After the Spring Festival, Ruan Tian gradually had a sense of urgency, but he didn't want to be a deserter.

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In order to motivate her, Jiang Li specially made a long red banner for her - [as long as you can't learn to die, learn from death]

it's very inspirational.

Every time I look at it, I can do another set of papers!

Ruan Tian couldn't remember many details of the last college entrance examination. After all, it was several years ago.

I only remember that on the day of the college entrance examination, there were many kind-hearted people delivering water at the school gate. The English paper for the last test was also very simple. She finished the paper half an hour in advance and sat on the second floor near the window. After closing the paper, she tugged her chin with one hand, and the lazy sunlight was shining on her face. She was still looking at the scenery outside the window.

The sight just can see the playground facing the teaching building, looking at the lush old locust tree growing in the middle.

Her mind was full of messy ideas. She wanted to hand in the paper ahead of time and climb up the tree to see if it was high enough to see Shen Hui.

A few months before the examination, a physical examination report is required.

Ruan Tian went to the hospital on a fine day. The private hospital did a good job in keeping secrets. It was hard for gossip reporters to get in.

Soon finished the physical examination project.

This private hospital seems to be an industry under the name of the Qin family. Qin Yu had lived here for half a year earlier and was a regular customer of the hospital.

The young doctor was wearing a mask and only showed his pretty eyebrows. He could see that he had a clean look. He was gentle and handsome. He was not obnoxious. He was wearing a pair of Gold Framed eyes and his fingers were long and white. He was holding a pen and dropped Ruan Tian's incomprehensible fonts on the physical examination form.

After the doctor finished the physical examination form, he scanned his eyes carelessly and then saw the column of name. His eyes became meaningful, "Ruan Tian?"

Ruan Tian nodded, "it's me, doctor. What's the problem?"

The doctor handed the medical form back to her. "No problem."

It's just the first time I saw this woman who made the young master of the Qin family nervous. It's just some accident.

Qin Yu is a famous patient in the hospital.

The young master who can't be provoked is very precious, but he has a "weak and invincible" constitution.

I'm going to the hospital in two days.

From the year when he took over Qin Yu as a doctor, to this year, this fickle young master Qin is a madman.

The doctor handed her the medical form. "I just think you're prettier than on TV."

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Ruan Tian bent her eyes at him, "thank you."

Private hospitals with high prices are quiet.

The little nurse knocked on the door. "Dr. Zhao, Mr. Qin is here today."

The doctor didn't even lift his eyelids. "Let him wait first, it's not time to make an appointment."

Voice landing.

The man outside the door had already pushed the door, and came in solemnly, "what are you doing?"

Qin Yu raised his eyes to see Ruan Tian, Leng buting raised his eyebrows, slightly surprised.

The doctor laughed, "busy looking at the medical report for your little wife."

The doctor, like other audiences who don't know the truth, thinks that they are in love. It's harmless to make a joke.

Ruan Tian

She explained, "I'm not his second wife."

What's wrong with the world?

Why does the whole world think she has an affair with Qin?

Ruan Tian had been involved in the CP Chao conversation between herself and Qin Yu before, and the children's analysis was very clear, such as "Tiantian is wearing a sweater today, and Qin Yu seems to have worn it too", and "both Tiantian and Qin Yu like to drink grape bingle!" Wait a minute. She was stunned.

The key is, Ruan Tian found that she and Qin Yu this CP seems to stir fire, quite national CP posture.

Ruan Tian wanted to go on Weibo several times to make it clear to the world that it was all fake and nothing.

Qin Yu doesn't drink at all! It's just a coincidence.

However, this kind of thing cannot be explained clearly.

Moreover, in the previous live broadcast of the rollover accident, she really had no face to break away from Qin Yu in public. No one would believe her. Instead, she would think that she was hyping.

Qin Yu took out the physical examination form in Ruan Tian's hand and looked at it.

The doctor said, "there are two more tests that will take some time to come out."

Qin Yu made a sound and then began to laugh. The voice in his hoarse voice was pleasant and magnetic. His eyebrows and eyes seemed to be vivid. "Do you hear me? Little wife

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Ruan Tian forced his physical examination report back, white he looked, "you go to die."

Qin Yu's laughter seemed more and more pleasant,

Ruan Tian felt that he was like a pervert.

Qin Yu seems to have come to get the medicine. When he left, he went out of the door with Ruan Tian. He walked leisurely and followed her like a tail.The little nurse in the hospital hid to peep at them, and the kind of knock laughter made Ruan Tian's ears.

Qin Yu said with a smile: "since you are on your way, I'll give you a ride."

Ruan Tian said she ignored him.

Qin Yu was not angry. He was still kind and good-natured. "It's not like you haven't sat before. Why do you waste more money on taxis?"

