Looking down at the girl laying in the bed, Shen Shu asked faintly: “What happened to your leg?”

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        Zhou Xiaoqiao’s eyes turned red, “It’s all my fault, I was just too careless. I rushed out to chase after TianTian but I took a misstep on the stairs by the door and didn’t manage to catch myself. So now it’s like this.”

        Zhou Xiaoqiao would never directly take the initiative to harm or accuse Ruan Tian of anything, but ‘coincidentally’ she would always be able to twist her words a bit until things were pushed off on Ruan Tian in a logical-seeming way. 

        Shen Shu frowned, and his face turned slightly cold.

        He knew that Zhou Xiaoqiao was lying.

        After all, Shen Shu had been watching Ruan Tian closely in the past few months. Because of that, he knew that the two sisters had never met.

        Zhou Xiaoqiao felt a bit uncomfortable under Shen Shu’s unreadable gaze, but she remained calm and asked: “Big Brother Shen Shu is something wrong?”

        Shen Shu looked at her with eyes full of meaning. He had always thought that Zhou Xiaoqiao was a weak and delicate flower that needed care and protection. She had always been beautiful, generous, sensible, knowledgeable, and gentle. And, indeed, she seemed to perfectly meet his requirements for the woman in his life.

        But these days, Shen Shu had discovered that Zhou Xiaoqiao was not as delicate as he had thought.

        She also had her own way of scheming.

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        “It’s nothing.” Shen Shu rubbed the Buddhist beads on his wrist in a careless manner, and then asked: “Do you remember back in our third year of high school? Where did you find me back then?”

        Zhou Xiaoqiao’s heartstrings tightened, but she managed to reply in a normal tone, “Halfway up the mountain.”

        Shen Shu made a ‘hmm’ sound, and didn’t seem to doubt the authenticity of her words.

        Zhou Xiaoqiao squeezed his hand tightly and her eyes reddened as she said, “I was really scared that time, I almost thought I wouldn’t be able to find you.”

        Shen Shu replied faintly, “Rest well, I’ll go for now. “

        He could see that Zhou Xiaoqiao had lied again.

        Shen Shu felt very disappointed.


        After Ruan Tian found the director and signed the contract, they ended up chatting for a bit and went to have drink together.

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        The director told her that there were no hard feelings and that he had only treated her a bit roughly back then because that was the kind of show ‘Star Transformations’ was, and he even added that even back then he had seen her potential to become famous!

        They carried on like that for a while, and Ruan Tian ended up drinking a little too much.

        Thus, a bit drunk, she stumbled out to the street to find a taxi. But when she stepped outside, there seemed to be a ghost in front of her. For some reason, she could actually blurrily see two ghostly Shen Shus standing there!

        The cold wind blew across her face, and she began to sober up a little bit.

        Because of that Ruan Tian managed to realize…

        ****, it wasn’t just her illusion!

        Shen Shu seemed to really be standing over there, about three meters away. What was more, he also noticed her and seemed a bit shocked to see her. 

        This distance between them somehow caused Ruan Tian to reminisce about the past.

        She hiccuped drunkenly, and before Shen Shu could say anything, she said: “Eh, Shen Shu, do you remember that time when I was being bullied by a thug?”

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        Shen Shu froze in place.

        Ruan Tian gestured to the distance between them with her hands, “Back then, you were also probably about this far away from me.”

        Shen Shu’s fingers tightened on the doorframe of his car, as if for support, and his whole body seemed to lose strength.

        “Back then, you just smiled, said four words, and then left.”

        They had been four words that made so much sense that Ruan Tian couldn’t even think to refute – ‘It’s not my business.’ 

        Ruan Tian had just drunk some wine so her temper was a bit softer than usual. If she had been a bit soberer and this topic had been raised, she probably would have acted like a man and beaten Shen Shu black and blue before sending him packing.

        When Shen Shu responded, his voice was hoarse and so soft that it could barely be discerned, “Stop talking.” 

        Don’t say it.

        Don’t remind him again.

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        Don’t remind him that the arrogance and prejudice that he had carried around with him back then had hurt her so deeply…

        Ruan Tian sneered, “What’s the matter? What’s wrong? You don’t dare to listen, you bastard?”

        Then she yawned, “Whatever, just forget it. I’m sleepy now, I don’t want to talk to you.”

        “I want to go sleep with one of my five boyfriends.”

        Shen Shu reached out and caught her thin wrist. His teeth were clenched and he seemed to want to say something, but after a moment he swallowed it back. 

        Ruan Tian rolled her eyes at him, “Let go of me, don’t interrupt me from going to my young fresh meats!!!”

        Shen Shu’s hand on her wrist gripped her so tightly that it hurt a bit, and his eyes turned bloodshot as he asked, “You’ve already found a new boyfriend so fast?”

        Ruan Tian’s temper started to come online: Or what? Am I supposed to save myself like I was your widow?”

        Whether she had a boyfriend or not, she would just pretend to have one for now!

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