Thanks to an explosion of word-of-mouth popularity, the press conference and actor meet-and-greet for the premiere of ‘Obscurity’ gathered a lot of attention. Plus, thanks to Director Cheng’s many contacts, many big stars were also invited to help out, so the event was huge.

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        After all, many of these actors and actresses were big names that had been retired for several years who only came out of retirement as a favor to Director Cheng.

        Around half an hour before the premiere, a staff member in the theater posted a commemorative Weibo: “I just got a small bit of news. It seems that today’s premiere of ‘Obscurity’ will be attended by the big bosses of the two largest investment groups that backed the film. I was just inside the VIP lounge and I happened to see them there.”

        The two biggest investment groups behind the movie ‘Obscurity’ were Huanshi Entertainment and Qin Pictures.

        It was partly because of this that so many ‘backstage dealing’ conspiracies were created after Ruan Tian was selected for the role as the second female lead and also why she was scolded so much by the netizens.

        The news that Shen Shu would also be attending the premiere was like a shot of chicken blood for all those ShenxTian fans. 

        One by one they popped back up, seemingly full of new energy.

        “Unexpectedly, I can still see a chance for these two people in my lifetime.”

        “Ah, a couple that has loved deeply, and a couple has hated deeply.”

        “This might be the moment that the broken mirror is finally be fixed and made whole, or perhaps the moment where they realize that they can only choose to let go. Whatever, either way, I will ship them.”

        However, for many of Ruan Tian’s fans, Shen Shu’s name was already their reverse scale, so seeing it pop up again had them full of anger.

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        They had no good feelings for this cold CEO.

        “How does Shen Shu, this dog who allowed his ex-wife to leave the house with absolutely nothing, have the face to appear in front of Sister Tian again and again.”

        “He really pisses me off.”

        “Hopefully, after this time, Sister Tian will never interact with him again.”

        Jiang Lili was Ruan Tian’s agent, but even she had been blindsided by this news. Only when she saw the netizens online making a commotion about it did she find out that Shen Shu was also at the premiere.

        She looked at her phone with dark eyes, and she ground her teeth unhappily.

        After all, even though Ruan Tian had asked her last time to make sure that she wouldn’t have to see Shen Shu anymore, Jiang Lili had really found out the news too late. Because of that, her hands were tied and she couldn’t help her friend avoid Shen Shu this time. 

        Jiang Lili eventually went to Ruan Tian and explained what had happened bitterly. 

        As she listened, that same familiar word appeared in Ruan Tian’s heart:


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        Jiang Lili comforted her: “He should only be sitting in the guest seats below the stage, he won’t be part of the program.”

        Ruan Tian replied in a dull tone, “Alright, I got it.”

        Bleh. She could only put up with it.

        For the start of the premiere, the main creator, the director, and all the actors were invited to the stage.

        Ruan Tian looked around and spotted Shen Shu in the first row of guest seats. He was wearing a black suit. His expression was calm, and his eyes seemed indifferent as usual. 

        Meanwhile, Shen Shu had been resting his hands on his legs, but they unconsciously clenched into fists. Back on his grandfather’s birthday, after he had heard Ruan Tian personally say that their marriage was a mistake, he had fallen ill.

        While he was sick, he had the illusion that there had been someone by his side.

        Whenever he looked up, he seemed to be able to see a young girl sitting on the bed reading an English book to him.

        But then he would blink, and there would be no one around. 

        In a daze, Shen Shu had gone to find the maid and asked her, what did Ruan Tian used to like to eat at home?

        But the maid had only looked at him like she was looking at a fool before telling him that the Madam had never lived in the house.

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        They had separated soon after they got married.

        Ruan Tian had left his world very early.

        Resolutely, unrelentingly, unhesitatingly, she had withdrawn from his world.

        Meanwhile up on stage, Ruan Tian’s gaze didn’t linger, and she coldly moved her eyes away.

        But, unluckily, she happened to meet Qin Yu’s smiling eyes.

        Her face turned even more frosty.

        Indeed, misfortune never came alone!

        It seemed that two Plague Gods had descended together today.

        A reporter from the audience suddenly asked: “Director Cheng, I wanted to ask, how was it decided to let Ruan Tian play this role?”

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        Director Cheng paused, and then said: “Because she performed very well during the audition. Her performance was amazing, and I felt that no one else was more suitable for the role than her. And I feel that it turned out I was right, she completed her work very well and didn’t let the audience down. I really admire her, and I hope that I will have the opportunity to work with her again in the future.”

        For Director Cheng to say this, his words had a certain sort of weight, and it caused the listeners to perk up.

        After all, all of his movies had been very good.

        However, no actor or actress had been able to star in his movies twice in a row so far, so this could be a big piece of news.

        After that, the reporter’s questions mostly revolved around the starring actors that played the male and female leads.

        Only when the premiere was about to end did someone finally toss Ruan Tian a question, “Ms. Ruan Tian, did you encounter any problems while filming this movie?”

        Ruan Tian smiled and replied, “In fact, it was okay.”

        The reporter suddenly didn’t know how to continue this line of questioning!

        At the end of the question session, all the big name guests left the venue one after another.

        Meanwhile, the lounge backstage had been surrounded by two rows of bodyguards in black suits.

        The atmosphere inside had become unusual.

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