian patted his face, "you wake up, don't sleep, don't sleep."

She was afraid that he would not wake up as soon as his eyes closed.

To tell you the truth, when Qin Yu held her in her arms, Ruan sweetheart felt strange and strange.

Ruan Tian didn't expect that Qin would come back at the critical moment.

Qin Yu's eyes seemed to be covered with blood. He couldn't see clearly. He tried to lift his eyelids, but his consciousness was not clear.

Ruan Tian was afraid that he would go to sleep, so she could only keep talking to him, "don't you usually take two columns of bull force bodyguards? Why don't you take it with you today? "

Big families like the Qin family pay special attention to safety.

Ruan Tian remembers that when Qin Yu was in high school, he always took the bodyguards hired by the Qin family with him. Although there were not as many bodyguards as there are now, he looked majestic at that time. The young master's style was very arrogant.

Since Qin Yu became the official leader of the Qin family, there are only many bodyguards, and each one looks fierce and cold.

"Give them a holiday." Qin Yu talks nonsense.

He didn't let the bodyguard come with him on purpose.

Qin Yu wanted to see what huaimo could do, and huaimo didn't disappoint him. He started very hard and ran for his life.

Fortunately, nothing happened to Ruan Tian.

I can stand in front of him and talk to him.

The girl's voice seemed to be more and more far away from his ear, and his consciousness was gradually dim, and his listening was not so clear.

Fortunately, the ambulance and police car came in time, and Qin Yu was sent back to the hospital.

The man in black who hit the car bit himself to death unintentionally, not intentionally.

Huaimo suffered a heavy loss in Qin Yu's hands again. He thought about it with his head a little, and knew that he had been taken advantage of by Qin Yu. For no reason, he gave Qin Yu more opportunities to save beauty and sell it in front of Ruan Tian.

It's really a loss business.

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No one has taught huaimo the concept of right and wrong since he was a child. He likes Ruan Tian and wants to get her. Qin Yu has obviously become his biggest obstacle, so the only way is to get rid of him.

This time, he didn't get rid of Qin Yu and let him pick up a bargain.

Huaimo's irritable mood lasted for several months, and his anger was deep. As long as he thought about the news about Ruan Tian and Qin Yu, whether it was true or not, he could not calm down.

As soon as he thought that he had been stranded abroad for such a long time and had missed a good opportunity in vain, he wanted to kill Qin Yucai.

As a result, he fell for it.

When Qin Yu is pushed into the emergency room, Ruan Tian stares at the three words [in emergency] on the red light, and he is in a daze for a while. He doesn't know what he is thinking.

When a nurse reminded her to do the examination, Ruan Tian came back and said, "ah, I'm ok."

The nurse was a little worried. "Is it really OK? I think you came here with Mr. Qin. Otherwise, you'd better have a check-up. How could there be nothing wrong with such a serious traffic accident? "

In fact, she wasn't hurt.

Her hands were still stained with blood from Qin Yu's body. She sat down on the bench outside the emergency room. "I'll sit here and wait."

After a long time, Ruan Tian finally saw the emergency room lights out.

The doctor was wearing a mask, and Ruan Tian recognized that this was the doctor who helped her to see the physical examination sheet this afternoon.

Qin Yu was pushed to the ward, and the look on the doctor's face was not very relaxed. He said: "people have been saved, and the situation is not very good. We need to be hospitalized."

Ruan Tian was relieved. Although she told Qin Yu to die many times, Ruan Tian realized that she still wanted Qin Yu to live well at this critical moment.

Besides, Qin Yu blocked so much for her today. In fact, she felt very uncomfortable.

"No worries about life, right?"

The doctor lazily raised his eyelids, whispered, "this is not necessarily, in case of sudden deterioration of the situation, maybe also into the ICU."

The doctor saw that she was frightened and said, "but he has always had good luck. I think this time when he stayed in the hospital for two months, he can be almost as good."

"Aren't you his second wife? Tell me who he's been feuding with this time? What the hell is it like? "

Ruan Tian wanted to explain that she was not Qin Yu's youngest wife, but this problem is obviously not the most urgent one.

She shook her head. "I don't know."

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Ruan Tian didn't know what happened to Qin, let alone how he had offended those people.

However, when Qin met a person who was always walking sideways in the capital, only others were afraid of offending him, not when he was afraid of offending others.

When the Qin family received the news and rushed to the hospital, Ruan Tian left absently.Qin Yu was in a coma for three days before he woke up. After he opened his eyes, he looked around. He didn't see the person he was thinking about in the ward.

Qin Yu knows that he should not be surprised, and Ruan Tian's absence is right.

But he just couldn't help expecting more.

He knew that Ruan Tian was deeply disgusted by his bad behavior. At that time, Qin Yu was also the proud son of heaven. He was so proud and brilliant. He was so arrogant in his youth that he was so extreme that he couldn't figure out where he was better than Shen Hui? How Ruan Tian is just like being possessed, but she can't help it.

