Zhou Xiaoqiao’s complexion was a little better than it had been the last time Ruan Tian saw her. After resting for a few days, her face looked a little more ruddy and healthy. However, when she saw Jiang Lili and Ruan Tian outside the hospital, her face went blank with shock.

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        She moved her lips to say something, but before she could speak Jiang Lili rushed over, grabbed her hair, and slapped her face! She yelled, “Zhou Xiaoqiao! **** your mother!” 

        Ruan Tian was shocked. Her friend was so good at cursing! She would have to borrow those words next time…

        Ruan Tian stood at the side and felt slightly dumbfounded.

        Her heart was feeling conflicted but in the end…

        Whatever, just enjoy it!

        666! (tl note: like “awesome” in chinese netslang)

        She suddenly felt that, when compared with Jiang Lili, she really was a waste.

        Zhou Xiaoqiao also seemed to be stunned by the slap. She covered her left cheek and stared at them in disbelief, “You hit me?”

        Jiang Lili didn’t respond, instead, she just yanked hard on her hair. 

        Zhou Xiaoqiao’s face immediately turned a little distorted, and for a moment she couldn’t maintain her usual hypocritical mask. Her expression, which was originally delicate and pitiful, warped and became angry and spiteful. Anyway, there was no one else in the ward, so she didn’t need to worry about being seen. She hissed: “Why are you hitting me? Who the hell are you to hit me?” 

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        Ruan Tian finally snapped out of her daze. She seemed to recognize this cue! Immediately she retorted, “If I want to hit you, I’ll hit you, do I have to call ahead and let you pick the day?”

        This was one of the lines she had learned after studying vicious side characters online and taking notes. 

        It seemed that she hadn’t taken those notes in vain!

        Zhou Xiaoqiao’s face scrunched up, and her eyes went teary from the pain. 

        This Jiang Lili was so barbaric!

        “You let go of me! If you don’t let go, I’ll call the police.”

        Jiang Lili looked at the glaring red mark on the side of Zhou Xiaoqiao’s face and felt that some of her anger had been vented. She took a deep breath and then slowly released her hand.

        Zhou Xiaoqiao didn’t bother to hide the ice in her eyes as she spat, “TianTian, you’re bullying me like this, aren’t you afraid that Shen Shu and them will find out?”

        Ruan Tian: “I’m not afraid.”

        “You’ve schemed against me so many times, so slapping you back once isn’t too much, right?”

        “Back then I watched over Shen Shu day and night when he was seriously injured in the hospital. It’s fine if you wanted to come in and take credit for that, but why must you also release my expulsion notice online?”

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        She didn’t know if Zhou Xiaoqiao had actually been the one to release those documents, but when things had broken out she had definitely been there to fan the flames. 

        Zhou Xiaoqiao looked around to make sure there was no one else there, and then suddenly broke out in a sinister smile, “Sister, this is all the result of your own stupidity, how can you blame me? Back then, I didn’t say anything at all, Brother Shen Shu just woke up on his own and saw that there was only me. Because of that, he believed that I was the one who had been taking care of him, but it had nothing to do with me, so what use is it for you to blame me?”

        Ruan Tian gritted her teeth.

        Zhou Xiaoqiao, this bitch!

        Ruan Tian felt that giving her one slap was really letting her off lightly.


        She didn’t plan to do anything more.

        On the side, Jiang Lili still seemed like she wanted to rush up, so Ruan Tian pulled her back and dragged her out of the ward. As she tugged on her friend, she whispered: “One more and she’s definitely going to sue you.”

        Jiang Lili snorted, barely satisfied, “Whatever, my eighteen dragon palm should be enough for her to suffer for a while.”

        Ruan Tian smiled faintly. It was a slightly sinister smile.

        She had been eating a lot of losses over the years, and she had a long memory.

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        Thus, she had managed to learn a few tricks. Triumphantly, she took her phone out of her pocket, and the WeChat interface showed that she was currently connected to Shen Shu’s chat box.

        Ruan Tian tapped her thumb, and the recording of the conversation between her and Zhou Xiaoqiao just now was directly sent to Shen Shu’s WeChat.

        She raised her eyebrows and put on an arrogant expression.

        Ruan Tian: 【Listen with your dog ears, did I fucking lie back then! ! ! 】

        After sending the message, she happily once again put Shen Shu on the block list.

        That done, Ruan Tian raised her head and said: “It seems that I can also change.”

        Jiang Lili: “???”

        Ruan Tian continued: “I’ve learned to scheme against people too.”


        Ruan Tian didn’t issue any response to this incident regarding her expulsion. 

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        In truth, she didn’t know how to respond. It was true after all, so it wasn’t like she could jump out and refute it.

        The clamor from the ridiculing netizens grew louder, and the battlefield soon spread to her Weibo.

        Ruan Tian still had no plans to defend herself but, fortunately, she had built a pretty good relationship with her classmates back then, so some of them came out to speak for her. 

        @HistoricalActingStudent: I was fortunate to be classmates with Ruan Tian for one semester. During that period, she and I completed our remedial foundational homework together, and she always struck me as a student with an excellent attitude for learning. Although I don’t know her specific circumstances, based on what I know about her, I feel that there must be a reason behind the absences that led to her expulsion.

        @SanSanIsAModel: She and I were in the same class back then and she lived in the dorm room next door to mine. She had very good grades upon admission, either first or second in the whole year as I recall. In the end, she was expelled because someone in her family was sick and she had to leave to take care of them.

        @DubbingActorZhaoZhao: Ruan Tian was always first in our class, okay! Our teachers liked her, she was very kind, and she always made everyone laugh. Back then she was responsible for the final assignments of our group. I don’t understand why people are smearing her like this.

        And like that, the matter gradually improved.

        At the same time, the picture of Ruan Tian’s expulsion notice silently began to disappear until it seemed to have been deleted from every outlet and removed from every blog.

        Overnight, dozens of marketing accounts were silenced, with only a few small clarification notices left behind.

        It was a vigorous and overbearing method of handling the issue.

        However, it wasn’t really the style of the Qin Pictures PR department.

        Rather, it was more like Huanshi Entertainment’s approach…

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