And now, today, Shen Shu was in front of her, and his hand held that same pile of letters firmly. He clenched his teeth and asked, “When did you write these?”

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        Ruan Tian had a sullen expression, but she still dismissed it in a light tone. “I forgot.” 

        This reply seemed to make Shen Shu angry.

        Ruan Tian had no idea what he was angry about.

        Her only thought was: Sure enough, he hadn’t read a word of those letters before.

        Thinking a bit further, Ruan Tian realized that Shen Shu must have loathed her for all the time she spent following behind him like stick gum on his shoe.  

        Then, after they got married, that disgust became hate.

        She suddenly remembered back to the morning the day after they had slept together. She had been laying on the bed and watching as he coldly put on his clothes while occasionally sending her gazes full of mockery and ridicule. In the end, without saying a word, he pulled out all the cash in his wallet, tossed it on the bedside table, and then left.

        Ruan Tian could only sigh. Her life really wasn’t easy.

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        She solemnly apologized to Shen Shu, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have liked you.” 

        She didn’t know why, but Ruan Tian somehow sensed that Shen Shu got even angrier after she said this.

        His whole body was shaking.

        Yes, he was literally shaking.

        His face was gloomy, his eyes were red, and his teeth were clenched. At the same time, his hands seemed to be unable to exert any strength, and the letters were trembling in his hands as if he might drop them at any moment.

        Ruan Tian: This person really isn’t afraid to shake. 

        In order not to irritate the patient any further, Ruan Tian felt that she should apologize with a more sincere tone, rather than the kind of tone she might use at her mother’s funeral. 

        So she looked straight into Shen Shu’s eyes and said in a serious tone: “I was wrong, okay? I was really wrong. I’ve recognized my mistakes. Don’t worry, I won’t like you anymore for the rest of my life.”

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        Ruan Tian felt that Shen Shu seemed a little unsteady all of a sudden.

        However, looking at his rumpled clothes, he probably didn’t sleep at all last night, so maybe it was normal for him to be a bit unstable at the moment.

        Ruan Tian could tell just by looking at him that he was exhausted. His face was a sickly shade of pale, like he was a terminally ill patient.

        He took a deep breath and couldn’t make a sound for a long time.

        His throat seemed to be blocked, and his chest had an inexplicable but sharp pain.

        Ruan Tian cautiously took the letters from his hands and, after a moment of silence, she slowly tore them all up.

        “Like this, are you satisfied?”

        Shen Shu’s face was deathly pale. His whole body was slightly hunched and his breathing was unsteady. Only by holding the edge of a nearby table could he barely keep his feet, and his eyes, which were reddened until they looked bloody, could only vaguely focus on the dirt on the ground beneath him.

        He finally squeezed out: “You’re right, I shouldn’t have come.”

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        Ruan Tian smiled. It seemed that this man had finally said something a human would say!

        Shen Shu finally wanted to let her go and planned to leave on his own!

        But, before he left, he said, “Ruan Tian, I’m sorry.”

        Ruan Tian felt that his apology was unnecessary!

        Rather than an apology, he should get out of here! Get out! Leave far away!


        Ruan Tian had a three-day holiday in the capital for the red carpet event, but after three days she would have to return to the set and continue filming.

        She discovered that all the trouble she took to move had been unnecessary. After all, no matter where she moved, it seemed she would always be found.

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        After resting for a while, Ruan Tian swept up all the scraps of paper and threw them into the trash can. She wanted to get rid of them quickly because looking at them was just a constant reminder that she used to be a brain dead child who had been blinded by love.

        She leaned on the sofa pillow and just sat there in a daze for a while. Then she picked up her phone and sent a text message to Jiang Lili: 【For any future activities, make sure I won’t be on the same set with Shen Shu again. 】

        【If he’s there, I won’t be and if I’m there, he shouldn’t be. 】

        Around 9 a.m. it seemed Jiang Lili woke up, because she finally sent a reply, 【Order received! In the future, I will make sure to check everything carefully. Our TianBaby is already also a big name so these kinds of demands are reasonable! 】

        A big name? Heh.

        After a while, Ruan Tian headed out to the supermarket near the gate of the community in order to buy some ingredients and cook a meal. She didn’t wear a mask or anything because she usually never had to think about that sort of thing.

        However, she underestimated her current degree of fame.

        As soon as she strolled into the fresh food area, people around her began whispering to each other.

        “Oh my god! That’s Ruan Tian, right?”

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