After picking up the phone, all she could hear was Zhou Xiaoqiao crying very badly. Ruan Tian almost couldn’t understand what her sister was trying to tell her because of how choked with sobs her voice was. 

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        “Mom fell down the stairs, what should I do? TianTian, what should I do?”

        Ruan Tian began to really wonder if the female lead’s white lotus halo damaged a person’s IQ to this extent?! 

        If someone fell, shouldn’t she call 120? What was the use of calling her? (tl note: think 911)

        A few minutes before, Mother Zhou had missed her footing on the stairs and rolled down several feet to the living room floor. Besides Zhou Xiaoqiao, there was no one else in the house.

        After passing out for a few minutes, Mother Zhou slowly woke up. She found that her leg was in a lot of pain and she couldn’t move at all, and she suspected that it was broken. Distantly, she could hear Zhou Xiaoqiao sobbing frantically. 

        However, even at a time like this Mother Zhou was still worried about her eldest daughter, “Don’t be afraid of Xiaoqiao, your mother is fine.”

        Zhou Xiaoqiao choked up all over again and sputtered out: “TianTian, can you come home and help us?”

        But when Ruan Tian replied, it was in a fierce tone that she rarely used. She ruthlessly exposed her sister’s hypocritical mask: “If you have enough time to call me up and cry, then you have enough time to dial 120 and call an ambulance. You should be able to do that much, right? It’s no use crying to me. If you’re too slow, maybe our mother will have already gone cold by the time help arrives.”

        And then there was only a dial tone.

        Being cut off and hung up on like this, Zhou Xiaoqiao felt speechless. Somehow, it didn’t seem right to continue crying in response to those words, but not crying also seemed wrong.

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        After all, she had long grown used to using her tears as a weapon to achieve her goals.

        Hearing the interplay on the phone, Mother Zhou’s face changed slightly, and the way she looked at Zhou Xiaoqiao also changed a little.

        In her heart, she knew that Ruan Tian was right. Xiaoqiao should have just called 120 first instead of uselessly crying everywhere and doing nothing.

        Zhou Xiaoqiao seemed shocked, and her tears collected at the corners of her eyes. After a moment, she sniffled and said in a weak tone, “Mom, I’m sorry, I was too scared and worried about you that I didn’t think clearly. My sister is right, I need to call an ambulance and send you to the hospital.”

        Mother Zhou hummed an agreement and gestured for Zhou Xiaoqiao to come over and help her up for now. 

        “Did your sister say she would come to the hospital as well?”


        Hearing that Ruan Tian had no intention to visit even at this point, Mother Zhou’s face paled another shade, and her broken leg somehow seemed to hurt even more.


        Although Ruan Tian had broken off her ties with the Zhou family, she normally wouldn’t ever curse Mother Zhou like that. But who asked them to keep bothering her?

        Zhou Xiaoqiao’s strange crying episode today really made her speechless. It seemed that the drama was over for now, but her heart was still restless.

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        It was already pretty late at night, so Ruan Tian couldn’t find anyone to complain about the incident to. However, with this uncomfortable itch in her heart, she knew she wouldn’t be able to sleep at all, so she sent a series of messages to Jiang Lili, all ruthlessly complaining about the day’s experience:

       【It seems that my mother fell down the stairs today. Zhou Xiaoqiao called me to cry, but didn’t call an ambulance. 】

        【I’m so speechless here. So it turns out that I’m a doctor in Zhou Xiaoqiao’s eyes? 】

        【If I were really a doctor, the first thing I would do is operate on her brain. 】

        【After all, I can hear the sound of water sloshing around in her head even from ten miles away. 】

        【She’s no longer on the level of just a ‘stupid white lotus’. She’s pure gold certified stupid. 】

        Click. Messages sent successfully.

        Then she looked up.

        Bad! Not good! It was the wrong person!

        Somehow Ruan Tian’s messages were sent to Qin Yu!?

        She quickly withdrew the messages so he wouldn’t see them. However, in the next instant, she received a reply-

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        MadDogQin:【I already saw it. 】

        Ruan Tian was fairly certain that saying bad things about Qin Yu’s sweetheart in front of him was a good way to provoke him into personally taking a knife and hacking her to death.


        In life, a person shouldn’t be afraid when facing difficulties. The best way is to just solve them!

        So awesome!

        Thus, after Ruan Tian withdrew the messages, she calmed down and continued going about her business as if nothing had happened. 

        She slipped out of her clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower. Once she got out she put on her pajamas and a moisturizing mask and then crawled into bed, where she leaned back against her pillow and checked Weibo with her phone.

        It seemed that Jiang Lili hadn’t lied to her earlier. The crazy face fans were really praising her for her beauty like no tomorrow, calling her a fairy who had descended to Earth from the heavens and saying she was human beauty personified.

        However, the most popular photo from the event was the one of Ruan Tian and Shen Shu.

        The organizer’s plan was simply genius. The former couple who had already torn each other’s faces and publicly announced their divorce were unexpectedly reunited at the awards ceremony. This was the only time they had shared a stage or a photo in at least the past two years.

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        Then, the ex-husband dramatically had to present the award to his ex-wife.

        It was a topic that would explode with popularity and interest no matter what! 

        The photo of the two of them had already been reposted 30,000 times, all with the same question marks. The netizens commented that the expression on Ruan Tian’s face was frosty like her husband was dead. 

        However, in the same instant, Shen Shu’s eyes turned toward her and showed inadvertent gentleness, which caused the netizens to declare that they would definitely reunite.

        All in all, this kind of ambiguous situation was perfect for the netizens who loved to speculate randomly. 

        Of course, Ruan Tian saw a lot of silly people online saying all sorts of things. For instance:

        “President, your wife has already been driven out for several months now, but I have news!”

        “Has she repented her mistakes?”

        “No, it seems your wife has won an award, and you are merely the award-giver.”

        They were too funny.

        Of course, Ruan Tian wished they could be a bit more serious if they were going to role play this way. They should have really added the word “ex” in front of the word ‘wife’. She would be happier that way, and it would be more true to life. 

        At the same time, the netizens had found a new topic of interest. That being, when these two divorced, exactly how much property did Shen Shu give Ruan Tian? 

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