Seeing him awake, Qin an suddenly sat up from the rest chair beside him, "brother, you are finally awake."

Seeing that his brother didn't speak, Qin an asked, "brother, are you looking for Ruan Tian?"

Qin encountered a pale lip, pursed into a faint straight line, voice hoarse, "she left?"

Qin An didn't realize his brother was a lover before!

"Ruan Tian came here once yesterday. She went back before you woke up. I guess she will come here tonight."

Ruan Tian is going to cram school during the day. It's already April, and it's going to June soon. Although she says she can't take the exam this year, she can still take the exam next year, but she doesn't want to spend another year.

She was a little absent-minded in this day's class, and the class was not very pleasant. She couldn't read a simple paper before.

After class, Ruan Tian stood in front of the gate of the teaching aid agency for a while. After careful consideration, she took a taxi to the hospital.

On the way to the hospital, I saw the message Qin An sent to her, saying that his brother woke up.

Hearing the news that Qin Yu woke up, Ruan Tian's tense state relaxed a little.

Ruan Tian is sitting in the car thinking wildly. Qin Yu is not in good health. He is going to the hospital after suffering from typhoid fever. This time, he is so seriously injured that he doesn't know how long he will stay in the hospital.

It's almost dark.

When Ruan Tian arrived in the ward, Qin Yu was still struggling with his spirit. He leaned lazily against the head of the bed, lowered his head and fiddled with his mobile phone. It seemed very boring.

Qin An was the first to see Ruan Tian. He stood up as if he saw a savior.

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Qin Yu was still a lazy ghost. When Qin An called Ruan Tian's name, he raised his face. His face was white and looked at Ruan Tian quietly. The girl's bright face was reflected in the dark pupil.

Qin Yu kicked Qin An's ass with his foot, "aren't you going to buy me a meal?"

Qin An:?

Qin Yu looked at him coldly and said, "go quickly."

The tone of saying these two words is like telling him to get out of here.

"All right, I'll withdraw first."

Qin An is not a fool. His brother wants to be alone with Ruan Tian and cultivate his feelings.

He is like a huge light bulb on the spot, which affects his brother's performance.

Ruan Tian asked, "didn't you eat?"

Qin Yu said calmly, "I can't eat it."

Ruan Tian felt that Qin Yu was a little thin, and she didn't look very good. She pinched her fingers to cover up her discomfort. "What would you like to eat? I made it tomorrow and brought it to you. "

Qin Yu Leng Leng, he has never been Ruan Tian so good treatment, "want to drink porridge."

Ruan sweet Shuang quickly said sound line.

Qin Yu's eyebrows were covered with a thick layer of tiredness. He said to Ruan Tian in a hoarse voice, "I want to drink water. Pour me a glass of water."

If put in the past, Ruan Tian would not even pay attention to his commanding tone!

But I don't know.

Ruan Tian couldn't shake her face with a patient.

She didn't mind anything, nodded and said, "OK, I'll pour it for you."

Ruan Tian poured him a cup of warm water. After taking it, Qin Yu took a few sips, then patted the bedside, "come and sit down."

They were very polite to each other.

Ruan Tian pointed to the empty chair on the opposite side of the bed, "no, I can sit anywhere."

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Qin Yu said, "that's the position of Qin An."

Ruan Tian replied, "it doesn't matter. I don't dislike it."

Qin cold not Ding jump out of the two words, "No."

Ruan Tian was at a loss, "what is it?"

Qin Yu seemed to smile, "it's not you, it's him who will be unhappy."

Ruan Tian

At the thought of Qin An's endless unkindness, Ruan Tian had a headache.

Ruan Tian thought, "I'd better stand."

Qin Yu, leaning against his pillow and wearing a sick suit, was a lazy young master recovering from illness. He said sarcastically, "can I eat people?"

When he finished, he seemed to be angry and coughed a few times.

Ruan Tian thought about it and sat at his bedside slowly.

Qin Yuli naturally ordered her, "change the medicine for me. It's on the bedside table."

Ruan Tian reaches out to reach for it. Qin Yu suddenly changes her posture. Her weight is unstable and her body falls to the side unconsciously.Qin Yu raised his eyebrows, his eyes seemed to be written "you come, whatever you do to me".

Ruan Tian held her hands and wanted to get up. Qin Yu suddenly said, "don't move."

Ruan Tian:

Qin Yu shamelessly said: "move again, I will be hard."

Ruan Tian: shit.

She blushed with anger, got up from him in a hurry, and was dragged back by him.

She felt something strange about her legs.

Facing Ruan Tian's eyes, Qin Yuyang raised his eyebrows and said shamelessly: "sorry, it's hard."

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