But what had happened in reality was: She had rushed to that foreign hospital and found Shen Shu lying in the ICU and only breathing with the assistance of a ventilator. The doctor told her that he had fallen into a coma, and whether or not he could wake up again wasn’t certain.

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        Of course, the lovestruck Ruan Tian had no shame, and without anyone asking her to do so she had worked tirelessly as Shen Shu’s nurse, purely out of love.

        After she took care of Shen Shu for a month he was transferred from the ICU to the general ward. By then, he would occasionally briefly open his eyes before fainting again within a few seconds.

        Ruan Tian looked after him for two months without any complaints. When the weather was good, she would open the curtains in the ward so that Shen Shu could get some sunlight and then she would sit beside his bed and read books to him aloud. 

        Her teacher back at school called her many times and, after Ruan Tian explained what was going on, her teacher expressed her understanding, but also told Ruan Tian that she wouldn’t be able to break the rules just for Ruan Tian. 

        In the end, when Ruan Tian was even absent from her final exams, she was finally sent a notice of expulsion.

        Ruan Tian took care of Shen Shu for over three months, but he never woke up.

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        However, as soon as Zhou Xiaoqiao came over, Shen Shu immediately opened his eyes.

        This was the excessive power of the heroine’s shining golden halo at work. 

        In hindsight, Ruan Tian felt that somehow she had ended up doing all the work the heroine should have been doing, while Zhou Xiaoqiao only needed to show up at the end to collect the benefits!

        Of course, after Shen Shu regained consciousness Ruan Tian had subtly hinted to him many times about what had really happened. For example, she would say something like: ‘Wow, the weather is really nice today, just like it was during those months when I was taking care of you.’

        Or: ‘Wow, isn’t the world out there just like the world in that book I was reading to you before.’

        But Shen Shu just treated her as a clown dancing around and didn’t believe her at all. 

        From his cold eyes, Ruan Tian could see that she had been judged guilty in his heart of pretending and trying to deceive him.

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        Of course, she had been very upset because of this. It was one thing if he didn’t want to give her the credit she deserved, but it was another thing for him to silently accuse her of lying!

        Thus, Ruan Tian had righteously spoken out.

        However, Shen Shu just thought that she was acting crazy and lying.

        And now, as Ruan Tian looked at the plain expulsion notice that had been exposed online, she suddenly felt an urge to print this notice out and smack Shen Shu’s face with it! 

        To yell at him: ‘Open your dog eyes wide and see if I, your grandmother, was lying!’

        But she resisted that urge.

        Instead, she cleared her mind and focused on becoming one with the breeze, free and comfortable.

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        Of course, the netizens were not so easy-going:

        “She missed 22 class hours? It seems Ruan Tian didn’t focus on studying at all, right?”

        “Children, don’t follow her example, okay? And to you stars in show business, please only come out to perform after finishing college, thank you.”

        “Just looking at her usual behavior anyone would be able to guess that she wasn’t a good student.”

        “Her fans now have a new point to brag about: Their star is the first person in the entertainment industry that was expelled from school hahahaha.”

        “So, does this mean Ruan Tian only has a high school diploma? hahaha.”

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        “What a crazy twist. It seems that the Capital Film Academy doesn’t want to admit that they ever took in a student like her. Probably the admissions office regrets ever letting her in and wasting a spot.”

        Ruan Tian: Just more salt on the wound!

        When Jiang Lili saw this news breaking online, she was even angrier than Ruan Tian, and her heart felt suffocated. 

        After all, in all the time she had known Ruan Tian she had always given Jiang Lili the impression that she was a very tough person who would never shed tears.

        And in all that time, Jiang Lili had only seen Ruan Tian cry twice, and one of those times was the day she had been expelled from school. On that day Ruan Tian had come to find her and cried heartbrokenly. 

        Jiang Lili immediately suspected that this matter was done by that cheap woman Zhou Xiaoqiao, who had a long history of scheming against Ruan Tian, so she instantly began drawing up plans to go find her and settle the account.

        This dead white lotus had shamelessly taken credit for Ruan Tian’s actions back then, and even now she was still up to the same old tricks?

        Thus, after learning that Zhou Xiaoqiao was about to be discharged from the hospital, Jiang Lili dragged Ruan Tian along to head her off and stop her from escaping.

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