Of the final few scenes that needed to be filmed, the one Ruan Tian was working on currently was a lovemaking scene between her and Shao Chengyue’s characters.

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        Plus, the scene called for slightly rough play!

        So exciting. 

        Her hands were shaking.

        Ruan Tian almost couldn’t hold in her smiles.

        The director cleared the set ahead of time out of fear that if all of the crew were around then the two of them might be too embarrassed to produce that pure and lustful feeling he wanted for the scene.

        Thus, there were not many people left on set. 

        Only the director’s camera crew stayed, while everyone else had been shooed away.

        The story for the scene was that Ruan Tian’s character was poisoned and, while her mind was muddled and hazy, she ended up rolling in the sheets with the male lead. 

        Ruan Tian needed to spend a lot of time for her makeup and hair to be reworked, and for her clothes to be changed.

        As always, her costume was stunning.

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        For this scene, she wore a light and elegant red dress and a patterned belt that wrapped around her waist. The dress was form-fitting and had a slight v-cut, so it exposed her collarbones and her graceful curves.

        She also had bells on her ankles that jingled every time she lifted her feet. 

        The makeup artist also helped her put on the most exquisite makeup that she had worn so far. Her porcelain-white skin was dusted with a layer of fine powder, a slight pale pink blush was applied to her cheeks, her brows were left clear with the center dotted by small flowers, and there was red rouge on her lips.

        “Teacher Ruan, you’re as beautiful as if you had just stepped out of a painting.”

        When it was all done, Ruan Tian looked in the mirror to see herself, and she couldn’t help but daze off for a moment, it was really too beautiful.

        She blushed a little and murmured, “It seems to look pretty good.”

        Of course, the director was already urging her to hurry up, so Ruan Tian couldn’t slack for long and quickly walked out of the dressing room.

        As she stepped out, the director and even the camera crew who had been left behind to film all stopped working and looked over dazedly.

        The director took the lead in regaining his senses, and let out two fake coughs before saying, “Alright, you two pair up now and go over your lines one final time. We’re about to start filming.”

        Even Shao Chengyue was taken aback for a moment when Ruan Tian stepped out of the dressing room. He silently moved his eyes away, but his adam’s apple bobbed up and down twice as he tried to swallow down a strange burning feeling in his heart. 

        The way Ruan Tian looked today wasn’t just beautiful, it was breathtaking.

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        Ruan Tian slowly walked over to Shao Chengyue and, in a voice that was a bit lower than usual, she said, “Let’s practice our lines first.”

        ****. In her heart, she swore.

        She suddenly remembered that her character only had one line in this scene.

        On top of that, it was the kind of line that wasn’t really suitable for print. 

        Ruan Tian rubbed her hands together eagerly. In truth, she was actually looking forward to it a little bit.

        Shao Chengyue dragged another chair for her casually, coughed, and then began to practice the lines.

        “Why do you hang around among men all day? Don’t forget, you are a woman!”

        “You’ve already expelled me from the sect, so who are you to meddle in my affairs?”

        “Who am I? Tonight, I will let you know who I am!”

        After those words fell, he directly picked her up and tossed her onto the bed. A moment later, the red bed hangings slowly drifted down… 

        With that, all the lines were complete.

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        Ruan Tian felt her face turn so hot it was almost burning.

        Meanwhile, Shao Chengyue, who was sitting opposite her, did not seem to have any change in his complexion. He was calm and composed.

        Ruan Tian secretly admired him.

        This was what a real actor looked like!

        Perhaps he saw Ruan Tian’s ‘anxiety’ because before they began filming Shao Chengyue patted her on the shoulder in a comforting manner and said a few words. His voice had a strangely soothing effect, “Don’t be nervous.”

        Ruan Tian wanted to shout loudly: I’m not nervous, I’m just too excited.

        Wuwuwu, who wouldn’t love a strong young body!

        The director called action.

        Ruan Tian quickly immersed herself in her role. She heard Shao Chengyue say his line, and she instantly retorted harshly with eyes full of sarcasm.

        Immediately after that, she felt strong hands encircling her waist and she was tossed onto the bed without much force, at the same time, he used his hands to break her fall. Thus, before she could even react, she had already steadily landed among the quilts.  

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        The man quickly followed behind her and his thin fingers clasped her wrist firmly. His usual warm and sunny image disappeared, and his eyes were sharp and filled with a hint of madness. He leaned down and said the next line in her ear, “The people who join my sect are mine for life.” 

        In this cramped space, the girl’s eyes flashed, seemingly torn between her old sentiments and ruthlessness.

        Her portrayal of the character’s emotional reaction was perfect.

        The director called cut.

        “Alright, we don’t need to do another take, this take was very good.”

        After filming with her for a while, the director actually felt that Ruan Tian’s performance was remarkable. She was a good seedling, and he felt there was a chance she would get really famous.

        His ‘Destined Immortals’ may even become the wind that would push her to higher places.

        Ruan Tian breathed a sigh of relief. She was happy that she wouldn’t have to do another take. 

        She had discovered that bed scenes were even more taxing than fight scenes.

        After that, Ruan Tian only had one last major scene to film for ‘Destined Immortals’. It was the scene in which she was deeply wounded by the male lead and was infused with the extreme grief and anger that drove her character.

        The director told her to go back to rest and prepare to film the scene tomorrow.

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