Other people in the rich circle are happy to see the famous scene of the old love and new love duel.

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Neither of them is a fuel-efficient lamp. It's really interesting to fight.

Qin Yu looks at Shen Hui's comments and doesn't feel angry. It doesn't matter if he ridicules himself. Isn't Ruan Tian still at home?

A quarter of an hour later, the sound of fireworks over the capital gradually stopped.

Ruan Tian just looked at it attentively. Now she realized that she was a little bit sour. Qin An rubbed her red hands, which were frozen. When she went back to her room, she suddenly asked, "do you sleep in the guest room tonight?"

Ruan Tian denied, "I go home."

Qin An's voice was surprised, "why do you want to go home?"

"What's the matter? Don't I have the right to go home yet? "

Qin An looked up at the clock in the living room and the night outside the window! Can you give my brother some face? "

Ruan Tian didn't have any feelings. She gave a sound, and then said, "I gave my aunt face before, but I didn't turn over with your brother on the spot."


This is indeed Ruan Tian's most lively year in the past 20 years.

However, this does not mean that she is willing to get along with Qin Yu for a whole day.

Maybe because of his guilty heart, Qin An's voice became smaller. "My brother now knows that he is wrong."

Ruan Tian didn't care, "Oh" after a sound, there was no following.

Qin Yu interrupted their conversation. He always had a cold look. Only at this moment, under the warm yellow light, his eyebrows and eyes looked a little soft. His deep eyes were staring at the girl's side face.

Qin Yu is not willing to send Ruan Tian back to live, he asked: "how do you go back?"

Ruan Tian shook his mobile phone and said, "call a taxi."

This is the capital.

It's not a small 18 tier city.

Even in the middle of the night on New Year's Eve!

Qin Yu asked the housekeeper to clean up the guest room in advance, and it would take three or five days to decorate it. He thought that if he could save her, he would keep her.

Qin Yu thought about it and said, "I'll send you."

In the early hours of the morning, he took the key to the car and drove back Ruan Tian, who was determined to leave.

Qin Yu is not afraid.

What he has is patience and Ruan Tian.

But he was really tired.

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No matter in high school or now, Qin Yu has no way to take Ruan Tian.

It takes at least 40 minutes to go from Qin's old house to commercial residential area.

It was almost one o'clock in the morning.

Ruan Tian is still very energetic and not sleepy at all.

The car slowly stopped, but Ruan Tian failed to open the door.

Qin Yu said in a dumb voice, "wait a minute."

He slowly rolled down the window, smoked a cigarette from the cigarette box, and put it in his mouth. Facing the flame of the lighter, he suddenly didn't know what to think of and closed the lighter again.

Qin Yu's eyes were light. Looking out of the window, he occasionally asked, "which university are you going to take?"

Ruan Tian hasn't thought about it yet.

Qin Yu was in a low mood and said, "do you hate me so much? I don't even want to talk. "

Qin met a man who thought he had not yet committed an unforgivable crime, and he did not have a deep hatred.

Young pride brought her harm, but he did not mean it.

The stupidest way, the worst way.

Qin Yu regrets it.

I want to make it up.

But he didn't know where to start, he would only pester her.

Ruan Tian and he politely said: "it's OK."

After a pause, she seriously asked, "how long are you going to lock the door?"

She was sleepy and wanted to sleep.

Although she hinted very obviously, Qin Yu did not seem to immediately let her off.

The light in the car is dim, and the light of the street lamp nearby is also weak.

The look on the man's face is not very clear, his facial features seem to be hidden in the dark.

Qin Yu was silent for a long time. He hesitated for a long time. Then he took out the watch he had prepared for a long time, and swallowed what he wanted to say.

Qin Yu just started, grabbed her wrist, lowered her eyes and put on the lady's watch.

He picked it for a long time. At an occasional auction, he took it without blinking.

At that time, I thought this watch was very suitable for Ruan Tian.

I sent it out during the Spring Festival.

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"New Year's gift."

Ruan Tian looked at the watch, and the skin touched by his fingers still had a strange feeling of crispness.

A watch full of broken diamonds is expensive.

It looks good on your hand.

"You're welcome."

Isn't her relationship with Qin Yu enough to send new year's gifts?She was terrified.

Ruan Tian said as she untied the watch strap, she would give it back to him.

Qin Yu pressed her wrist and said faintly, "don't throw it into the garbage can."

Ruan sweetheart said that he didn't know who he was threatening!? Think she doesn't dare!?

Qin Yu added: "it's not expensive. It's only three million yuan. If you are willing to lose it, you can lose it."

Ruan Tian was so angry that he couldn't get down for a while.

"It's reciprocity, but I really don't have anything to give you."

Qin Yu pursed the corner of his mouth and gently raised a radian. When he laughed, the frost melted and the chill faded away. He said, "I don't need it."

