The netizens online had their own thoughts.

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        FanCircleGirl: 【I spent the whole night searching and I think I’ve finally figured out why Ruan Tian suddenly lashed out at this Zhou Xiaoqiao! I think it should be because Ruan Tian is the sister who often appears in this white-rich-pretty’s Weibo…】

        Ruan Tian and Zhou Xiaoqiao were sisters, but not many people outside of their personal circle knew about it.

        And, inevitably, a dramatic confrontation between sisters in the entertainment industry was always something that would pique the interest of the public.

        Thus, the number of people who appeared to watch the show and eat melon seeds from the sidelines was not just a few. 

        “Wow, is this the legendary white-rich-pretty? She’s such a bitch.”

        “Hahahaha, this little sister Qiao must be a fox spirit who has cultivated for a thousand years. Her methods are all so cliche. From her posts, it looks like she’s saying how much she cares about Ruan Tian, but reading the subtext isn’t she actually belittling her?”

        “No wonder Ruan Tian would want to lash out at her. If it was me, I wouldn’t be able to bear living with someone like this who says one thing to my face and another behind my back. I would probably have beaten her to death long ago.”

        “Hahahaha, I’m laughing to death here. Mainly because Ruan Tian is right! How can she be a white-rich-pretty when the ‘pretty’ is so distorted by photo editing?”

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        “Poster above, you’re eyes are so piercing.”

        “I advise all the real white-rich-pretties out there not to read too many dog blood dramas. There’s no need for this sort of nonsense, okay? Uploading a picture of this week’s new bag or new cosmetics is already enough!”

        “Ruan Tian is already practically a cow, so I’m very curious about what her sister looks like in real life. There’s no way she looks decent.”

        Zhou Xiaoqiao, who was being criticized like crazy, felt very upset.

        If she had been more or less pretending to be sick all of those times in the past, this time she really felt ill.

        She had never been scolded like this before in her entire life. Some people were saying that she was very fake, and that she was deliberately dragging Ruan Tian’s name into her posts to trample on her. Some were calling her ugly, and some were calling her pretentious.

        Zhou Xiaoqiao had her facade torn down and then received a merciless scolding from the netizens, and before long it was more than she could bear

        Thus, that morning, Zhou Xiaoqiao deleted everything on her Weibo account in tears.

        But even after doing that, she still felt choked and breathless. When the maid at home found Zhou Xiaoqiao in this state she hurriedly called a car to take her to the hospital.

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        When Ruan Tian found out about this, she was surprised to hear that Zhou Xiaoqiao had literally been scolded so badly she needed to go to the hospital.

        And, according to Ruan Tian’s understanding of Mother Zhou, the woman would definitely blame her for this incident. Further, it was very likely that she would even ask Ruan Tian to apologize to Zhou Xiaoqiao.

        So Ruan Tian decided to move a step ahead of her demanding mother. She went out and bought a bouquet of flowers and then headed to the hospital on her own initiative.

        In the hospital ward, Zhou Xiaoqiao seemed haggard. Her eyes were red and swollen as if she had been crying for a long time, and Mother Zhou was sitting at the side comforting her.

        And the two of them weren’t alone in the ward. There was also Qin An, who had come to visit his goddess, and Shen Shu, who had come on behalf of his mother.

        Ruan Tian saw the scene inside the ward through the glass, sighed internally, then knocked once briefly before pushing the door open and waltzing into the room. 

        Mother Zhou looked at her expressionlessly, “You still know to come here…”

        Zhou Xiaoqiao gently pulled her mother’s arm and said softly, “Mom, don’t blame her…”

        Ruan Tian chuckled.” Of course you can’t blame me, I’m not the one who called you ugly, nor am I the one who called you pretentious.”

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        Zhou Xiaoqiao choked, and her next words got stuck in her throat, unable to go up or down.

        Her face turned red, then white, and then red again. It was wonderful.

        Ruan Tian enjoyed watching this version of Zhou Xiaoqiao who looked like she was almost suffocating.

        After a moment, she casually set the bouquet at the head of the bed, and then she began to speak without restraint, not bothering to filter herself the way she usually would.

        “Just obediently lie down in the hospital and recover. Don’t spend all your time thinking about how to come out and harm people. After all, people who scheme too much often have short lives. For someone like you, whose body is already bad, scheming is like willingly putting one foot in the grave. If you keep it up, maybe before long our dear mother will have to send you off, and how sad that would be.” (tl note: she actually uses the idiom “grey hair sending off black hair”, which is more poetic sounding but which I can’t think of a way to properly fit into the line)

        Ruan Tian decided to fully act out her role as a vicious secondary character this time.

        Her happiness index seemed to double.

        After all, whether Zhou Xiaoqiao was the heroine or not…

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        Whatever people might think about her…

        The most important thing was for her to enjoy herself!

        Shen Shu stood to one side, a deep frown on his face.

        Zhou Xiaoqiao immediately defended herself: “I’ve never thought of scheming against you. I don’t know when you started to misunderstand me this way…”

        Ruan Tian reached up and ruffled her hair before responding with an indifferent smile: “Perhaps back in high school? Back when you secretly tore up my summer homework and nearly caused me to be unable to enroll? Did you think I didn’t know?”

        Zhou Xiaoqiao’s delicate fingers tightly gripped the white bedsheets, but her mouth was unable to refute. 

        At the same time, the way Shen Shu looked at Zhou Xiaoqiao gradually changed.

        Mother Zhou snorted, “Ruan Tian, haven’t you done enough? Will you only be satisfied when you force your sister to death?”

        “Is she dead now?” Ruan Tian replied in a frosty tone.

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