There seemed to be a lot of people who recognized her at the supermarket.

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        “Uuuuuuuu, she’s so beautiful, even more beautiful than in her photos. How can anyone in this world really look like this?”

        “I really want to go up and ask her for an autograph. Maybe in the future she will get really big and then an autographed photo will be super valuable.”

        “She actually went out to the supermarket without wearing a mask? Ah, no, she’s so beautiful it’s blinding! I’m going to faint, someone save me.”

        Ruan Tian heard a bit of this and felt embarrassed, so she lowered her head and continued to buy her vegetables.

        Finally, a little girl summoned up the courage to go up to her. She said in a cheeky but also shy voice, “Sister Tian, can you give me your autograph ah?”

        Ruan Tian ‘hmmd’ for a moment before replying, “Unfortunately, I don’t have a pen.”

        The little girl immediately took out her pen from her schoolbag and said, “I have one, I have one.”

        Ruan Tian nodded and then signed her name on her notebook. The little girl then kindly gave her a mask, which she accepted and put on.

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        From there she quickly went to the checkout to buy her food and leave. 

        But then she ran into Qin Yu in front of the elevator.

        Of course, this wasn’t really surprising considering they lived next door to each other.

        Qin Yu stubbed out the cigarette in his hand and then said with a somewhat grim smile, “Did you meet your ex-husband this morning?”

        Ruan Tian had scolded the love of this guy’s life last night, so today she had resolved to be a bit more polite to him. But unfortunately, Qin Yu, this person, he really had a cheap mouth that made all sorts of strange and uncomfortable remarks which made it impossible to get along with him. 

        So she sneered and fired back, “None of your business.”

        “Did you install surveillance on my house or something?”

        Qin Yu just laughed, “You’re being filmed but you don’t even know it, and you still have the face to call someone else a gold certified fool? From where I’m standing, you don’t seem to be much better.”

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        Ruan Tian was given a new understanding of how annoying Qin Yu was.

        Why! ! !

        Why is it that she can’t win when she quarrels with Qin Yu? Why did she lose every time! ! !

        Qin Yu continued to look at her with unpleasant eyes, as if searching for an opportunity to pick at her.

        Ruan Tian picked up her plastic bag of groceries and then said ‘oh’ as if she just realized something, “So it turns out that you are embarrassing me on behalf of your little love? What a pity that my sister doesn’t like you.”

        Qin Yu gave her a deep look and spat: “How stupid.”

        Ruan Tian didn’t want to bother with him anymore.

        But Qin Yu seemed to be in the mood to talk, because he said: “I know you aren’t such a herbivore. The next time Shen Shu comes around you should just directly tell him to go away.”

        Ruan Tian just continued to ignore him.

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        However, like a pervert, ignoring him only seemed to make him more interested. 

        In the end, he even shamelessly forced his way into her house because he wanted to eat.

        Angrily, Ruan Tian just gave up. She flopped down on her chair and said, “I’m not cooking today, I plan to starve to death.”

        Qin Yu looked at her like he was looking at a kid, then rolled up his sleeves and went into her kitchen. Before long she could hear the sounds of vegetables being washed and cut, but she just sneered. He could really act.

        But then, half an hour later, Qin Yu really served two dishes and a soup.

        Ruan Tian couldn’t help asking: “When did you learn to cook?”

        Qin Yu took a sip of the soup and said, “When you stay in the hospital sick all the time you have a lot of boredom and free time, I learned it by watching videos there.”

        Ruan Tian lowered her head and suddenly felt a little guilty.

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        After all, she always used to curse Qin Yu with the hope that he would never be able to get out of the hospital.

        Back when they were in high school, Qin Yu had always been getting hospitalized every three days or so. Ruan Tian had heard that it was a congenital disease that had caused him to be weak since childhood. She also heard that he rarely got visitors and his parents favored Qin An over him because of his terrible temper.

        After eating, probably because he understood that Ruan Tian didn’t want to see him, Qin Yu didn’t plan to stay too long. But before he left, he pursed his lips and squeezed, “Shen Shu and I are not the same.”

        Qin Yu knew that his feelings for her had been distorted for a long time.

        Back when he had watched her confess to Shen Shu with his own eyes, his teeth had itched with hatred.

        From there, he had done everything he could to attract her eyes, and to shatter all of her fantasies about Shen Shu.

        He had done all kinds of despicable things that he knew he shouldn’t have done.

        However, he couldn’t help himself. He liked her.

        But to his words, Ruan Tian was indifferent as usual. She just muttered ‘ok’.

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