Although they felt distressed for Ruan Tian who had left her marriage with nothing, some persistent netizens really wanted to know what the 80 million yuan set of jewelry that she wore at the award ceremony was all about.

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        These netizens were like a group of modern-day Sherlock Holmes’ and followed various clues.

        As they were all groping around blindly, someone finally found a lead. 

        The buyer back then was someone from the Huai family.

        This family was one of the noble families with a lot of power in the capital, and the elders in the family were big figures with real power in their hands.

        And, a few years back, this 80 million yuan jewelry set had fallen into the hands of the young master of the Huai family.

        One stone stirred up waves, and in an instant several circles were in chaos.

        A hundred schools of thought emerged, and all sides were arguing over who was right.

        A certain small Internet celebrity who had recently gotten a small amount of fame and who also had some contact with the people from the Huai family jumped out and sighed:

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        “My thoughts on this topic:

        I have been thoroughly convinced by Ruan Tian…

        her skill at fishing up kaiju…

        it’s unparalleled!!”


        The Huai family could be regarded as part of the capital’s old aristocracy, however, they hardly ever showed up in the news in print or online, much less so than one might expect considering their influence. 

        Occasionally posts speculating about the background of the Huai family would crop up and then be mysteriously deleted.

        The netizens mostly only knew that the current power holder in the Huai family was the grandson of the Huai family’s old master, a young man who had only just grown up.

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        But it was impossible to find any pictures of him online, and even his name hadn’t been confirmed.

        【Huai Qigu, the grandson of the Old Master of the Huai family and the only successor, is currently studying medicine at Capital University. I really don’t know much else, and what I do know I don’t dare to say online. 】A certain brave netizen had posted once.

        And indeed, Huai Mo’s real name was actually Huai Qigu.

        Qi was his mother’s maiden name.

        However, when his parents tore off all semblance of civility to the point that they were cursing each other to die, the two families had an irrevocable falling out, and Huai Mo changed his name.

        “That Ruan Tian actually has a connection to the Huai family’s young master too? She can actually cast gu, right?” (tl note: gu is basically like witchcraft with bugs. This netizen is implying the Ruan Tian can cast spells on men basically)

       “Please don’t jump to conclusions and label her as some sort of gu master just because of this. Perhaps she and the Huai family’s young master met in the past? They used to be in the same social circle, so it wouldn’t be strange for them to know each other.”

        “But you don’t give 80 million yuan worth of jewelry to someone you just know, right?”

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        “If that’s the case, I want to know him too.”

        “It seems Ruan Tian’s life is still pretty good. Sure, the relationship with her cold and ruthless ex-husband fell through, but she quickly found a young and well-educated little fresh meat on the rebound. Such a winner in life.”

        “I want to see a photo of the Huai family’s young master.” 

        The netizens scoured all over the place looking for photos of Huai Mo, but none were found.

        And, due to the influence of the name “Huai”, no one dared to dig too deeply.

        As for Ruan Tian, she got off her plane peacefully without even realizing she was on the hot search again. 

        Jiang Lili didn’t bother to check her phone, so she didn’t know either. The two of them just calmly waited for their luggage, picked it up, walked outside, and then bid farewell to the fans who had followed them on the plane before getting into the car sent by the crew. 

        The fans reluctantly said goodbye as well, but the moment the car door was closing, Ruan Tian happened to hear a female fan shout: “Sister Tian, you’re finally on the hot search again after a whole month!”

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        Ruan Tian was stunned. She turned to look at Jiang Lili and asked blankly, “Have I done anything to be on the hot search recently?”

        Jiang Lili shook her head uncertainly, “Nope!”

        Then she took out her phone to quickly check Weibo.

        Looking at it, she instantly saw that #RuanTianWinnerInLife# was currently trending to the top of the hot search. 

        Jiang Lili briefly looked through and found that the most popular post was actually a long-form analysis post that summarized all of the men who had appeared in Ruan Tian’s life, including the men with only uncertain rumors.

        @EntertainmentCircle: Recently, some netizens discovered that Ruan Tian seems to have found a new relationship. Now, not long after the two of them met, the other party has already given her a set of jewelry worth 80 million yuan. It can be said that this man is extremely generous. Of course, a female goddess and a male god are very well matched. I wonder when we’ll be able to hear their good news?

        Jiang Lili looked at the post blankly. Somehow she understood each individual word in the post, but when she put them all together she couldn’t quite grasp what it meant. 

        Jiang Lili repeatedly looked at the posted photos of Ruan Tian at the award ceremony, where a helpful netizen had specifically cut out images of the ring and necklace she had been wearing, and confirmed the photos were real. At the same time, she confirmed that there wasn’t an extra zero there, it was really 80 million, not 80 thousand, and took two deep breaths.

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