After this awards ceremony, all of the subsequent hot topics revolved around Ruan Tian and Shen Shu, this former couple whose marriage had already ended.

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        Any videos or pictures that happened to contain the two of them, whether on or off stage, were dug out by the curious netizens. Of course, after looking at them, all the normal people only felt that both of them had the words ‘We better not meet again in this life’ written across their faces.

        However, for the CP fans, this was no issue. They declared in a braindead way that only by being deeply hurt could you then deeply love. 

        In addition, Shen Shu’s face was unexpectedly very impressive, which won him even more support. He had been born with the temperament of an aristocratic young master deeply ingrained in his bones and, combined with his good looks, even many actors in the entertainment industry couldn’t compare. 

        Shen Shu was indeed good-looking, otherwise, Ruan Tian would never have fallen in love with him at first sight in the first place. He had a unique aura that seemed nine parts coldness and one part gentleness, as well as an extremely handsome face. 

        Online, under the leadership of the CP fans, people were banging the gong of reunion and reconciliation. 

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        They all felt that, no matter which angle they looked at it from, these two were the real CP! 

        “This is really love. When Sister Tian was on stage Shen Shu’s eyes never looked away from her once.”

        “Heh, but when Sister Tian left without hesitation, tsk… Shen Shu’s face really turned white. It’s obvious that ShenXRuan is the only real CP.”

        “All other CP are fake, only ShenXRuan is real. I want to see progress by tomorrow!”

        “I agree to this remarriage.”

        Ruan Tian suddenly became an object of envy for some reason. Before, everyone just thought of her as a shameful thing that had been kicked out of a wealthy family and she had suffered all sorts of ridicule. But now it seemed the winds had changed. The ex-husband seemed to want her back, and there were rumors that she had already gotten over a billion from the divorce. All in all, the netizens were clamoring with excitement and envy.

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        They even came up with a litany of nicknames for her. 

        FanCircleGirl: @RuanTian, sister, you really must be the first person to get so rich thanks to a divorce. We should all learn from you.

        Ruan Tian: Rich? My ***! 

        The divorce agreement from when she separated from Shen Shu was still lying in her drawer, okay? She didn’t even get a dime! 

        However, Ruan Tian wasn’t someone who would disclose her personal matters online, so she definitely wouldn’t take the initiative to publish something private like the divorce agreement just to shut up some random netizens.

        At the same time, the netizens began showing off their borderline supernatural abilities for finding all sorts of things.

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        Within a short time they somehow even found a photo of Ruan Tian in high school.

        In the photo, the school uniform she was wearing was a bit too big and obviously didn’t quite fit. She was standing near the door of the classroom with her hair tied up in a bun, her face was small and pale, and her eyes were a little red. She was looking at the camera blankly as if she were in a daze.

        The CP fans quickly took this photo and edited it together with a photo of Shen Shu.

        Meanwhile, Ruan Tian recalled that the photo was actually from a time when her teacher had been punishing her by making her stand in the hallway.

        It wasn’t a good memory, and the photo definitely hadn’t been taken with good intentions.

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        In fact, she didn’t have many good memories of her time in high school in general. She had rarely laughed or smiled, and overall she hadn’t liked it.

        Mostly she had just clumsily and stubbornly done her own thing.

        Ruan Tian turned off her phone and tried to go to sleep, but found that she couldn’t. After tossing and turning for a while, she turned on an old movie before laying down again. Around when she saw the clock hit 2 a.m. she finally began to feel sleepy and gradually drifted to sleep. 

        When she slept, she dreamed of high school, of Shen Shu and that group of boys.

        And then, just before 6 a.m. the next day, Ruan Tian woke up with a throbbing headache.

        After washing up and changing her clothes, she sleepily went to the kitchen and made breakfast for herself. Once she had eaten, she suddenly remembered that she hadn’t taken out the trash yet. 

        Thus, Ruan Tian took her garbage to the dumpster downstairs. However, when she came back up, there was an unexpected figure in front of her door. 

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