Of course, for the fans who followed the entertainment industry, there were no perfect stars. 

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        However, thanks to her recent exemplary work, Ruan Tian had at least won a certain degree of goodwill among the public.

        Very soon countless media outlets came to offer olive branches and request interviews, and several of the season’s popular variety shows also tried to invite her to come on their shows.

        On top of that, Ruan Tian’s phone suddenly exploded with hundreds of people trying to friend her on WeChat, and many of them were people from the industry.

        At first, Ruan Tian’s newfound fame had no sense of reality for her, but when she looked at the number of comments and notifications on her Weibo she began to have a clear sense that she had really finally managed to break out and had officially become one of those lucky stars who exploded from one big break.

        Thanks to her newfound popularity, many more scripts landed in front of Ruan Tian. However, most of them were still questionable scripts with titles like ‘The Cold Prince’s Second Wife’, ‘The Second Wife of President Gao Leng’ or ‘My Wife Is My Sweetheart’.

        Ruan Tian glanced over the opening paragraphs these scripts, and as she read her arms broke out in goosebumps.

        【The prince said coldly: “You are not worthy to give birth to this prince’s child!” The princess burst into tears: “No, please, at least let the child off.”】

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        【Three years ago, the CEO mercilessly sent her to prison as a scapegoat for his beloved woman. But then after she was released from prison, he came back and said: “Sleep with me until I am satisfied, and I will let you go.”】

        O! M! G!

        Ruan Tian felt as if her three views had taken a blow.

        These CEOs and princes didn’t seem to be very smart, ah.

        Jiang Lili also felt very helpless. It was undeniable that the scripts that had been coming to them recently weren’t very high quality, but there was nothing she could do about it. She could only wait and try to find a good script.

        However, even if there was no good script on hand, it wasn’t like they could just do nothing, right?

        Thus, Jiang Lili decided to mention some of the variety shows that had been throwing olive branches Ruan Tian’s way recently: “There are two cooking variety shows, one that features an acting competition, and one with a quiz-type competition. Shall we choose one?”

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        Ruan Tian spoke from the bottom of her heart: “I don’t want to cook anymore.”

        Jiang Lili was leaning toward the show with the acting competition, because she felt that a show like this would be more likely to become a hot topic and attract big names from the circle. She told Ruan Tian her thoughts and then looked at her questioningly.

        Ruan Tian thought about it for a while before saying, “Eh, I’m not interested in this kind of thing.”

        After all, wouldn’t it end up embarrassing for everyone involved if she ended up acting better than the actors sitting on the judges’ bench could?

        “So, does that mean you want to do the quiz show? Or do you not want to do anything at all? Don’t you have any ambition in your heart!?” Jiang Lili almost roared.

        Ruan Tian shook her head, “I never even passed math, so what would I go to that kind of show for!? In order to be humiliated?”

        She was completely uninterested. She had already been humiliated enough because of her schoolwork, okay?

        Jiang Lili asked again: “Then do you want to rest at home? Just not do anything?”

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        But Ruan Tian had already made a different decision, “I’m going to participate in an escape room show. It’s the same director that I worked with last time on ‘Star Transformations’. Back then he even tried to give me a five-figure red envelope, but I didn’t dare to take it wuwuwu…”

        Jiang Lili: “…” 

        She sighed.

        Okay, we can just do whatever makes her happy then.


        When Zhou Xiaoqiao saw the news that Ruan Tian seemed to be blowing up in the entertainment industry, she couldn’t eat or sleep well, and in just a few days she lost a lot of weight.

        She wanted to enter the entertainment industry as well, but she knew that her parents would never approve.

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        And Zhou Xiaoqiao couldn’t do things that her parents didn’t approve of. After all, she had always been playing the part of their “perfect little girl”. 

        Thus, Zhou Xiaoqiao could only post a few photos of herself online from time to time and occasionally host a live broadcast that didn’t show her face. 

        But recently she had gone outside in order to take more photos, and she had ended up smashing her foot so badly that her ankle had swelled up to the point that she couldn’t go out again for a week.

        Thus, when Shen Shu showed up at the Zhou residence, Zhou Xiaoqiao thought he was visiting because he was worried about her.

        She was laying on her bed and she smiled up at him gently, “Big Brother Shen Shu, you don’t have to worry, I’m okay.”

        However, Shen Shu actually hadn’t known about her injury before he had come.

        He looked at the gentle-looking girl in front of him. She was the same little girl that he had been looking after and caring for since they were both children. 

        She looked delicate and vulnerable, but was that really the case?

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