The person at the door was Shen Shu, who had come uninvited once again. Ruan Tian brushed past him and was about to close the door with a tired expression when a hand suddenly caught the door firmly and pushed it open, allowing the man to forcefully step inside.

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        Ruan Tian felt it was ridiculous. 

        Men were really cheap and two-faced things.

        For two years of marriage he had never paid any attention to her, but now, after they were long divorced, he suddenly started coming around.

        She really wanted to ask: Young Master Shen, what exactly are you thinking?

        In fact, she really did ask just that. 

        Shen Shu raised his arm to show he had something in his hand. It was one of the many letters Ruan Tian had written to him.

        “There are still many things that belong to you in my house.” He said in a low voice.

        When Ruan Tian saw the yellowed paper in his hand, she was suddenly forced to remember many things. These days she rarely got angry about what had happened between them anymore because she was determined to say goodbye to the past peacefully.

        However, Shen Shu insisted on irritating her again and again, stabbing her heart and constantly reminding her of the misery she suffered during those years. 

        Of course, she knew exactly what things Shen Shu was talking about, but it was slightly shocking that Shen Shu also knew. 

        Unexpectedly, he remembered those letters too?

        Ruan Tian squeezed her fists and looked at the man in front of her. His cold and handsome face gradually seemed to overlap with the proud young man from a few years ago.

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        Back then, it had been the last spring outing in high school.

        Mountain climbing and camping! It was like an event perfectly tailored for her.

        Ruan Tian’s physical fitness had always been good, so the teacher asked her to lead the way. Meanwhile, Shen Shu fell to the back of the group in order to take care of the sickly Zhou Xiaoqiao.

        Back then Ruan Tian hadn’t been very good at talking. She had frowned and said frankly to Zhou Xiaoqiao: “You are not suitable for climbing. If you go on like this you will only drag everyone else down.”

        Of course, after she said that Zhou Xiaoqiao just cried as usual.

        Shen Shu gave her a cold look.

        And Ruan Tian could only shut up.

        However, in her heart, she felt that what she said wasn’t wrong.

        Thus, she followed behind Shen Shu angrily, thinking that if something happened to him she would at least be able to take care of it.

        But after they had climbed halfway up the mountain and stopped to rest, the weather suddenly changed and it began to rain. Before long, it was raining very heavily.

        The teacher was flustered by the situation. He found that they couldn’t keep going up, but they also couldn’t safely go down, so he could only ask everyone to find a place to hide from the rain.

        And, who knew what Shen Shu was doing, but he said something about leaving something behind and turned back down the trail. After that, he disappeared for a long time. 

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        Ruan Tian was worried about him, so she put on a raincoat and headed out to follow him.

        Three hours later, she finally found traces of Shen Shu.

        It seemed he had fallen and rolled down the mountain.

        Ruan Tian gritted her teeth, protected her face with her arms, and rolled down as well.

        The rain was still coming down heavily, so she was soaked when she finally found Shen Shu in front of a big rock. The back of his head was bleeding. Ruan Tian tried to check the wound and patted his face a few times, but he seemed to have passed out.

        Ruan Tian could only carry his unconscious body to a nearby cave, bandage his wound, and try to give him some water. 

        At that time, she had been terrified.

        She had been afraid that Shen Shu might never wake up again. She had prayed that the rain would quickly go away, the teachers would find them before too long had passed. 

        After nearly a day in the cave, Shen Shu finally showed signs of stirring from his coma. He opened his eyes blearily, but he didn’t seem to be very conscious.

        However, he had suddenly sat up and wrapped his hands around her waist in a hug and rubbed his chin against her neck. His warm breath tickled her ears and he murmured weakly, “You smell so good.”

        Ruan Tian’s brain had turned sluggish and her whole body had gone stiff.

        She had gulped and asked cautiously, “Do you know who I am?”

        Shen Shu looked at her dazedly. It seemed as if he recognized her, but also seemed as if he didn’t. 

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        After a while, he nodded, “I know.”

        Then, the boy leaned in close and his thin, cool lips lightly fell on hers. He opened his mouth and kissed her.

        Ruan Tian blushed red, and she felt awkward and at a loss.

        While she was still stunned, she heard Shen Shu say in her ear: “When you grow up, I’ll marry you, okay?”

        They were not discovered until the third day.

        She heard that Zhou Xiaoqiao was the first person to find them.

        However, during their time in the cave Ruan Tian had developed a high fever and also broke her calf, so she ended up staying in the hospital for two months. While she was in the hospital she had written to Shen Shu every week.

        “The first person I want to see when I get out of the hospital is you.”

        “My fever has finally gone down, so happy.”

        “To classmate Shen Shu, wishing you happiness every day.”

        “I’ve thought about it, when I turn 20 I will marry you right away.”

        But those letters were never answered.

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        When Ruan Tian was finally discharged from the hospital, she found that Shen Shu was still the same as before, cold, distant, indifferent and faintly polite in the way you might be to a stranger.

        He seemed to have forgotten everything.

        Forgotten what he said.

        Forgotten that he kissed her.

        And, of course, forgotten he promised to marry her.

        Later, on the eve of their college entrance examination, Shen Shu seemed to have lost his patience. He had looked at her contemptuously and said, “You like me, but what does this have to do with me?”


        Her love was worthless to him.

        In his eyes, her heart didn’t matter, and he could trample on it at will.

        In Shen Shu’s eyes, she wasn’t even dust.

        Maybe back then he had felt she was pitiful when she was feverish and nearly unconscious, so he had done those things while treating it like a joke or a game.

        And only she had taken it seriously.

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