Of course, Ruan Tian didn’t really go sleep with some fresh meat, instead, she ended up lying in bed alone trying to fight the insomnia brought on by the alcohol.

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        However, even by three o’clock in the morning, her eyes were still open and staring up at the ceiling.

        Whenever Ruan Tian was bored like this, her hands would somehow leave her control and find their way to her phone and Weibo. Obviously, she felt nothing but disgust when she thought of Zhou Xiaoqiao, but for some reason, she would always come back to take another look at her Weibo.

        Xiaoqiao: Ah, I took another picture at home today, so happy (*^▽^*).

        Of course, beneath the photo there was nothing but people praising her beauty in the comments, comparing her to a fairy that had descended to the earth.

        Many of the comments would also incidentally step on Ruan Tian’s head in their eagerness to praise her sister. One commented: You must look so much better than your sister! Although I’ve never seen her before, her ugly character must be reflected on her face.

        Ruan Tian sneered, and there was the sound of intense clattering from the keyboard for a moment before a new comment appeared: “That photo had been edited to a ridiculous degree. In real life, Zhou Xiaoqiao doesn’t look anything like that.”

        After venting her feelings a bit, Ruan Tian happily fell asleep with her phone in her hands. However, she didn’t realize something important… 

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        Beside the most recent comment on her sister’s photo, there was a large gold V and associated real-name authentication.

(tl note: For ‘gold V’ just think like a blue checkmark on twitter. aka: an account with a verified identity by the platform and probably not the account someone would want to use to flame their relatives with) 


        In actuality, Zhou Xiaoqiao was not as good-looking as Ruan Tian. Her facial features were not as refined as Ruan Tian’s, ​​and her while appearance gave off a ‘pure and untouched-by-the-world’ vibe, her looks were overall inferior to Ruan Tian’s. 

        And it was for this reason that, back during that year when Ruan Tian had been found, Zhou Xiaoqiao had felt a little bit jealous of this newfound little sister who had a face that was five points similar to her own but that was also inexplicably more beautiful than her own.

        On top of that, Ruan Tian’s arrival had meant that, by right, half of the affection she had received until then would have to be given to her sister instead. 

        Of course, Zhou Xiaoqiao hadn’t been willing.

        Fortunately, it seemed that their mother favored her. 

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        Fortunately, Shen Shu and the group of boys also didn’t seem to like this new girl very much.

        Because of these things, Zhou Xiaoqiao had gotten used to thinking that Ruan Tian would just forever be lowly and beneath her. However, recently, she began to feel a sense of threat from Ruan Tian.

        There had been Shen Shu’s questioning, there had been Qin Yu’s warning, and also many of the others had more or less begun to think, ‘Huh, Ruan Tian actually seems to be a good person?’

        With all this happening, Zhou Xiaoqiao couldn’t sit still anymore.

        Whatever Ruan Tian could do, she could also do, and she could do it better!


        The next morning Ruan Tian was awakened by her grumbling belly, so she dragged her body out of bed and made herself a simple breakfast. After she finished the meal, she stretched and yawned.

        Looking outside, the weather seemed to be excellent, so Ruan Tian walked over and pulled open the curtains to let in a little sunshine. 

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        That done, she nestled into her living room sofa and watched a movie to pass the time.

        But just as the movie was reaching its climax, she suddenly received a frantic phone call from Jiang Lili that smashed her peaceful morning: “Ruan Tian! Could it be that you have dozens of alternate Weibo accounts? Why is Zhou Xiaoqiao’s account being blown up by so many people?!”

        Jiang Lili’s phone had been ringing off the hook ever since early this morning.

        Her colleagues from both inside and outside the company were all calling or sending messages to ask: Was there some sort of conflict between Ruan Tian and that white-rich-pretty on Weibo? Why was her artist suddenly attacking some random person out of nowhere? (tl note: the term comes up a lot ‘baifumei/白富美’ and it literally means white-rich-pretty. It’s sort of like a genderflipped ‘tall, dark, and handsome’? Just a generic term for a rich and attractive woman. Anyway it’s a popular slang term online in China)

        When Jiang Lili saw all the notifications on her phone, she began to have a bad feeling.

        After doing a cursory search, she discovered that this matter between Ruan Tian and Zhou Xiaoqiao had already rocketed up the list of trending hot searches.

        Ruan Tian was also dazed by this twist.

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        She took out her phone and checked to see what had happened. After a moment, she realized that she seemed to have forgotten to log into an alternate account the night before.

        “Whatever, everything I said was true. If you want me to delete it, sorry, but no way!”

        Zhou Xiaoqiao might be the heroine beloved by all the men in the book, but Ruan Tian wasn’t a man, so why should she keep holding back with her?

        Jiang Lili also didn’t try to persuade her to delete the post, but she warned: “Well, for now just don’t read Weibo anymore. I’m afraid you won’t be too happy with what you see.”

        Ruan Tian pondered it for a moment and replied, “It’s alright, I have thick skin.”

        But, unexpectedly…

        The tone of the conversation online was a bit different from what Ruan Tian and Jiang Lili had imagined!

        Ruan Tian had thought that countless keyboard warriors would be rushing to her Weibo in order to scream and curse.

        But this time Zhou Xiaoqiao’s halo seemed to have broken.

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