After three days of it, Ruan Tian was already accustomed to being secretly photographed all the time by paparazzi. If they wanted to take her picture, just let them!

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        Whatever didn’t kill her would only make her stronger! ! !

        As for the rumors outside that she and Shen Shu were about to remarry, she just played dead and let them say whatever they wanted. 

        Occasionally, she would go online to see the various videos edited by the CP fans and felt they were a little interesting. 

        However, when she would scroll down and see the comment sections full of ‘So true.’, ‘They’ll remarry soon.’, and ‘Their love is more real than gold’, Ruan Tian really wanted to get a megaphone and shout directly into their ears: “Fake, fake, it’s all fake!”

        These videos are all faked, friends!

        There was no love in her heart, okay? She was now just a ruthless machine that only pursued her career!

        At the same time, the matter of what Ruan Tian received from the divorce was still a mystery. There were many different opinions. Some said that it should be more than one billion yuan, while some said that it should be more than two billion yuan. But one thing they all agreed on was that Ruan Tian had made a lot of money from her divorce.

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        Meanwhile, Zhao Meng’er still hated Ruan Tian. Nowadays she hated her even more since Ruan Tian had robbed away the limelight and even won an award on the day of the awards ceremony.

        Thus, she was just looking for any chance to step on Ruan Tian’s head.

        But this time she had learned to be smart. She didn’t buy any water armies, nor did she spend money to hire a marketing team to start a new smear campaign.

        Instead, she used her fans to slowly and subtly push the discussion in the direction she wanted. 

        “Even after taking so much money, she still has to come out and act pitiful? No matter how she’s really doing, she can really make her fans feel distressed for her.”

        “Before Ruan Tian was always putting up a pitiful appearance of herself being violently abused by the netizens. However, in reality, she was already so rich. She could have easily solved it with her money, right? And don’t forget that she was only divorced in the first place because of her unclear relationships with other men. She’s really too scheming.”

        “Heh, so Ruan Tian is just trying to leech a bit more from Shen Shu now, right? Last time it was money, and this time its fame.”

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        “Even though Shen Shu was already so kind and gave her so much money.”

        The rumors that Ruan Tian had managed to walk away with a billion or two in assets seemed credible to the netizens because of the jewelry she had worn during the awards ceremony, in their hearts it was all but confirmed as true.

        Some people followed the trend and joined in on the ridicule, while others just watched the fun from the side.

        Of course, everyone seemed to have forgotten that no one had shown any evidence of how the assets were divided during the divorce.

        Thus, thanks to Zhao Meng’er’s subtle machinations, Ruan Tian’s name flew up the hot search again. 

        However, suddenly the netizens found an old post from a lawyer who had ‘accidentally picked up’ a copy of a divorce agreement between two ‘unnamed people’ that someone who worked at the law firm had failed to destroy. Seeing this old post, the netizens instantly made the connection.

        After all, although there was a mosaic covering the names in the picture, it was poorly applied so you could vaguely make out the words “Ruan” and “Shen”.

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          Along with the picture, there was a post that read:

        【You see, this is a classic case of a verbal agreement made by a client going wrong. This should be a reminder to everyone about the importance of signing a prenuptial agreement. For instance, in this case, the woman was ultimately forced to leave the marriage with nothing, and there’s no chance that she will even be able to win anything back with a lawsuit. 】


        The lawyer who had made the post containing the partially obscured document had actually posted only a few days after Ruan Tian and Shen Shu had signed the divorce agreement.

        Of course, it stood to reason that no one on Shen Shu’s team of lawyers would make such a low-level mistake. From any perspective it was practically impossible for the CEOs personal legal documents to be leaked. 

        However, thanks to a bit of bad luck, it really happened. In fact, the “lawyer” who was dancing happily on Weibo was actually just a small freshly graduated assistant who had happened to intern on the team back then. 

        In reality he didn’t even have a licence to practice law, but online he could bluff and pretend all he liked and soak in the admiration of the netizens.

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        The people who had started this whole mess also clicked on the picture and saw the two partially obscured surnames and began to feel shocked. Out of fear that they were seeing things, they quickly sent it over to their various friends to confirm, causing the topic to spiral like crazy. 

        “@IWantToEatBeef, come and take a look at this, tell me if it’s really Ruan Tian and Shen Shu!!!”

        “I’m at the UC headquarters right now, but it really seems to be the divorce agreement between Ruan Tian and Shen Shu, right? That ‘Ruan’ is the one from Ruan Tian’s name, and that ‘Shen’ is also from Shen Shu’s name! What’s wrong with this world?”

        “Prenuptial agreement? Leaving the marriage with nothing? No chance for even a lawsuit? My world is collapsing…”

        “This law student has carefully read the entire divorce agreement. I guarantee that I didn’t read it wrong. The woman didn’t get a dime, and no real estate changed hands. In short, Ruan Tian got nothing.”

        “Who was it before who kept saying she got over a billion? Now the divorce agreement has been released, it’s way too ****ing far away from a billion!”

        Thus, the rumor of the ‘billion yuan divorce’ was broken.

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