Backstage, Qin Yu was lazily sprawled in the same seat that Ruan Tian had been sitting before, and his fingers were leisurely toying with her bag. As for Shen Shu, once the premiere had ended he had directly left.

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        Ruan Tian just pretended that there wasn’t anyone there. She picked up her bag and turned to leave. 

        However, while she was inside one of the bodyguards outside had firmly occupied the doorframe, so she couldn’t easily get by.

        Qin Yu smiled at her, “Teacher Ruan Tian, ​​you aren’t even going to greet me?”

        Ruan Tian’s mouth snapped shut like a gourd.

        What was this psycho up to this time? ! Whatever it was, she wanted no part of it.

        In fact, Ruan Tian had been using this move to deal with Qin Yu ever since high school. When she was really mad at him, she would just run away whenever she saw him, and if she couldn’t run away she would just shut up and refuse to say a word to him.

        But Qin Yu’s mouth was very cheap, so he quickly had quickly come up with response for whenever she used this move.

        Thus, whenever she closed her mouth and ignored him, he would always just call her ‘little mute’.

        Ruan Tian looked down at her toes and considered this situation. Her mind turned rapidly, and all sorts of thoughts flashed by.

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        Suddenly, it was as if there was a flash of light in her mind.

        Qin Yu, this person, had never appeared in front of her on his own initiative even once during the two years while she and Shen Shu were married.

        However, ever since the day of their divorce, he had suddenly started appearing around her with terrible frequency.

        Ruan Tian suddenly had a certain idea. She raised her head and opened her mouth.

        Qin Yu raised an eyebrow and immediately seemed pleased. “You don’t want to act like a little mute today?”

        Ruan Tian replied nonchalantly, “Did you see where Shen Shu went?”

        The temperature in Qin Yu’s eyes dropped a degree at a time, and a strange hysteria seemed to surface in the depths.

        His smile gradually disappeared, and he sneered, “Are you still going to see him?”

        Ruan Tian said, “Yes, I’m going to talk to him about remarriage.” 

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        As soon as her voice fell…

        Ruan Tian felt his relaxed aura disappear in an instant, replaced by something suffocating and full of rage.

        Qin Yu stared at her silently without saying a word. The gleam in his eyes made him look like a madman suddenly struggling to hold back his emotions.

        Qin Yu’s whole aura became extremely tense. A hoarse growl seemed to be brewing from the depths of his throat. His cold and pale face turned another shade whiter, and his dark eyes burned fiercely as they stared at her.


        Even until a few days later, Ruan Tian was still seeing that fierce expression in her dreams.

        In the end, she went and told Jiang Lili about what happened.

        Jiang Lili flatly responded that it was clear that Qin Yu just liked her.

        Ruan Tian’s mind was full of question marks. Was there really someone in this world that was so distorted?

        He loved her so he bullied her?

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        She was reminded of those domineering CEO novels she had read before.

        The one with the characters that would say: Although I’ll dig out your kidneys, dig out your heart, and beat up your baby, I actually love you!

        Ruan Tian was shocked.

        The shock level she felt now was about the same as the time when she had read that novel where the evil secondary female lead had dug out the female lead’s kidney and put it into her belly and used it to pretend to be pregnant.

        Ruan Tian didn’t believe that Qin Yu liked her. Probably, Qin Yu just didn’t want to deal with her, and it had nothing to do with love.

        In the end, she spent a few days at home in a bad mood and getting restless sleep. Usually, when she was in a bad mood she would do chores at home, so she ended up cleaning up her whole apartment and finding the trinkets from high school that Shen Shu had returned, which only brought another wave of unhappiness.

        As this was going on, at 11 o’clock in the morning on June 31st, the first group of audience members to see ‘Obscurity’ all walked out of the cinema.

        On a certain website, the movie received a high score of nine out of ten points.

        This was almost the highest score that any Chinese-language movie in the past ten years had gotten.

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        At the same time, the premiere was breaking records! By the time the morning was over, if you included pre-sales, the film had already broken 100 million yuan at the box office.

        The film reviewers were raving.

        “The lead roles were well chosen, and the supporting role was chosen even better. The despair of the girl played by Ruan Tian and her final act of decisiveness all surprised me.”

        “The story is good, the actors are chosen well, and the acting is good! When Ruan Tian was crying… I-I also cried, and it felt like my heart was being squeezed.”

        “It’s really hard to imagine. Just a few months ago, I was also one of the people slandering Ruan Tian and accusing her of only landing the role because of her backstage connections.”

        “When heard the news from the premiere that Ruan Tian had acted so well, I didn’t believe it at all. But now that I saw the movie for myself today, I’ve realized that my barren vocabulary can’t even encompass one ten-thousandth of the acting skill she displayed. So I’ll just say that it’s really good.”

        Before the morning was over four or five hot searches revolving around the movie all shot to the top of the chart.

        At the same time, there were endless discussions about the film, and more and more people were beginning to pay attention to the issue of human trafficking.

        And like this, Ruan Tian jumped up from just being an actress that was slightly famous among her own fan circle to being a real star that had formally stepped into the public eye.

        On Ruan Tian’s Weibo, after three years in the industry and nothing but small ups and downs to show for it, the followers suddenly soared by over 600,000 in just one morning. 

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