Ruan Tian said, "it's OK. I have a lot of money."

Qin Yu said, OK, she went down the stairs first.

Private hospitals are usually built in relatively quiet places, close to the suburbs, with large area and good air.

In contrast, there are fewer people and vehicles on the road.

Qin Yu didn't take his driver or his two powerful bodyguards with him today.

He drove out of the underground garage and stopped in front of Ruan Tian. "I don't want to eat you. Come on up."

On the one-way street, the horn at the back is honking.

Qin Yu didn't mean to give way at all. He was like a deaf man.

Ruan Tian was stubborn, but she tied her seat belt after she got into the car.

Today, Qin Yu is driving a black Hummer with a string of Buddhist beads hanging in front and a sleeping cat doll in front of the window.

Ruan Tian thought the doll was familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had seen it.

The car drove out smoothly and the road was sparsely populated.

Qin Yu uses Yu Guang to sweep Ruan Tian's face. The girl habitually starts to stay, and her lower lip is flushed by her two little rabbit teeth.

Qin Yu's Adam's apple rolled two circles in silence and took back his sight in silence.

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There is suddenly another car in front of the straight lane. The speed of driving towards this side is very fast, and there is no sign of slowing down.

Ruan Tian is counting the street trees out of the window, one tree and two

Suddenly, Qin Yu suddenly hit the steering wheel, and Ruan Tian was startled. Before he could react, he only heard a low voice, "Ruan Tian! Hold your head

She didn't know what was going on and subconsciously covered her head with her hands.

Qin met a head, or can not shake off these well prepared people.

Driving at a high speed is aimed at him and takes his life.

Qin Yu's face was cold, his eyes seemed to be frosted, and his eyes were cold. He unfastened his seat belt with one hand. A second before the car hit him, he rushed to Ruan Tian and protected her firmly.

"Bang", the sound is particularly harsh.

Ruan Tian's ears were numb and his head was buzzing.

She raised her eyes. Qin Yu's face was definitely enlarged in front of her eyes. Her delicate face, pale look and dark eyes.

Ruan Tian's forehead seems to have some liquid dripping. On a closer look, Qin Yu's forehead broke a hole, and the blood slid down his chin.

She was in a panic, "Qin Yu, do you feel pain?"!? How are you doing? "

Qin Yu's whole body was aching, and his throat was not very comfortable. He insisted, "I'm ok."

The front of the car has changed shape after being hit.

Ruan Tian looked at Qin Yu's more and more pale face and became more and more uneasy. She called his name in a low voice, "Qin Yu? Qin Yu? "

Even two, holding her man did not respond.

Ruan Tian was so scared that she patted him on the face with her hand. Her nose was sour. "Qin Yu!"

He seems to have a reaction.

He raised his eyelids feebly and laughed in the mood. "How do you feel that you are going to cry?" his brain was faint. "It turns out that your tears are flowing for me one day. It seems that you are really afraid of widowhood, my little wife."

Ruan Tian really convinced him that he was still joking at this time.

She didn't get hurt in such a serious car accident.

Ruan Tian light hand pushed him from his body to one side, rubbed the blood of the small hand shaking touched the bag of mobile phone, 120 phone has not been successfully dialed.

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The driver's door was rudely opened.

The man in the black suit pulled the half dead Qin Yu out of the car and threw him to the ground like garbage.


"Not dead yet."

"The young master said he would die."

Huaimo was sitting in another car, with his mouth slightly tilted and legs on his back. He watched Qin Yu hit by the car and his men drag him out of the car.

Huaimo happy with the assistant on the co pilot said: "there are steel pipes in the trunk, to help them."

If you swing a stick at the back of Qin Yu's head, he will die if he doesn't die.

Huaimo is a medical student with countless good ways to kill people.

Assistant heart next Lin, "yes."

Ruan Tian shakes her hands and presses 110. Then she pinches her cell phone tightly and immediately gets out of the car and follows her.

Other people were stunned when they saw her. They didn't expect that another person in the car would be her.

Sitting in the car of huaimo, the corner of the mouth smile gradually closed up, look cold, "she how also in the car?""I don't know, but Qin was alone when I went out this morning."

Huaimo's voice line is slightly unstable, his voice suddenly burst out, "did you hit her, too?"

Assistant had to stabilize his mood, "I think Miss Ruan is still good, should not be injured."

Huaimo gradually calmed down, his eyes narrowed, "Qin Yu didn't bring bodyguards today?"


Huaimo suddenly sneered and said, "let them beat me hard and give Qin Yu a breath."

After a few seconds of silence, he added, "don't let Ruan Tian know it's me."

Qin Yu is really resourceful.

Sell your life here.

Damn it.

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