Shortly before the premiere began, Ruan Tian happened to run into Qin An backstage. He was surrounded by a large group of staff members and it seemed that he had just finished another interview.

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        Qin An still felt a little reluctant whenever he faced Ruan Tian, ​​but eventually he leisurely walked over and asked, “Why are you only here at this time?”

        He had played many big roles before, so he knew that actors and actresses like them were expected to arrive very early to events like this and he was already used to it. 

        But this Ruan Tian, did she get stuck in traffic or something! ?

        Ruan Tian replied doubtfully, “Am I late?”

        Qin An curled his lips, “No.”

        But then he continued in a confident tone, “But don’t know you know you should have come earlier? Even my uncle is already here!”

        Ruan Tian didn’t understand why was Qin An acting so indignant…

        So she just ignored him.

        Instead of paying him any more attention, she just went to sit in front of her makeup mirror to wait for the makeup artist to apply her makeup.

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        Qin An had already finished everything he needed to do before the premiere began so he was currently idle. He went over and circled around Ruan Tian a few times, seemingly wanting to start a conversation. At first, he wanted to ask her how things were going between her and Shen Shu, but after some thought, he felt that maybe it would be better to ask her what was going on between her and his brother. 

        However, whenever he was about to voice a question, Qin An would feel it was a bit inappropriate for him to ask so he ended up swallowing them back down. 

        Qin An was feeling a bit irritable. In fact, when he thought about it, it seemed that he had been feeling irritable ever since he finished filming this movie with Ruan Tian.

        And now, on the day of the premiere, for some reason there was a strange sense of reluctance that had risen up in his heart.

        Meanwhile, Ruan Tian was feeling very awkward to have this man walking around behind her. She really wanted to ask if Qin An had taken the wrong medicine today or what! ! !

        Finally, she kindly suggested, “Little Master Qin, maybe you should sit down and rest first?”

        Qin An snorted proudly, dragged a chair to her side, and then sat down in it. His eyes bored into the girl in the mirror, and for a moment he lost his thoughts and was stunned by her beauty. But he quickly recovered and then felt inexplicably annoyed. 

        He said: “Ruan Tian, ​​don’t try to seduce my brother.”

        Hearing this random statement, Ruan Tian couldn’t help but wonder what exactly went on inside Qin An’s mind…

        Seeing that Ruan Tian didn’t immediately answer, Qin An thought that he had poked a sore spot. He crossed his legs and continued, “My brother would only be interested in a lady, not a wild girl like you.” 

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        Qin An recalled that recently he had seen a lot of netizens inventing ‘scandals’ between his brother and Ruan Tian, which was very strange. 

        But looking at it from another angle, if the rumors were real, wouldn’t that mean that ****ing Ruan Tian would be his sister-in-law? ! !

        What the hell?

        Thus, in order to curb this unhealthy trend, Qin An felt that he must act quickly to eliminate this problem from the roots.

        At the same time, Qin An felt that he was actually doing a good deed. He no longer hated Ruan Tian, ​​and he even sometimes sympathized with her a little bit. After all, her life had been so pitiful that he really wondered how she had managed to survive this far.

        And could Qin An not know his own brother’s character?

        Although his brother’s health wasn’t very good, he was a cruel man and he always acted arrogantly.

        Considering Ruan Tian’s character, if she were really to be with his brother, he could foresee that their relationship wouldn’t go well.

        However, Qin An also understood a bit about Ruan Tian, and he knew that if she were really set on something then not even a team of oxen could pull her back, much less a few words. Probably because of that, he decided to say a bit more.

        Thus, he continued: “Plus, my brother already has a girl that he has liked since he was in high school, so you really have no chance.”

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        Qin An felt like he was practically a saint this time, advising a poor lost soul to turn back while there was still time purely out of the kindness of his heart. 

        In fact, he wasn’t just basing his words on nothing.

        Ever since they were children, he had never been allowed to enter his brother’s room.

        But one time, during high school, he had gone in anyway and accidentally stumbled across something important. 

        That time, Qin An had bravely snuck into his brother’s room to steal a game console while his brother was away. However, while he was trying to find the console, he happened to find a drawer beside his brother’s bed that was full of a girl’s things.

        Just glancing through quickly, he had seen a cheap issuance card, a shabby old bracelet, a few math papers, a couple of worn post-it notes, and a faded pink cup.

        And that was the first time that Qin An knew… 

        That even someone like his brother had someone that he liked!

        Meanwhile, Ruan Tian was really not interested in listening to Qin An talk about Qin Yu’s romantic history.

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        It was all garbage! She didn’t want to listen at all!

        Her ears were burning!

        So she quickly cut in, “Qin An, there’s really nothing between your brother and I.”

        Qin An frowned, he was upset with how she seemed to be dismissively cutting him off.

        “If you don’t want to listen, then just forget it.” Qin An had been offering advice out of the kindness of his heart for the first time in his life but was so ruthlessly dismissed, so he felt very unhappy. 

        Seeing that he had said so much, Ruan Tian kindly handed him a glass of water and said, “Here, moisten your throat.”

        Qin An grunted coldly, and then- 

        “Wait, Ruan Tian, are you trying to please me now?!”

        “I’m telling you, are you trying to make me accept you as my sister-in-law?”

        “Dream on!!!”

        Ruan Tian was speechless. All she could think was: **** you, shameless author.

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