Ruan Tian was actually feeling a bit relieved after unilaterally severing her ties with the Zhou family.

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        A bit later Director Liu called to inform her that she would need to come and record ‘Role Play: Escape From The Secret Chamber’ next Wednesday.

        Supposedly this was actually Fruit Station’s key project for this year. It was rumored that there was an S-level investment behind the project, and that Fruit Station was pouring in everything it could to make the show the next big hit. 

        On Saturday, the program group announced all of the guests who would be on the show.

        They hyped up that both Xu Jing and Qin An were on the list, and that the show was being created by the same team behind ‘Star Transformations’.

        Having several topical figures all suddenly announcing that they would be working on the same project together raised excitement to a boiling point. 

        “Could this be the fabled fields of death? It will be the ultimate showdown between the TianXJing CP and the QinXTian CP.”

        “Rename this show! The title should be: ‘Ruan Tian And Her Men’!”

        “It’s the same director from ‘Star Transformations’? It’s already over. This show will be a miserable slog.”

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        “The director has a bad hobby of torturing his guest stars, I can only wish them good luck.”

        “What a high IQ move. Whichever person who is working on the show that decided to invite Ruan Tian is really smart.”

        The CP fans were all clamoring again.

        The TianTian Group could only close one eye to this and, so long as the CP fans didn’t do anything too over the line, they decided to endure it for the time being.

        Like that, a hit movie featuring Ruan Tian had just been released and now there was a hot variety show that also had her on the way.

        In a short period of time, Ruan Tian had become a hot new star.

        Meanwhile, Liu Yilee, who had previously auditioned for the same role with Ruan Tian, was so angry her teeth itched. She felt that if Ruan Tian hadn’t “robbed” her of that role, then she would have already have stepped into the circle of movie stars by now and would no longer just be a small star with a bit of fame. 

        Of course, after the warning from Qin Pictures last time Liu Yilee didn’t dare to arbitrarily make any moves. However, during the recent period, that person hadn’t made any more moves.

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        Because of that, she also gradually relaxed.

        And envy could really blind a person’s eyes.

        Why did she have to sacrifice so much, but wasn’t able to get the same resources?

        Why did she have to spend nearly ten years in the industry clawing her way up to get to where she was today, but Ruan Tian only took three years and surpassed her? !

        Liu Yilee was determined to pull Ruan Tian down.

        Thus, after spending a lot of time and energy, she found Ruan Tian’s weakness.

        So then, only four hours after the official announcement of ‘Role Play: Escape From The Secret Chamber’ went live, a picture of Ruan Tian’s notice of expulsion from her film academy suddenly exploded online. 


        【…Ruan Tian, a member of our school’s class of 2017, was absent for 22 of her course hours without reason, and also missed the final exam without reason. This behavior is a serious violation of school rules and regulations, thus, Ruan Tian is hereby expelled… 】

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        The document was written in plain black and white with the official seal of a certain prominent school emblazoned across the bottom. 

        It didn’t look fake at all.

        Ruan Tian could only feel that this person who had dug out this nearly three-year-old incident to attack her was quite unscrupulous. 

        This was precisely the feeling of having salt rubbed in the wound, ah! 

        Ruan Tian felt that the pain she was feeling in her heart after seeing this was probably roughly equivalent to the pain those heroines in dog blood dramas felt after their kidneys were dug out. 

        Seeing all of the clamor online, Ruan Tian couldn’t help but reflect on the story of why she had been expelled back then. After pondering for a while, she confirmed once more that she had truly been a crazy woman who had been driven mad by love. 

        As she considered the situation, she incidentally took a few moments to drop a few choice words for the author that had written this dog blood novel: **** your mother!

        The novel the author had penned was truly a masterpiece that brought together all the familiar elements of dog blood dramas and played them completely straight.

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        These elements didn’t only include the standard fare such as a character being used as a stand-in for another character’s white moonlight or a tumultuous one night stand that snowballs out of control, but also other factors such as amnesia, car accidents, and abuse.

        Back then Ruan Tian had been admitted to Capital Film Academy with the highest marks of any person in the country that year. Then she naturally went on to be the top scorer in the final exam of the first semester of the freshman year.

        Her teachers and classmates all liked her, and without the haze of high school hanging over her, she was enjoying her school life and getting along well with her classmates.

        But the good times didn’t last. Back then, Ruan Tian still hadn’t gotten smashed in the head, so she still didn’t know that she was only a vicious supporting character whose destiny as a cannon fodder had already been written out. 

        She had still been lost in a haze of love. 

        At that time, Shen Shu had gone to a foreign country for his university exams, and in the end, he was admitted to a foreign university before he even graduated from high school.

        However, not long after he enrolled he had gotten into a car accident while on the road and ended up hospitalized.

        Ruan Tian had been anxious to the point she was almost dying.

        Of course, looking back on it now, she only felt that people all over the world who had nothing but love in their brains should probably be decapitated for their own good.

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