Qin Yu thinks it's good that Ruan Tian doesn't like anyone now.

There's no crazy obsession with other men.

Not married.

She is free.

Ruan thought so.

Qin Yu is so rich that she doesn't care for the junk she sent.

But Ruan Tian won't even send the junk to Qin Yu!

Qin Yu unties the car lock. Ruan Tian carries her bag and runs fast without any nostalgia.

Qin Yu smoked two cigarettes in the car. He didn't drive home until the light in the window went out.

The housekeeper and Qin An are still up.

The old housekeeper didn't know what was going on. He was a little strange. "Young master, has Miss Ruan gone back?"

Qin Yu said.

"The old housekeeper sighed," it's so late. "

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Qin Anxin sitting on the sofa said yes, it's so late.

Qin An didn't know who the target was. He looked at his brother sympathetically and said, "brother, it seems Ruan Tian really doesn't like you."

Even a gentle man like his mother was willing to refuse.

Qin met a heart stem, "I know."

The old housekeeper began to worry. He thought that the young master and the future young lady had a good relationship. Years ago, he told them to prepare the guest room and ask them in person.

There are more girls to decorate.

Dolls and flowers are essential.

The guest room is ready.

But people didn't stay.


Chinese New Year is a festive event.

The Zhou family had a bad year. Zhou's mother let Zhou Xiaoqiao sell off all his shares.

The company just can't see it. If it can get away, it can get away.

Without the company, their family has other industries, houses and deposits.

Zhou Xiaoqiao is not willing to sell the shares. For this, Zhou's mother almost quarreled with her.

After Shen Hui certainly won't help, Zhou Xiaoqiao gives up and follows his mother's advice to sell the shares.

The Zhou family was in trouble for a while.

Some people read jokes, but no one stepped on them.

After all, the foundation of the Zhou family is still there.

But somehow, the story of Shen Hui and Ruan Tian was turned over, and Zhou Xiaoqiao was also involved.

Before long, it seemed that Zhou Xiaoqiao didn't want to see his sister well, so he used the means to harm the two people.

Zhou Xiaoqiao's reputation has plummeted. Although there are many dirty things in a rich family, he also hates people who do dirty things.

Zhou Xiaoqiao tearfully washes her face at home every day. She is especially in the eyes of unexpected people and can't stand gossip.

Although Zhou's mother felt that her eldest daughter was not very successful, she was the one who had been in love with her for so many years. She said, "otherwise, you can go to live abroad."

It's also healing.

Zhou Xiaoqiao naturally refused to go, the man she loves is still here.

She was not reconciled.

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Looking at her like this, Zhou's mother was angry, "if Shen Hui liked you, he would have married you."

That's true.

Regardless of whether Zhou Xiaoqiao would like it or not, Zhou's mother went through the formalities for her to live abroad.

Zhou's mother is more than ten years old, with white hair on her temples and poor health.

In order not to deal with those strange eyes, the people of the Zhou family shut up.

Zhou's mother was ill in bed for more than half a month. When she got well, where did she look as smart as before?

Ruan Tian heard about the Zhou family.

I've heard about it and lost it. I don't feel special.

The people and affairs of the Zhou family have nothing to do with her for a long time.

If she has time to think about the Zhou family, it's better to think about what to eat today!

After the end of the year, Jiang Li didn't urge her to choose a script. Ruan Tian still has two films in stock, so don't worry.

There are a lot of bad scripts in the circle now, and there are not many scripts that Jiang Li can see.

And Ruan Tian's study seems to be very hard. She will take the college entrance examination in a few months.

It's just a long vacation for her.

Ruan Tian didn't find that she was so smart before. She made rapid progress in mathematics, physics and chemistry, which made other students in the cram school look at her with new eyes.When she was complacent, there was a text message from a strange number on her mobile phone. 】

a number without comments.

Ruan Tian thought about it and said, "who are you? 】

like a stone sinking into the sea, there is no echo.

A few days later, Ruan Tian knew that the number without remarks was a bad one that had not appeared for a long time.

After huaimo came back from abroad, he was much more fierce than before.

The first thing huaimo did when he returned to China was to call his subordinates, clench his teeth, sneer and say, "I killed Qin Yu by driving."

Huaimo coldly looks at all kinds of news about Qin Yu and Ruan Tian these days. The four words of "fiancee" in the black title are just like Qin Yu satirizing him in his face.

Huaimo has been stranded abroad for a long time. He is too busy to get away. He cleans up the old party everywhere, but it's all the good work of the Qin family.

Qin Yu was afraid that he would not be able to get close to Ruan Tian, so he was in great trouble.

Huaimo is extreme, violent and twisted. He is by no means a pure man, and he has no correct concept of right and wrong. These are not just words.

This time, he really wanted to be killed by a driver.

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