Inside the venue, Ruan Tian straightened her back and sat in her seat. The air conditioner was on a bit high, so she felt a bit cold. To combat this, and to conceal the scenery in the front of her dress, she draped a shawl over her shoulders and waited patiently as the seats around her gradually filled up.

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        Xu Jing sat on her left and the director who had directed ‘The Replacement Princess’ sat on her right. 

        After a brief opening ceremony, the award show began.

        As she sat there Ruan Tian was very calm. After all, her mentality was more or less: Anyone can win, so long as that person isn’t me.

        An hour later, it was finally time to announce the winner of the Best Supporting Actress Award. 

        With a face full of smiles, the host picked up his microphone and said: “I’m happy to invite Mr. Shen Shu, the president of Huanshi Entertainment, and also Mr. Tao Xin, the executive producer of Fruit Station, in order to present our Best Supporting Actress Award.”

        Ruan Tian: **** your mother.

        The cameramen at the scene were all professionals and immediately knew what to do when this twist was revealed, so the cameras immediately cut to Ruan Tian’s face. However, Ruan Tian hadn’t expected that the camera would ever focus on her when there were so many huge stars around, so her expression was very honest. It was an expression that said: **** your mother Shen Shu, I’m going to kill you!

        She could hardly believe that Shen Shu actually condescended to come to such a place.

        It was really out of character.

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        Producer Tao Xin handed over the list with the people receiving awards to Shen Shu and said with a smile, “I think it would be better for Mr. Shen to read this one.”

        Shen Shu slowly unfolded the list and glanced at the contents. Then he slightly lowered his head so that the microphone would properly capture his voice, looked directly at Ruan Tian, and then said clearly: “The winner of the 17th BAF Best Supporting Actress Award is-“

        “Ruan Tian.” 

        Shen Shu’s steady voice passed through the microphone and to Ruan Tian’s ears, announcing her win word by word. At the same time, all of the cameras turn to capture her expression. 

        What to say…

        Ruan Tian somehow felt that this whole scene was somewhat surreal.

        Her, the vicious supporting actress from a novel. 

        Now being awarded the Best Supporting Actress Award by that same novel’s male lead.

        Author, why not just go die?!

        You heartless inhuman thing! 

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        Meanwhile, the big screen on stage had started playing through some of Ruan Tian’s more memorable performances from ‘The Replacement Princess’. Seeing that, Ruan Tian remembered where she was and started moving. She took a deep breath, slipped her shawl off and set in on her seat, and then walked up to the stage.

        She didn’t look at Shen Shu at all. Once she got to the stage, she planted herself directly in front of the microphone and a thin film of nervous sweat appeared on her forehead. She gritted her teeth, forced her nervousness down, and then looked down at the audience under the stage before beginning to speak: “I am very surprised to have been given this award today, but I am also very happy and honored. Thank you to everyone who has supported me in the past few years, I will definitely continue to fight hard.” 

        Fight to dominate the entertainment industry! To step on Hollywood! To explode across the whole universe!

        All of her fans who were squatting in the chat room instantly became restless when they saw that their star had surprisingly won the award, and they began throwing in donations as if they didn’t need money.

        “Ahhhhhhh, TianBaby is really our pride.”

        “I’m going to cry. She really thanked us wuwuwu… She’s so humble and knows gratitude, I can’t help but be moved to tears.”

        “The TianBaby of today has not only reached a new height of beauty, but she’s also improved her temperament by a few points! We’ll stick with our TianBaby forever!” 

        Just when Ruan Tian was about to step down and return to her seat, the host spoke up from the side, “Teacher Ruan Tian, ​​please wait a minute. We’re going to have a group photo with the guests who came out to give out the award.”

        Of course, Ruan Tian really didn’t want to wait.

        Unfortunately, with so many people watching, it wasn’t like she could just openly leave.

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        Thus, she replied in a cold voice: “Okay.” 

        Her tone seemed to scream: Hurry up and let Shen Shu scram away!

        Ruan Tian stood beside Shen Shu emotionlessly, her eyes flat and distant. But on the other side, Shen Shu’s expression was not as cold as hers, and he tilted his head to glance over at her several times.

        Thinking about it, this should be the second photo of him and Ruan Tian.

        However, after the photo was taken Ruan Tian couldn’t wait to rush back to her seat, and she completely ignored Shen Shu. Thanks to that, he felt depressed and slowly stepped down with a sullen face.

        In the end, the crew of ‘The Replacement Princess’ won two awards that night, Ruan Tian won Best Supporting Actress, and Xu Jing won Best Actor. 

        After the award ceremony, Ruan Tian quickly put the necklace and ring back into the jewelry box, afraid that the things Haui Mo’s mother left him might be damaged if she delayed.

        Outside, Jiang Lili was waiting for her in the car and she was very excited, “TianBaby, your beauty has shocked the circle again. You’re so pretty that they can’t help but praise you. Tonight they’re already calling you a noble black swan.”

        Ruan Tian replied in a cheeky voice, “I was born destined to eat using this face, hehehehe.” 

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        Meanwhile, Jiang Lili had picked up Ruan Tian’s award and hugged and kissed it, as if she could see a sparkling road for her career as an agent inside of it. She said, “You’re so confident. However, winning an award the first time you were nominated really is impressive, everyone is talking about it and you have a legion of new face fans.”

        Looking at the award now, Ruan Tian actually found it very pleasing to the eye despite its unfortunate name.

        After all, it could be said to be the embodiment of her strength.

        And with it in her hands, her desire to be an excellent actress only got stronger and stronger.

        She wanted to film more, win more awards, and draw in more and more fans. 

        After all, this sort of award was proof that some people liked her. It was proof that she wasn’t an existence that everyone hated.

        When she returned home, Ruan Tian realized that she had forgotten an important thing.

        Huai Mo’s gift box was still in her bag. Ruan Tian had meant to give it to Jiang Lili for her to hand over to Huai Mo, but she had been swept up in her excitement and completely forgot.

        Eventually, Ruan Tian set the box on her bedside table and decided to just ask Jiang Lili to help her return it tomorrow.

        It really would have been a nearly perfect day if Ruan Tian didn’t then receive a call from Zhou Xiaoqiao…

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