In the end, Ruan Tian stayed in the capital until the third day as planned. However, on that day, Shao Chengyue called her. His voice on the phone was deep and steady, and listening to it seemed to produce a calming effect.

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        He asked: “Ruan Tian, ​​when will you return to the crew?”

        Shao Chengyue’s voice was a little hoarse and his words were unusually gentle. It didn’t sound like an ordinary greeting, but almost like he was saying ‘I’ve missed you’.

        “I’ll be coming back tomorrow, Brother Shao, did something happen on that end?”

        On the other end of the phone, thanks to the lights set up by the crew, Shao Chengyue shone like a star against the dark night. He responded: “No, I just wanted to ask about the help you gave me last time. I’ve used up all of the sleeping pills again.”

        Ruan Tian: No wonder he would call her with such a tone.

        She smiled, “I see. Well, I can just give you the prescription when I get back. Then you can make them for yourself in the future.”

        This prescription wasn’t worth any money, so she didn’t mind passing it on.

        If it could help someone, that would be enough. 

        Shao Chengyue replied in a low voice: “I’ll wait until you come back.”

        Ruan Tian replied: “Alright then.” 

        There was a long and slightly awkward silence.

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        But then, after a long time had passed and Ruan Tian was hesitating over whether to hang up the phone, Shao Chengyue suddenly said something else.

        “Ruan Tian, do you like stars?”

        In fact, she liked them very much.

        Otherwise, her alternate account wouldn’t have been called ‘HelpMeCatchTheStars’.

        In the past, Shen Shu had always been her star.

        But now she herself was the star.

        But before Ruan Tian could answer, Shao Chengyue gave a low chuckle and continued, “I’ll show you in a bit.” 

        After a pause, he said: “Accept my friend request on your WeChat. Remember to do it. Anyway, good night.”

        Ruan Tian slightly dazedly hung up the phone. After a moment, she opened it again and looked at her WeChat and, sure enough, there was a new friend application notification.

        She played along and accepted.

        Before long, Shao Chengyue sent her many pictures of the starry night sky.

        He was apparently on top of a small hill, and above him was a sky full of stars.

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        Although they had gotten off to a slightly unpleasant start back at the meeting for the script readings, Ruan Tian felt that she and Shao Chengyue had been getting along fairly well on set. However, they still weren’t all that familiar yet.

        Ruan Tian felt this whole episode was a little strange, but didn’t think too much about it.

        Her brain couldn’t process too much at once.

        Thus, she just happily saved the photos that Shao Chengyue sent her to her phone. As she looked at them she liked them more and more, so in the end she even set one as her mobile wallpaper.

        Early the next morning, Jiang Lili took her car and drove Ruan Tian to the airport.

        While she was waiting for check-in, Ruan Tian was unexpectedly surrounded by a group of little girls who were all taking pictures of her excitedly.

        Someone even put a letter in her hand.

        “Sister Tian, I like you so much. You must read the letter I wrote to you.”

        “Come on, TianBaby, we will always support you.”

        “TianBaby, you need to eat well, don’t tire yourself out.”

        Ruan Tian’s slightly silly and bewildered expression was instantly photographed by a nearby fan. 

        The fan screamed wildly in her heart, ahhhhh, TianBaby is so cute!!!

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        After a moment, Ruan Tian reacted. She accepted the letter and put it in her bag. Then she nodded obediently and said, “Okay, thank you.”

        After check-in, there were still a few sporadic fans who followed her to board the plane.

        However, her fans also had a sense of morality. They properly abided by order and followed rules, and they didn’t take any pictures in the cabin.

        They just wanted to see their TianBaby a little bit more!

        After all, who didn’t love seeing famous beauties?

        Eventually Ruan Tian and Jiang Lili found their seats. Ruan Tian was afraid she would forget if she delayed any longer, so she hurriedly handed the box in her bag to Jiang Lili, and said: “When we get to the hotel, help me return this to Huai Mo.”

        “****ing awesome.” Jiang Lili tsk tsk’d and said, “Is this Huai Mo interested in you?”

        Ruan Tian didn’t believe that for a second.

        She wasn’t the heroine after all! ! !

        In fact, just thinking about this topic made her angry!

        But it was the truth. In this world, only Zhou Xiaoqiao had the physique that caused everyone to love her. 

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        The damned heroine halo.

        “What interested? He’s like a younger brother to me.”

        “He grew up a long time ago and is already a mature man.” Jiang Lili made a serious analysis, “Also, I feel he might be a bit two-faced.”

        “… “Ruan Tian didn’t agree. In her estimation, Huai Mo was very sincere.

        Especially when she remembered seeing his appearance at school, with a white lab coat and glasses resting on the bridge of his nose, his impression then was especially gentle and kind.

        Ruan Tian said: “Huai Mo is a pitiful person, don’t say things like that about him or I will feel distressed.”

        “My instincts tell me that something’s not right with him.”

        Ruan Tian almost snorted. Instincts? Were those even worth a fart?

        Ruan Tian’s instincts were telling her that her ex-husband Shen Shu would one day cry and beg her for forgiveness in the future! ! !

        But was that realistic? Of course not! It was better to just quickly get some sleep then wait for something like that. 

        There was no signal on the plane, so neither Ruan Tian or Jiang Lili could see what was happening online.

        However, during their two-hour flight, the netizens had turned the sky over again! 

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