After she got off set, Jiang Lili drove her back to the hotel. As she was driving, she asked curiously: “Hurry up and tell me, how did it feel?”

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        Ruan Tian played dumb, “How did what feel?”

        Jiang Lili snorted, “Don’t give me that. Why are you pretending to be a fool? Was it very fun to make such a scene with Shao Chengyue?”

        Ruan Tian smirked and recalled excitedly, “He’s very strong, so it felt very safe. On top of that, he’s very considerate and even protected my waist. In short, it was… passable.”

        Jiang Lili was quite envious, “Since the older sister can do it, the younger sister should be able to too.” She winked with a laugh. Then she asked, “Then, which one do you think is better, Shao Chengyue or Shen Shu?”

        Ruan Tian looked at her friend sidelong, and her eyes seemed to have the words “’Jiang Lili, you must be crazy’ written inside.

        “For me, there’s no difference between Shen Shu and a tombstone.” Ruan Tian snorted. Then she rested her chin in her hands as if she were pondering, and after a moment she murmured: “Well, although Shen Shu isn’t very good as a human, his body is okay.”

        In truth, she couldn’t really remember the details.

        But she did have some vague memories.

        Although Shen Shu looked very refined and polite on the outside…

        Deep down in his bones, he was actually very fierce.

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        The type to just strongly vent his emotions…

        Without caring whether it hurt for her or not.

        Jiang Lili gave a long ‘eek’, and then said: “Well, it seems that Shen Shu has at least that one good point.”


        Ruan Tian’s final scene was shot the next day, and it required her to cry emotionally.

        In the end, she had to cry again and again many times until the director was finally satisfied.

        By the time they were done, her eyes were red and bloodshot.

        After the filming was done, the director sent his team to give Ruan Tian a large bouquet of roses, and all of the cast and crew gathered to take a group photo and eat some sweets prepared by the crew.

        Ruan Tian was already used to these sorts of parting ceremonies so after exchanging the requisite pleasantries she stopped paying much attention. Midway through she raised her head to look up at the stars in the sky above.

        The stars up there were no different from how they had been a few years ago.

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        The only difference was her. Back then she was just a small stand-in actress who had to post her resumes everywhere to land a role, but now she was the female lead.

        She held the bouquet of roses to her chest and looked up, smiling at the stars above.

        Jiang Lili saw this and quickly snapped a stunning photo. Then she went to post it on Weibo to commemorate the moment:

        @LiliOnTheGrass: Our dream-chasing Xiao Ruan had finally found her star 【picture】.

        Jiang Lili’s account didn’t have many followers, only a few thousands, and most of them were actually bought by her.

        However, there were a few dozen of Ruan Tian’s true fans who were following her because she was Ruan Tian’s agent. Seeing this picture, they began to chime in.

        “Sister Tian is so beautiful.”

        “Such a fragile beauty. Why is she just looking up at the stars? Does she feel lonely?”

        “Tell Sister Tian, we will always be here for her.”

        But, after posting the picture, Jiang Lili had put her phone away and sat down on the mountain to look up the stars as well, so the netizen’s words fell on deaf ears.

        The next day they booked tickets and got on a flight back to the capital. 

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        When she got home, Ruan Tian found that her father had sent an assistant over to guard at her door. Thus, as soon as she returned from the airport, the assistant quickly came over to deliver his message. He said politely, “Mr. Zhou wanted to remind you that tonight is Old Master Shen’s birthday party, so please make sure to attend.”

        Ruan Tian, who was dragging her suitcase behind her, paused and then reminded shortly, “Shen Shu and I are divorced.” 

        The assistant seemed ready for this and wasn’t embarrassed at all. He replied, “This time it’s a gathering between the several large families.” 

        The subtext of those words being: This is an important gathering that has nothing to do with the relationship between her and Shen Shu. 

        And, as a daughter of the Zhou family, she had to go too.

        Ruan Tian had met the Old Master of the Shen family twice, once shortly after the day she had been brought back to the Zhou family, and once on the day she married Shen Shu.

        “Miss Ruan, Mr. Zhou seldom orders you to do anything. You should understand his temper.”

        In fact, Ruan Tian really didn’t understand his temper.

        That supposed father of hers was always drunk on his career, and he rarely showed up at home.

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        What she knew about him was that he had the natural temperament of a superior, and when he gave orders it was difficult to refuse. 

        “I’m not going.”

        “Old Master Shen is running out of time, and he wants to see you.” It seemed that the assistant had expected Ruan Tian to refuse, so he wasn’t discouraged and replied like this.

        In Ruan Tian’s memory, Old Master Shen was a good person.

        He had given her sweets back then and had even told his grandson to treat her better.

        Thus, hearing the assistant say he was ‘running out of time’ and that he wanted to see her, Ruan Tian felt a little uncomfortable.

        Ruan Tian pondered for a while, but eventually still replied clearly: “I won’t go.”

        Despite the small feeling of discomfort in her heart, Ruan Tian still didn’t plan to go.

        But later that afternoon, Old Master Shen called her personally. He said that he hadn’t seen her in quite a long time and asked her to come tonight.

        Ruan Tian was still able to clearly reject when it was her father’s assistant, but she couldn’t find it in her heart to reject the old man directly. 

        Thus, that evening, she made her way over to the old Shen family residence at the appointed time.

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