Not long after Old Master Shen’s birthday, the movie ‘Obscurity’ finally announced its official release date would be on June 31st, right at the beginning of the film industry’s summer season. 

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        ‘Obscurity’ would also be screened in advance in a few major cities.

        So, after taking a break for a while, Ruan Tian, at last, had something to do again. Since the movie was being released, she needed to go out and run promotions with the crew.

        Of course, Director Cheng Suian’s appeal actually far exceeded that of some second-tier actors, so how necessary the promotions were was up to debate.

        All the tickets released in advance sold out in short order.

        Furthermore, in order to promote the campaign even further, the film crew announced pre-screening for members of the industry media.

        All major movie critics were invited to a special screening to watch the movie in advance.

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        Ruan Tian, ​​one of the leading actors, still hadn’t seen a movie yet, but the film critics had already been given the opportunity to watch the entire film and start on their reviews.

        After the pre-screening event was over, the critics were all allowed to release some pertinent comments without spoilers.

        @GuaGuaWatchingMovies: I just watched ‘Obscurity’, this movie is definitely going to be a hit. What surprised me the most was the performance of the second female lead, who has given an exemplary interpretation of the word despair.

        @SeniorMartialMovieWatcher: Three words after watching: Will be huge.

        @LittleSisterJiangJiang: Li Dong’s performance really showed off her strength as an actress, Qin An is quite satisfactory, and Ruan Tian’s acting skills seemed to explode.

        @XiaoPing’sTongueIsn’tPoisonous: ‘Obscurity’ visually is the best movie of the year. The plot is good, the actors are good, especially the second female lead. It’s so good that I cried until my contact lenses fell out. There’s also a certain not-very-famous actress who clearly has a bright future. (This really isn’t paid promotion, I swear) 

        The movie hadn’t even been released yet, but the praise from the critics was already so exaggerated.

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        However, even if a film was well received by critics, the word-of-mouth aspect was still very important. 

        After all, audiences these days were already accustomed to being deceived by paid promotions and had difficulty believing in the reviews made by film critics. They all felt that these critics were probably tainted by money, and were being paid to overpraise something mediocre.

        Thus, they wouldn’t believe a word before they walked into the cinema and saw for themselves. 


        On the day of the premiere of ‘Obscurity’, for the first time ever Ruan Tian had a fan club that prepared in advance to welcome and cheer for her on the day.

        Ruan Tian was silently sitting in the car and looking up at a large series of banners featuring her own name that had been set up outside the venue, feeling secretly surprised. When she realized what was going on, she leaned forward against the window and carefully tried to read the words on a few of the banners:

         “TianBaby, this world is so noisy, let me take you away to escape to another world.”

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        “Just knowing that you exist somewhere in this world makes the whole world feel a bit more gentle.”

        “TianBaby, no candy in this world is as sweet as you.”

        “Follow me home, I will protect you.”

        Ruan Tian secretly took out her phone to snap some pictures of the unfurled banners and pennants and saved them into an album as a memento.

        At the same time, she realized that the car was about to take her past this area so, after pondering for a moment, she rolled down the window and then smiled and waved out at her hard-working fans. She called out, “Thank you all.”

        Immediately, her ears were flooded with crazy screams of excitement.

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        “Ahhhhh, Sister Tian smiled at me.”

        “Even if I die now I will have no regrets! I will support Sister Tian forever in the future!”

        “Come on, baby!!! We’ve been waiting for you forever.”

        Back when Ruan Tian had still just been a small actress who could only get jobs as a stand-in or an extra, she had often felt envious of those big stars who had large fan clubs that would come out to show support. She still remembered there had been one time when fan club of a certain huge star had come to the set and provided the whole crew with cups of Starbucks that were worth more than 30 yuan apiece.

        It had been the height of summer, so after she had gotten her cup she had gone to hide in the shade with some other small actors. While slurping her straw and enjoying the cool drink she had said: “I also want to have good fans like this in future.” 

        One of her colleagues had laughed and said: “Dreaming is also good, everyone should have hope.”

        Ruan Tian continued to slurp on her straw for a moment before saying seriously: “I’m not dreaming.”

        Rather, she was just chasing her dreams.

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